Well this week definitely had a lot of surprises. On day 50 you can see the leaves are a bit droopy even after being watered the day before. Been dealing with low humidity and low temps so I closed off my tent and recirculated the air to try and help. She perked back up ther next day, but the humidity ended up going through the roof so I tried a few things to help with that but I still had moisture building on the wall. I ended up changing my space heater and opening my system back up. Moisture has gone down and she's drinking at her normal rate again. Temp seems to be better but I'm still monitoring. Did the big defoliation to open the canopy up and have removed small branches and buds I don't want growing. Changed the pre flower feed to regular flower feed for this week and next week. Everything's in full swing so nothing really to do but ride each week out until she's finished!
Should I remove the dead part of the leaves? Specifically remove the brown parts of the leaves and leave the green part to save them for trim? If so how could I go about removing them without getting brown crumbles everywhere?