♥️ November 2/2020 ♥️ 👽👻
♥️ Good week, doubled in size, no complaints really.
- I was unable to get the soil I ordered, the store cancelled due to weather and the joys of living remote.
- This is ok, I'm still going to be headed in good directions.
♥️ Before the lights turn off around 16 hour mark, I noticed the leaves a bit droopy but that can be normal.
- I raised the light a few days ago, as well as turned the dim knob up a teeny bit.
♥️ I noticed the roots peaking out the bottom of the 4 inch nursery pots! Wahoo! This is awesome to see.
-This year I adopted a lot of tropical plants so i'm learning a ton about plants in general so I'm tryin to apply my new found knowledge to this project.
♥️ Fed right after taking these photos,1 liter, but only drank half a liter of water, 1.8ml micro grow bloom, and a tsp of molasses,
♥️ Not really much else to report back, they are so tiny but I'm hoping they will continue to thrive and grow big for me! I will probably top them with the next node! So in a few days.
- Thanks for stopping on by, Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Happy Growing! 🙏
@xbabybitchx, I get the same thing with some of the girls. About 3 hours before lights off, a couple do droop, but it's been a non issue. Always back up in the morning. I'm not exactly sure why these nastic movements occur and have read into it... Its natural unless accompanied by other symptoms or problems. If you feel you over watered, gently punching 1-2 inch deep holes (small screwdriver/pen etc ..) and gently till the top soil w/ increased circulation, the water will disperse much quicker and things will be dandy👍👍. That being said, I do see it as natural when they dip out at night and I only care if they're droopy throughout the day. Then I probably have a pH issue or nute issues. So no worries if they're up in the day and droop at night before lights out. When flower hits and we cut that additional 6 hours and go to 12/12, you won't be seeing that droop anymore, or at least shouldn't be. Looking good BB. Keep it up and good things are a coming 😀
@xbabybitchx, ohh ya, it's definitely a non issue, just an observation. I just fed mine a higher volume and they dropped too. Back up in a couple hours, gaurenteed ☺️. Kicking ass BB. Keep on er'!