Boy this week was stressful but successful. Everything started off great, I removed grow big from her diet although I should of done this about a week ago because of how early she finishes. Halfway through the week I began to have rust spots develop, I believed it to be a deficiency in either P or K so I gave her an additional feed bumping my Cha Ching by .5tsp. The problem increased drastically over 24 hours. After this I then shifted to nutrient lockout, likely brought on by not giving enough plain water feedings, I gave her a thorough flush. The rust spots seem to of stopped spreading although the leaves already affected aren't going to get better. So crisis averted however yield, potency, and aroma are likely going to be effected because of this. The smell in the tent has already been effected, can't smell get anymore until I put a bud right under my nose. Im not sure if this is because the leaves being effected are creating a competing smell or if I've destroyed terpenes with ther lockout. I'll be feeding her water with light cal mag from now until next week then pure water until finish. 3 weeks can't come soon enough.
Should I remove the dead part of the leaves? Specifically remove the brown parts of the leaves and leave the green part to save them for trim? If so how could I go about removing them without getting brown crumbles everywhere?