Looks good, feels strong and healthy and has a nice aroma already! this is something tht i didn't get in on previous grows I think the lock out made them feel very woody on the stalks and emit no smell where as this time round its smelling before its even got bud sites and the stalks feel strong but healthy/alive!
Does have some weird marks and leaves - not sure if too much light or something else? As one of the leaves is under other leaves so isnt really getting hit by the light as much which is weird - check out the pics
A while back I tossed a plant with theses marks...
Someone seen my picture and decided to let me in on the mystery of TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus)
Or HSV(hemp stripe virus)
Good luck reading about it, if you care that is...
All I can say is, the symptoms are weirdly similar, however there is no proof this effects cannabis.
I lost my mind for a week trying to decide whether to kill the plant or not...
Mine was a lot worse than yours the plant looked more like a cabbage than a weed plant XD
@PharmaZ, After looking around at other grows and doing research I think it's just down to genetics and fast growth as it can create stretch marks/incomplete cells
@PharmaZ, Hmmm definitely onto something here, I did read into TMV a while back due to someone posting a small plant which had half yellow and half green leaves and everyone was writing it's a genetic issue but I thought it looked like something more and found out about TMV but didn't think for a second this was it due to it not being so cleanly cut like the original picture I saw with the plants almost like like two-face but just had a quick browse now and I hope it's not but it's looking like it might be.
@MangoDudu after more research it seems to be down to genetics + fast growth without enough Co2 (stretch marks or uncomplete cells) happens a lot apparently