
The Cinderella 99 Story Organic Grow

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 12
weeks 6-8
weeks 7, 12
weeks 5-13
weeks 5-6, 9, 12
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Germination Method
Cinderella XX
Avg. success
Brothers Grimm Seeds - 87%
Cinderella XX - 100%
Commented by
KaliJay_420 KaliJay_420
4 years ago
Intro: This is going to be a comparison dairy between Organic and Salt Based Nutrients using the same genetics. This diary is the Organic grow of the strain above. I will be also growing an identical grow in another diary using GH FloraNova nute line. Medium, environment, genetics, training and lighting will all be the same except for the nutrients used. Please check out the other dairy and see how this is keeping up with the salt based nutes. This will be an Organic grow of Brothers Grimm Feminized Cinderella 99 aka Cinderella XX. After germination seedlings will eventually be transplanted to a fabric pot. All amendments are OMRI certified and Non-GMO Organics. Seedling Starter medium: + 3 parts Canadian Peat Moss + 1 part Dr Earths Compost + 1 part Perlite + Pre-Amended with 1 Tbsp of each Dr Earths All-Purpose, Starter, and Tomato and Vegetable Organic fertilizers. Per gallon of medium. + Other Amendments used was 2 tbsp of each Dolomites Lime, Oyster shells from Down to Earth and Insect Frass 2-2-2. 1 Tbsp of Azomite from Down to earth. Per gallon of medium. + Medium will be inoculated with Recharge, Orca, and Dr Earths Metabolic Transformer using 1/2 tsp per 1 liter of water to kick start microbial life in the medium. —Day 1 (10/11/2020): Germination of seeds will be first kick started by soaking seeds in a shot glass of RO water for 2 hrs. I will then sow each seed 1/4-3/8” deep in a small 8oz planter pots full of the Starter medium mentioned above. I will then water each pot with the Inoculation solution mentioned above til medium is moist and not saturated. Seeds will be placed in a closed germination tray on top of a heating pad set to 80F. I will update accordingly for each intervention to keep everyone posted. Please leave me any tips and suggestions as the grow progresses! Thanks and grow hard and prosper! — Day 5 (10/15/2020): So far so good! It seems all the seeds have broke through the surface of the medium. So far I have removed the heating mat and lowered the Fluorescent to 6” from8”, I have also went to 18/6 from 24 light schedule. I cracked open the dome at least 2x a day to let fresh air. The dome vents will be kept 1/2 open until all seedlings have their full set of true leaves, then I will ween them of the dome. I have not added any additional water since day 1 since the medium is still moist. — Day 7 (10/17/2020): Growth is steady and they are now about 2” tall. The true leaves are starting to develop and are lime green in color. I have not added any water to the medium as of day 1. I will now open vents to full open on dome. I will eventually remove the dome in a couple days to introduce them to their new growing environment in the 4x2 grow tent where they will start their new adventure.
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Grow Questions
KaliJay_420started grow question 4 years ago
Hello Growers! I’m just curious of what causes this curling or waving of the leaves. I do notice it only happens during the first set of true leaves and they grow out of it. Is it due to my environment or medium? 50%RH 72F and 350umol PAR. It doesn’t appear to affect growth.
Leaves. Twisted
the_canna_scientistanswered grow question 4 years ago
I've think I've pinned this down to humidity, usually goes away when I put the bell back on it. Also, I run my seedlings at 250 umol, might be too many photons based on your DLI ( hours of exposure in relation to u/mol).

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Ferenccommentedweek 54 years ago
Happy Growing! @@KaliJay_420
DEVS_GENETICScommentedweek 193 years ago
That’s a frosty bitch.
The_Bearded_Growercommentedweek 184 years ago
looking good 💪
deFharocommentedweek 184 years ago
Fantastic grow. Ahead!!✊
MrJonescommentedweek 154 years ago
💯👍Good Luck looking Forward to Following Along With You!👍💯
Smokwiricommentedweek 144 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
MrJonescommentedweek 134 years ago
👍Look at your Plants GO! They Are looking Great!👍 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diaries👏🙌🙌
Smokwiricommentedweek 134 years ago
plant looks great mate, i forsee many good smokes in the near future, happy new year bud💪
MrJonescommentedweek 124 years ago
Moving along nicely My Friend! Great Progress with your Garden! 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diaries👏🙌🙌
MrJonescommentedweek 114 years ago
👍Rock On! What Can You Say Your Grow Looks Great!👍
MrJonescommentedweek 104 years ago
💯👍Good Luck looking Forward to Following Along With You!👍💯 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Diaries👏🙌🙌
heizencommentedweek 104 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
InstantT33commentedweek 74 years ago
Looking good! I’m interested in seeing how they turn out! Good luck!