Been flowering nicely. Still suffering from minor nute burn but growing strong and been just doing a feed once a week and just ph water other days. Thanks again for likes and follows and happy growing
Looking great, I love the build, keep it up💕🌱👍
-1 thing I see, leaves on the soil are going to lead to problems quickly. Maybe lift your pins up a bit, and or use straight wire underneath the leaves that are almost touching the soil, and keep them off the soil. -When watering / nutes its a royal pain when its that low not to drench all the leaves.
I'm only saying this because I grow all my plants just like yours and those are the 2 problems I ran into.
Just trying to help my friend.
Have a super weekend ☮️❤️🍻
@@Canamatoes, awesome, usually in a day or two the wire starts to pull out of soil. I just reset them and will try to leave more room, or cut those leaves off. Thanks for advice. Glad to see someone else using same method.
I do it because of height restrictions. Happy growing
Nice result buddy, out of interest why do you prefer to grow autos rather than photoperiod varieties? I have only grown the very first autos that were released many many years ago and seen how much they have improved since.
@Roberts, thanks pal. Just trying to get a little understanding of them before I give them a go. I would like to have a few in my veg chamber just to get something in a little before my photoperiod varieties. Last question are these hemi prone any more than normal fem seeds, less so or about the same?
@Esoteric_growing, autos are faster if you have no growing issues. Plus depending on how you like your trichromes and effect. I think the harvest times they give are too short. My strawberry gum was really close on estimate time. I started flushing when they were saying to harvest. Only true way is to look at trichromes. Hope this helps
Looking good buddy, might I suggest one small thing, when you LST like you are doing try not to push the wire into the soil as you are damaging the roots which could also cause stress, they should be tied to the pots where possible.
@Roberts, theses are what I use they just clip on the fabric pots and then attach your wires to the loops.
Happy growing.
@Junglejames, thanks will look into how I can modify this and apply it with my current system. Appreciate the advice. If anything can use less spikes but gotta rig something up. Thanks again happy growing.
@The_Bearded_Grower, well through my levels being to high . I switched to the blue planet nutrients. Where I could measure out better and provide closer to appropriate amounts. Should be good to go now.