This week has been a treat. She's stretching nicely and manageably while working on her first budding sites on the tops. Not all of my tops stretched, a few stalled out and grew slowly but I'm still expecting good things from those. At the end of the week I was also greeted with my first smells of flowering! It's very faint but a distinct smell non the less. I've finished giving pre-flower regimen and will be swapping to my flowering regimen so I'll be swapping out Open Sesame for Beastie Blooms and pulling my Grow Big back to 1Tsp. Everything is looking green and healthy which makes me happy. I'm still defoliating as I go, I took a little extra off at the end of the week because the lower larger leaves were making it difficult to water. I'm still planning on doing a full defoliation at 21 days next week then I'll likely leave the leaves alone unless they become troublesome for tops.
Should I remove the dead part of the leaves? Specifically remove the brown parts of the leaves and leave the green part to save them for trim? If so how could I go about removing them without getting brown crumbles everywhere?