Week 3 10/26/20-11/1/20:
Day 15 10/26:
Played music. 60.6-78.8 43%-64%
Day 16 10/27:
1/8 gallon water with 1/2 tsp Liquid Kelp and Squid and 3 drops Fish Sh!t Fertilizers=158 ppm 5.4 ph 65.7 f. Then topped above third node. 66.6-77.0 43%-65%
Day 17 10/28:
Played music. 63.5-77.7 35%-46%
Day 18 10/29:
Played music. 1/8 gal with 4 drops Fish Sh!t 1/2 tsp Liquid Kelp and Squid=156 ppm 5.2 ph 65.3 f. 62.2-75.4 37%-68%
Day 19 10/30:
Played music. 65-77 34%-65%
Day 20 10/31:
Played music. 64.9-81.5 35%-68%
Day 21 11/1:
Played music. 60.6-86.7 31%-89%
Weekly Notes:
All good. She is growing very well.
Hey you are spot on. 70 is a good temp and nice and dark. I try and keep them in the water for about 16/18 hours and then a paper towel until the tap root is about 1/2inch.
Happy growing
@livetogrowgrowtolive, thank you so much. Day by day they swell a little bit more. Still needs a little more time but soon be ready. Thanks for checking out my grows. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!
@the_amish_airman, Thank you very much for stopping by and checking out my grows. I hope for strong happy and healthy grows as well. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!
@TonyTrichomes, Yeah I am much happier with the second batch compared to the first. I have 1 in my bloom tent at the moment that is killing it now that I have a better idea how she grows. Always good seeing you Tony! Keep up them frosty buds. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@iHateSativa,Thanks so much for checking out my grows. Very much enjoying this batch much more than my first. Always learning everyday. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@Harukisan,Thank you so much for checking out my grows. Can't wait to sample this batch after the dry and cure. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@Edelkraut, I am very happy with main-lining photo-period plants. Makes a lot of things much easier. Thank you so much for checking out my grows. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@@Tryhard,Thank you so much for checking out my grows. Always learning something new. Keep up the amazing progress. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!