This is a strong strain, I had a rough grow all together for yields but quality was top notch. These 2 are my go to smoke right now, any time of day, it's a different kind of buzz than most the others it feels like a perfect split between indica and sativa. Growing it was pretty easy, I was nervous about the second ones strange bud structure but it turned out great. The buds absolutely reeked of a sweet grapefruit at the end of flower and after the cure it's very citrusy and you can smell it across the room when you pop the jar open. The smoke is so smooth and the ash is pure white. The high last a couple hours hitting hard at first then fades slowly. For me it's a creative euphoric buzz that relaxes but wont hold you back. I been smokin this all day and love it. The quality of the buds is 9/10 with a very unique terp profile. I reccomend and it's in my top 10 of the line up