The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Purple Lemonade Autoflower by FastBuds

4 years ago
4 years ago
Germination... I like to float them in a glass of water and place the glass on top of my grow light. Warms nicely.. Float for 24-48 hours, depending on when I find them cracked open, they usually have a bit of a tail, but I caught this one RIGHT as she cracked open.. Once I find them cracked open, I place them straight into warm, moist medium. So far 100% germination rate with that method.. Thanks ILGM, for the great germination technique! Works like a fucking charm! Not a fan of the paper towel method.. I wasted about 8 seeds when I first start growing.. 1st plant went great in paper towel.. But for some reason, about 8 in a row never sprouted, or if they did, they would grow a tail and just stop.. And never do anything more than sprout the tail.. So this method is PERFECTO for me! 100% germination rate!.. Anyways.. 24 hours of floating in a cup and I found her cracked open.. I sprayed the super dried medium with 1L of tap water (not pH'd).. Even had runoff.. But let the pot sit in the runoff to absorb it back up.. This will bring the humidity up like crazy! I placed the seed about 1/2 inch into the coco/perlite.. Sprayed again pretty good and placed a clear cup over where the seed is.. As you can see in the pic.. For sure will have a new baby girl in about 2-3 days! Yay!!! So glad I kept this tent.. The Mars Hydro TS1000 is perfect for the tent.. Pretty even footprint.. Just wish the tent was more like a 2'×2'×5'.. Or even 2'×2'×4.5'.. Have to bring the light up pretty high but I think it's helping to keep temps down a bit.. The exhaust fan is doing a great job of pulling the air out, and i have a fan RIGHT ON TOP of the light.. Literally an inch or 2 away which is also helping the temps stay down.. I'm gonna be soooo happy when she sprouts! I may even cry.. She better turn purple! My last purple/red strain (Bloody Skunk by Sweet Seeds) didn't turn purple till the very end.. The stems were super red tho.. But my luck can't be that bad that 2 red/purple strains didn't turn purple.. We shall see.. I'll still be happy asf! Lol.. Maybe even try to get some feminized polle from this girl.. Maybe cut a clone and Collidial Silver that bitch lol.. Again.. We shall seeeee!!!... 24 hours into medium... Welp.. Im a dumbass and decided to dig her up to check on her.. She's doing good.. About a cm long tail so far. She will be pokin out Monday for sure.. If not late Sunday.. The coco I'm using was very very dry.. Its being a bitch to water.. The water literally just seaps through all the way to the runoff.. But 1 inch into the medium and its bone dry still.. I've been spraying it multiple times a day and even filled the saucer so she can absorb it up.. It took a couple hours but she did absorb it up pretty well.. The top is still being a bitch tho lol.. But the area where the seed is, is nice and moist for her. Just gonna keep spraying that shit till it can finally take it all in.. Never had this problem before lol Day before sprout.. I moved some medium around and found the top of the plant.. Shes working on getting her helmet off now and should be out and about tomorrow!!! Yay! Night before sprout.. She pretty much already sprouted and is facing stright up.. Stem is a little funky.. Just needs an hour or 2 in the AM and will straighten out if not straighten out tonight... it is midnight.. So Monday is day 1 of her life!.. Damn that was right on time! Will be updating tomorrow! Another star is born! Oh yeah.. Gonna go ahead and throw this in there.. So I labeled my seeds collection a little wrong.. Its another seed from fastbuds.. But I bought 2 packs.. One of Purple Lemonade and one of Blackberry Kush.. BUT!!!... I think I chose the right one.. I tried to do the math cuz one has 5 seeds and the other has 4.. But I know you get a freebie when you buy a 3 pack.. And i know I bought a 3 pack of the Purple Lemonade.. And I think I just bought a 5 pack of the Blackberry Kush.. Then again.. I could have that backwards.. But I need to get into my collection and reevaluate my life and figure that shit out lol
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
400 PPM
50 %
22 °C
11 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.3 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
Beginning of FIRST week... I noticed she sprouted late last night.. Here she is today (see pics)! She's a bit crooked but that will straighten out.. She's so tiny!!! Next day.. Man this coco is being an asshole.. It refuses to soak any water.. I've ran multiple gallons thru this shit and it's still dry asf at 2 inches from the top. I've also let the pot sit in the saucer to soak up 1L of pH'd water twice.. Currently sitting in the second now. I havent tried to disturb the new seedling's roots, but I'm almost positive that it should be good and wet in the middle.. She looks so super happy and healthy.. Leaves are nice and dark.. Can almost see a tint of purple on her 5mm long leaves lol.. And I know alot of seedlings do this, but even her stem is super dark purple.. But I'm guessing since the coco in the middle (where she is) made it all the way to the bottom and when the 1 or 2 inches on top that are wet is filled, it just flows to the bottom of the pot thru the center.. That's my take on it.. Even my 3-way meter (light, moisture and pH) shows that it is nice and moist on the very bottom of the pot.. But around the outside of the plant, it's still showing bone dry.. Maybe this is another good reason you should just buffer the shit before using.. Guh! Lol.. I'm sure over time it will get to where it needs to be.. But damn, I have never had this problem before.. It's just a little annoying.. And confusing.. Even bricks of dried coco aren't this difficult to deal with.. Whatever.. She's happy so that's what matters.. Just gotta keep her happy and her genetics will do the rest!!! Later that night... I went ahead and slowly flushed some more pH'd water thru her.. And the last bit, I used .5mL/L of CALiMAGic and .25mL/L (5 drops) of Floralicious Plus in 1 Liter of 6.3 pH'd tap water. That was about 300 PPM and the runoff came out about 400 PPM but the pH came out 6.7 or some high number like that.. But I think its cuz the first couple days I was just using tap water without pH'n it which is usually about 7.0 - 7.4.. Depending on the day, I guess.. But she's still a tiny seedling.. The pH isn't gonna matter till after week 1.. I really just wanted to get some CalMag and Sea Kelp in there for her for when she will need it. Oh and I'm also leaving her sitting in her runoff for now.. Since the medium wants to be a dick lol.. Ill empty it out if its not all absorbed up in the morning since its going so slow.. It is going.. Just slow Next day.. I went ahead and turned the light down a bit.. It was reading about 25000 LUX which is about 600 PAR, I believe. Turned it down to about 16500 LUX which should be around 350 PAR. She's grown just a tad.. Like literally a mm maybe.. But tomorrow I update with pics.. Then I can compare better, maybe lol. Later that night.. Ok now I'm reading as a seedling, she should only need 5000 - 8000 LUX.. That seems a bit low and even the light seems pretty dim.. I went ahead and adjusted her to get 16000 LUX.. According to the equation to get PAR (LUX × .025 = PAR) *roughly close*, she's getting about 400 PAR now.. Maybe keep it here for the rest of the week.. See if shes stretching at all.. I'm using a pretty small tent and don't have much height to bring the light up any high from where it's already at.. So, I do not need ANY unnecessary stretching whatsoever.. Taking a quick look at the leaves and they seem like there may be a little yellowing.. They were so dark green 2 days ago.. Not much yellowing but I do see it.. Hopefully this week didnt get wasted by stress... Ugh.. That would be my luck lol... Mid week.. Medium is FINALLY starting to show signs of being able to hold moisture lol bout damn time. Seedling kinda seems a bit burnt on the leaves from the light. I could be wrong. Just weird yellowing, and it has been fed a tiny bit of CALiMAGic and Floralicious Plus this week. Maybe start with the FloraMicro soon. Got the lights dimmed down to where they should be.. A little over but that should be good still compared to how muchI've blasted seedlings in the past, without knowing it till now lol. Seems to be pretty happy for the most part, leaves are growing.. By the end of this week, the first set of true leaves should be quite bigger... We shall see if she was stressed or not!... Can't wait to see what she produces!!! She is doing fine so far.. Later that night.. Ok yeah, got a LUX meter in from Amazon.. Not even 24 hours later lol.. And I don't have Prime.. So as of now with the dimmer and the distance from the light to the baby girl.. About 28 inches away from the plant.. The dimmer is hard to judge what percentage you are at, so I nust use the LUX meter.. It is at 16XXX LUX now.. About 400 PAR.. That sounds like alot but I also can't adjust the LUX to go below about 10000 LUX with such a small tent. I went ahead and fed her as well... .3mL/L of CALiMAGic... .3mL/L of FloraMicro... .3mL /L of FloraGro and just 3 drops of Floralicious Plus (about .15mL/L) pH'd down to 6.0. 1 full L and mainly focused on the center of the pot where the roots are which I'm sure isn't more than a taproot at this point lol. But I love growing in coco/perlite. Such an easy, forgiving and also very efficient grow medium!.. And you can reuse the shit multiple times!!!.. She will be big in no time! Can't wait to start tying this bitch down!!! Hurry up! Lol End of FIRST week.. She is growing nicely.. The second set of leaves are coming in and even the third set are pokin out. The medium tends to dry kinda fast.. But using the 3-in-1 meter, it says the medium is nice and moist down below. Tomorrow (which is beginning of second week) I'm going to go ahead and use 3L of plain pH'd water. The last time the runoff was coming out almost 800 PPM.. Plus I need the runoff pH to go down some. But she is doing great! On to the next week!!!...
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
29 °C
400 PPM
50 %
23 °C
11 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 5
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.15 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
Beginning of week... I went ahead and gave the medium a little bit of a flush today. Finally figured that its gonna take 3L to get a decent amount of runoff.. Seems to dry out pretty fast too.. Might need to water daily.. For sure every other day, if not. I know that I shouldn't water the entire medium when she's this young because the roots dont go out that much, but the medium was a bitch to get wet.. Literally took about a week.. But she is doing great.. Her stems are giving out purples! I know seedlings tend to do that.. But I've never seen damnnear all the stems purple. I can't really get a pic of it cuz my camera/phone sucks.. But trust me, it's there lol. Gorgeous plant! Mid week.. So I've been watering once daily.. One day I will give nutes and the next just plain pH'd water.. So basically just water, feed, water, feed.. This is to avoid the dreaded salt build-ups! Today was just water but the runoff came out at like 700 PPM.. I never even put that much in! This shouldnt be an issue.. I need a better watering can. Just been using 1L bottles woth a screw on sprinkler head.. Its not a bad idea.. Especially for smaller grows.. But I'm going to get a 1 gallon watering can with a sprinkler head.. It should help me be able to spread the water out more evenly across the entire medium. But that 1L bottle with the srinkler cap is perfect for my other nano grow I got going ("*TC* created my own feminized strain" diary). But going to Home Depot today to get that new watering can.. I like the idea of the sprayer jugs.. But those things take like an hour to use up a gallon.. I love spending time with my girls, but damn! Lol.. But as for the lady.. She is doing great! Not sure why the leaves almost ALWAYS get kinda wavy.. I think I read that it MAY have something to do with calcium deficiency.. But I dont understand how that would be possible. I keep the pH at 6.3 (even the runoff comes out a 6.3) and I know I'm putting PLENTY of CALiMAGic.. maybe it's just the way these plants grow.. Its only the first 2 or 3 sets of leaves that do it.. Just weirds me out a little.. She is beginning to sprout some little branches! So excited! I can't wait to bend her over and start some LST!!! She is very happy and super healthy! By the end of this week the next set of leaves should be pretty big and I'm sure branches will be shootin out too! So happy! 😊 Next day... So she still looks great.. No burns, no deficiencies.. But I went ahead and just gave a little dose of Silica and a little CalMag.. Cuz the PPM was coming out at 700 PPM yesterday.. It was 6.3 pH and 300 PPM going in.. But the runoff still came out at 700 PPM.. Wtf.. I need to get a better watering can.. So I can at least start running a gallon thru the medium.. I'm gonna just leave it for now, I suppose. Gonna try and get a watering can tonight... Hopefully.. But she is still growing nicely and looking nice and green, so I guess I can't complain too much. Almost end of week.. I'm starting to think I need to raise my light up or turn the power down a bit.. My plants almost always stay very short and stout to where it makes it difficult to begin LST.. Its obviously too early to be trying it now.. But just something I've been thinking lately.. Help save some electricity too.. Oh yeah, so I got a new Mars Hydro TS 1000 and I noticed that some of the reds (not deep reds) are a little dim.. Almost as dim as the deep reds.. There should only be 2 deep reds, but at 50% power it looks like at least 5 or 6 of the reds are a little dull or not as bright as the others.. At 100% its kinda hard to see but that's expected cuz its bright as fuck lol.. Idk.. I could just be tripping.. But it shouldnt hurt anything.. I hope. But as for the girly.. She's doing great.. Just ordered some FloraKleen to help with major salt build-ups and to help with the pre-harvest flush.. But so far, not major salt build-ups.. Nothing I had to put her into the sink and go crazy with the shower head for at least lol.. But she's happy and perfectly healthy as far as I can tell.. I love growing cannabis!!! It's soothing to the soul.. Being one with nature.. I've even sprouted a cantaloupe in my tent lol.. Gonna see if I can keep it in there and harvest some fruit! I wanna get some morning glory and have it running up the tent and then when its time to flower a photoperiod, it will produce some gorgeous flowers along with the cannabis flower.. Just a thought I've had.. Will be updating with pics tomorrow! Cant wait till next week! That's when the exploding growth happens!!! End of week.. Today was just a plain pH'd water day.. Going in: 6.2 pH at 240 PPM.. Runoff: 6.0 pH at 500 PPM.. With my luck, the moment I was finished, Amazon dropped off the FloraKleen (and some trellis netting).. I dont think FloraKleen is meant to be used in between feedings like that tho.. Unless the runoff PPM is just outrageous, I'm not gonna use the FloraKleen.. But it is a great addition to the Flora family! Lol.. Anyways.. I noticed 2 pistils/calyxes (preflower) already.. They are both at the same node, but opposite sides of the main stem.. I hope she still has at least 2 more weeks of veg before flowering.. 3 weeks would be perfect and ideal.. But I can work with 2.. But she is happy.. So I'm happy! On to the next!!!...
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
420 PPM
50 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.33 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.33 mll
Beginning of week.. I went up a tad on the nutes today.. And went down on the light power last week.. It was about 65% - 70% power which was quite a bit, I guess.. I put it at 50% power and she is finally starting to get some height to her.. I noticed more pistils toward the very top. I really hope she doesn't start flowering too soon.. I'd like to get some LST done on her. But she is happy and healthy! Next day... Even more pistils! Its been awhile since I grew an auto.. So I kinda forgot how early pistils can start poppin out but still be in veg (preflower). I just really wanna turn this girl into a flat bush! 10 mins later... Ok.. So looking back at my other autos.. This is pretty typical for them to start showing preflower this early.. She should still have 2 or 3 more weeks of veg with preflower! Mid week.. This is a day early.. But close enough.. 3rd week and growth is beginning to explode! The very first node's branches aren't really doing much.. Plus they are damn near to the ground.. I'm wondering if I should just remove them.. Maybe not yet.. But soon.. Or when I finally apply some LST. She is doing great!... No deficiencies.. No excesses.. Autoflowers are a trip! Can't wait to see what she looks like in another 7 days! I wanna try to do the entire grow without removing much, if anything.. But if this bottom branch doesnt start doing something.. I'm gonna have to remove it.. Its just bothering me way too much lol. Actually mid week.. SoI have been noticing a little bit of clawing and darkness.. BUT ONLY on the new growth.. As the leaves get older they seem to straighten out and lighten up a bit.. But I'm pretty sure it's nitrogen toxicity.. So I went down from .66mL/L to .33mL/L.. I use 3L to water daily.. So basically 1mL per feeding of all the base nutrients and the CalMag.. The Floralicious Plus has a bit of nitrogen too so I went down a tad on that as well. I read someone else's grow that says these girls are a bit sensitive to nitrogen.. So that's where I'm at now. Flushed this morning, and now for a small feed tomorrow morning. Will be updating with pics at the end of this week. Later that night.. Went ahead and flushed with just 2L of pH'd water.. Going in - pH: 6.3 PPM: 240.. Runoff - pH: 6.1 PPM: 640... So the PPM is still a bit high, but during the feed tomorrow, it should go down some still.. I should have ALOT of runoff tomorrow. I had the same amount I normally do when I use 3L just from these 2L.. Just cuz its 12 hours early.. The medium was still nice and moist.. And will still be in the AM for the next fertigation. Next day... Waking up this morning, I found that the oldest set of leaves that had been clawed cleared up.. For the most part.. Still dark asf.. But not as much clawing..the newest set were still clawed tho.. Which is understandable.. I made 3L of nutes.. Only used 2L in the AM.. Going in pH: 6.3.. PPM: 420... Runoff pH: 6.2.. PPM: 480... Not bad.. And I still have 1L left over which I am going to have to give her later today.. And will update with the runoff info also. Some say not to worry about the runoff pH.. But I think that is only because when people see it really low, they tend to give make the nutes waaay too high in order to combat the low runoff.. I just make my nutes 6.5 till ai see the runoff coming out at the area that works best for my grows.. Which is 6.2 or 6.3.. Let me explain why I use 6.2 to 6.3... My first 2 grows in coco I was using 5.8 to 6.0.. It worked well in veg but it was only during the transition and beginning of flower that I had calcium defeciency.. GWE website said that in hydroponics/coco that calcium is best absorbed at 6.3 or so.. So ever since I've just ran my girls at 6.2 or 6.3.. No lower, no higher.. The entire grow.. And haven't had any issues with deficiencies since! So that is MY sweet spot.. I may let it drift to 6.1 or 6.4.. But I try not to, for the most part. Later that night... I went ahead and did 1L of pH'd water first.. Then did the 1L of nutrient water.. Runoff came out at 420 PPM 6.2 pH... Nice... Also, I went ahead and ponytailed the top and pulled some of the longer branches on top of the fan leaves.. I'm only going to keep it ponytailed for the rest of the day (6 hours left of lights on).. Never tried this before, but with these super fat indica leaves blocking literally every branch.. I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try. I may do it for another 6 hours tomorrow.. But I havent thought that far into it yet. I just want her and her branches to be long enough to begin some LST by the beginning of next week.. And already more than halfway through this week. Happy with the way things are going, for the most part... Almost end of week.. Ponytailed her again for another 6 hours this morning.. Just trying to give the side branches a little head start before the LST next week. End of week.. Welp.. I couldn't wait one more day to apply some LST.. I went ahead and did it today.. I also removed the bottom node, leaves and branches.. They were weak branches and I figured I could get them to take root and breed some seeds with them using Collidail Silver method! I really like how these branches have grown on this girl! It's like they already grew into a lollipop!!! Still only using the light at 50% power.. Which is helping keep the temps down a bit... Niceeee... I haven't defoliated anything (except the bottom node due to very weak branches and horrible looking leaves.. Which I'm guessing is because they were so low, possibly getting nutrient water on them during watering) but again, cloning those to breed with! She has completely exploded this week! Very happy with this girl! On to the next week!!!...
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
540 PPM
50 %
22 °C
11 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 6
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.33 mll
Beginning of week... She's doing great! I'm trying to do as little defoliating as I possibly can.. Just the stuff that is more of a hassle than anything.. Even just tucking leaves where and when I can.. Which seems to be going nicely, so far. I bent her over yesterday (end of week 3) which I was planning on doing today but was too excited to wait 😁 lol.. So far only 1 other branch needs to be tied down.. But I'm gonna wait a bit, let some of the other branches catch up so I can tie them all down at once.. What an exciting day that's gonna be!!! Can't wait!!! Lol.. More than likely will be this week (obviously with the exploding growth lately!) Would be nice if she got big enough to pull out my new ScrOG net! Never tried ScrOG before and if she gets big enough, this would be the perfect opportunity to try it out! Let's see where she goes from here! Next day.. Went ahead and took off some more leaves and bent more branches down.. I also went ahead and bumped the light up to 75%.. I was thinking the internodal distance was just genetics.. But started to think it's probably not enough light.. I also went up a tad on the CALiMAGic and the FloraGro.. Kept the FloraMicro the same. She isn't looking hungry.. No yellowing.. So I'm sure she is good on the nitrogen.. I also added in some FloraNectar FruitNFusion.. It says its good to use in veg.. So I'm just hoping it will help her grow a bit before flowering starts.. Still happy asf about how this grow is going so far! Almost mid week... 12 hours and her branches have found the light! I know the leaves are droopy asf.. But that is just because lights JUST came on.. Like literally 3 mins before the pics. 1 hour later and they look great again! Mid week.. I noticed 1 or 2 calyxes on the same branch have started to turn dark colored.. Almost purple I guess! Hopefully I got the purple pheno!!! Yay! She seems to have slowed a bit in growth.. Which is understandable after all the defoliation.. She still looks happy and healthy tho! Now just to wait for her to start flowering.. Pull down more branches as needed.. Water, feed, water, feed, etc.. And wait till harvest! Almost end of week.. Hell yeah! I got a purple pheno! Hard to get pics of.. But each top is now making some purple calyxes! So happy!!! 😭😭😭 End of week.. So I think she is beginning to flower now.. Not just preflower.. She isn't stretching yet.. But I'm assuming that should beginning this coming up week.. But I don't want to count next week as flower until I know for sure.. So I'm going to start next week as veg until I know for sure she has transitioned and is stretching, which should be quite noticeable.. She isn't going to be stressed from ANYTHING so stretching should NOT be missed.. I say it like that cuz I have had plants get stressed during first couple weeks of flower which seemed to have kept stretching down, to almost none at all.. But that was also on a smaller plant.. We shall see! On to the next...
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
720 PPM
50 %
20 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 7
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.75 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
Beginning of week... The purple is beginning to bleed onto the leaves!!! Finally! I have a purple phenotype!! I am definately calling this "Week 1 of flower".. She has stretched noticeably.. Still not very much, but it is noticeable! By the end of this week it should be very obvious! I love these ladies! This is why I've stayed single since I've started growing more than 2 years ago! Bahahaha! Not even joking.. 100% of my love goes to these lovely ladies!!.. So this morning I flushed with FloraKleen.. The runoff PPM came out exactly as it went in.. Crazy!!! I mixed the nutrients for tomorrow and I went up a tad on ArmorSi (Silica).. CALiMAGic (CalMag).. And the FloraMicro.. Went down on the FloraGro so that I could also add the FloraBloom to the mix since the flower stretch will be happening this week.. I went ahead and also went up a bit on the Floralicious Plus and the FloraNectar FruitNFusion.. Gonna keep the FloraNectar at veg amount till she is actually making some nugs.. Maybe 2nd or 3rd week into flower. That's how I did it with my suitcase grow (*TC*).. Seems like the way things are going at this point.. I may not even be able to add a bloom booster. Still early tho.. Only time will tell! Next day.. Night temps in the tent got down to 57F.. Holy shit it had me nervous lol.. The leaves looked like shit.. But they always look like shit when lights are out.. But she perked up this morning.. Lights only been on for about 30 mins and they are back to NORML <--- lol see what I did there? But yeah.. Hope my clones managed to make it thru too Next morning.. Yeah she's fine.. I just hate how the leaves droop so much after about 16 hours of light.. Almost like that extra 2 hours is alot of them.. I wonder what they would be doing if I was using 20/4 or even 24/0 light cycle.. I was thinking of bumping it up to 20/4 in week 2 or 3 of flower and leaving it there till harvest.. But haven't made the decision yet. Oh yeah.. This week I also bumped up the power to 100%. And if needed, I will lower the light a bit.. I've burned a few plants in the past, so I know to be careful with that. Wish I had a PAR meter.. They say you can use a LUX meter but I see so much conflicting information on doing that.. I believe its multiply the LUX reading by .025 and that should give you the estimated PAR... But idk how much I trust that.. And when UV and IR are involved, it can be higher than what you think.. Some shit.. Blah blah blah.. Lol Almost mid week... I'm starting to think she needs more nutes.. She seems a little yellowish.. Like she could be a bit more green. I've had strains that were like that before.. But this plant is a little confusing, being my first purple pheno.. She has the little streaks of purple on the stems all over the plant.. But being a purple pheno, that could just be genetics.... But the leaves not looking as lively as they were before.. Seems to me that it shows that maybe there isn't enough nitrogen since she has transitioned into flower.. But there are also yellow tips on all the newer growth.. Doesn't really look too bad tho.. Not like nutrient burn.. But it could be. I know sone deficiencies show yellow tips also.. Ugh. The buds still seem to be forming nicely tho.. Thats what counts.. And damn the purple is bleeding onto ALOT of the newer leaves! Its so fucking pretty! The new growth seems a bit under developed to me tho.. And almost like its wilted.. Not too bad but it is a bit noticeable.. I really hope I dont screw this up lol. Well since I did go up on the nutes a bit this week.. I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens this week I suppose. Hopefully this clears up after going up on the nutes a bit. I really dont wanna screw this up. Later that day (Almost mid week) So i flushed the medium with FloraKleen the other day.. The runoff came out at 3XX PPM.. Yesterday I fed with nutrients.. Going in was 7XX PPM but the runoff came out at 3XX PPM once again.. I figured ok, the nutrients are still just higher in the medium I guess and I should see it in the runoff this morning as I flush (since I feed, flush, feed, flush, etc.).. But today going in it was 230 PPM but the runoff came out at 420 PPM.. So I think the FloraKleen was still doing what it does.. And maybe thats why the plant isnt as good as she should be. So tomorrow morning I will be feeding at 740 PPM and hopefully the runoff will be where it needs to be.. FloraKleen is great.. But I'm only gonna use it for harvesting.. Cuz this is ridiculousness! Works like magic tho lol.. So there's that.. Will be updating tomorrow with pics! Mid week.. Fucking FloraKleen is still working or some shit! Fed this morning.. Going in was 740 PPM.. Runoff is still showing 420 PPM.. I even made a 4th liter of nutrient mix and going in, it was 850 PPM but runoff is still coming out at 420 PPM.. Son of a bitch. I can see she is starving right now too.. This is one of the worst times to starve these girls.. Not the worst, but one of the worst, in my experience.. What a finicky bitch she is!.. Other than the runoff sucking balls.. And the slight discoloration of the leaves.. She is happy tho.. She should pull thru just fine.. Just gotta get this damn FloraKleen out of there! I'm just gonna feed everyday (instead of feed, flush, feed, flush) till I see the PPM where it needs to be.. But damn FloraKleen works like a mf'r.. Just not the best idea to use while the girl still needs nutrients.. Will be updating as I go.. Hopefully this is fixed soon. Almost end of week.. Idk wtf.. I havent even watered using just plain water yet.. The entire week.. Just been feeding once daily and still the runoff is coming out at 400 - 500 PPM.. But she seems to have gotten a little better. No yellowing. Stretching has begun this week for sure, too.. I wish I could get each top even with the others.. But they arent too far off from eachother. The main top is gonna be a beast of a cola when shes done! The branches on the main top are bunched together so its gonna be massive. The buds are forming nicely too.. Purple is showing more and more each day. Such a gorgeous plant! I cant wait to see what she looks like when its time to harvest! Besides this runoff issue.. She is doing great! There are a couple leaves with spotting.. Looks like calcium deficiency.. But I'm assuming thats because of the runoff issue.. But hasnt spread at all.. And its really not bad looking.. Just a couple spots here and there.. Just thought I'd mention them. But she is very happy and healthy!.. Updating with pics tomorrow! End of week.. Trichomes are beginning to form.. And holy shit.. When you rub them and smell.. Hooooly flipping shirt.. It legit smells like lemonade.. Not just lemons.. Or citrusy.. But like straight up lemonade.. Wow.. Fucking incredible!.. She has definately stretched as I stated would be obvious this week.. She has done some amazing things this week.. The flowers are gettin big fast! Stacking nicely.. She should be quite the yielder! On to the next!!!...
Grow Questions
Professor_Chaosstarted grow question 4 years ago
I used FloraKleen to flush my coco/perlite medium in between veg and bloom. Since then, I have fed, flushed, fed, flushed, etc.. Going in, 700 - 800 PPM but runoff is 300 - 400 PPM... Is the FloraKleen still in there, should I do a massive flush? WTF!?
Feeding. Other
Professor_Chaosanswered grow question 4 years ago
General Hydroponics emailed me.. I was NOT supposed to use FloraKleen to flush it at this time.. It's only meant to be used for pre-harvest flush.. And that's it! *when it comes to growing in coco coir*... I've been only feeding (without plain watering in between) until the runoff PPM is close enough to matching the PPM going in.. It took about 12 days.. The plant didn't seem to mind. But yeah.. Had to answer my own question.. Once again..
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
1000 PPM
50 %
20 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
Beginning of week.. I went ahead and bumped the TDS to 1000 PPM this week. I don't think I'm going to go much higher than that. Usually don't have to.. Hopefully that's not too much.. I also started adding a bloom booster from Advanced Nutrients called Kushie Kush.. It works great for all strains tho lol. So the runoff is still acting up.. But it is getting better... Slowly. I emailed General Hydroponics on the issue a few days ago and they have not gotten back to me yet... Ugh. But going in: 1000 PPM.. Runoff: 700 PPM.. That was this morning.. Still have not given her plain water yet.. Just been feeding every watering.. Not really any signs of issues right now. A couple leaves are a little yellow (literally 2).. Another couple have some spots (maybe 4 or 5 leaves).. But other than that she is happy, healthy and smelling like a fucking champion! Seriously fucking delicious.. And to think the smell is supposed to warn off predators.. Hah! Good luck with that!!! Barely 8 days of flowering and she is already stacking so fucking nicely! I can't wait to see what kinda magic this gal is gonna do! So happy and excited!!! The light sits about 18 inches from the canopy right now at 100% power. She is still stretching a little but seems like she may be done with that pretty soon.. Maybe even before this week is over. Clones didn't make it.. I think it was too cold. They all sprouted roots but just stopped and they all yellowed out like a mf'r.. Looked like shit so I took them out back Ol' Yeller style and put them out of their misery 😭.. But it's ok.. The mama needs all the focus on her right now! Lol.. Oh yeah.. I went ahead and pulled a couple of the tallest branches down.. Just a tad.. Brought the ties up a node or so on each and pulled it tight.. Spread her out a little but I was nervous of snapping one off so I didnt try to push it too much.. These branches are tough af! Later that day.. General Hydroponics finally got back to me.. They said that I'm an idiot for using FloraKleen during transition like that.. Lol jk.. They did say that I should have NOT done that.. And that my runoff should ALWAYS be lower than it is going in due to the ppant taking up the nutrients.. But that just doesn't seem right to me.. Ive ALWAYS had my runoff higher.. Literally ALWAYS.. but without issues. They said that if the runoff PPM is higher, then there's a problem.. Maybe if I was doing frequent fertigation.. But I'm not.. And never will because that just sounds like a waste of nutrients.. But whatever.. Today I learned that FloraKleen is ONLY for pre-harveat flushing.. Or hydroponic reservoir cleaning in between nutrient changes.. But definately not the way I used it lol.. Thankfully she is still doing good 👍... Buuuut whoops lol Mid week.. Still doing magical things! Lol.. I didn't think she was gonna fill out this tent so nicely! Trichomes are forming nicely.. The purpling is looking amazing also! Some spots on SOME leaves.. But not alot.. Not sure what that is about.. No pests.. No deficiencies as far as I can tell.. Maybe just a mutation? Nothing to worry about tho.. This girl is so fucking gorgeous! I love it!.. Back to feed, water, feed, water, etc. schedule now.. I'm hoping that 1000 PPM isnt going to be too high for her.. But if it is, I will adjust accordingly. End of week.. Seems to me like the stretching has stopped.. So I'm going to cut out the FloraGro.. Double up on the FloraBloom and later into flower I will bump up the Kushie Kush Bloom Booster. She's doing great! Smells fucking amazing! I thought my ETHOS Early Lemon Berry R1 was gonna be the best strain ever.. Then I grew this girlie! Not just a lemony scent.. But like a very sweetened lemonade.. Incredible! Trichomes are EVERYWHERE! Such an awesome, beautiful strain! Good job FastBuds.. Can't wait to try more of your strains! Too bad you wont even acknowledge my grow journal like you do everyone elses.. But whatev.. Lol.. On to the next week!!!...
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
50 %
20 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
Beginning of week.. Wow.. Just... Wow lol.. That's all I can say. Amazing scent.. Gorgeous colors.. Very happy and healthy girl. Besides very minor spotting on some lower leaves.. Which I am assuming was from Calcium def.. She is looking great! I'm not sure what this is all about, but damnnear all my plants have this clawing on leaves that are not exposed to the light.. Looks like wind burn.. Looks like nitrogen toxicity.. But I know for a fact that its neither.. Fans are not even really blowing on the plant itself.. And other leaves would also be clawing if it were nitrogen toxicity.. I'm assuming it's just from not enough light exposure.. But not an issue.. She is happy and loving life! At this point I am stopping silica.. Just too many conflicting articles about it not doing any good in flower.. And even causing the smoke to be harsh and the bud hard to break up.. Which does make alot of sense.. I only like to use silica in veg anyways.. And for the stretch.. It just makes more sense to me.. Mid week.. Adjustments need to be made.. The very top of each cola is getting a little bit of clawing.. I'm thinking it may be time to cut back on some Micro.. Maybe even the Floralicious Plus, since they both have so much Nitrogen in them.. She's getting plenty of CalMag, and the other trace elements in the Micro shouldn't be that much of an issue.. Still gonna use the Micro.. Just cut it down from 1mL/L to .5mL/L. Maybe the clawing is just how these plants tend to grow?? I'm not sure.. I see alot of the clawing on her small side branches.. Always have on other grows too.. But maybe I've always been giving them too much Nitrogen in bloom.. Just seems more like a 'not getting light' kinda thing.. But now that it's on the top of the colas.. I'm thinking its a Nitrogen thing.. Anyways.. Such a gorgeous plant! Gorgeous colors.. Amazing smell.. Just... WOW! Lol Next day.. Ok I'm thinking the clawing is getting a little worse.. That's after I fed her using .75mL/L of Micro and about 10 drops of Floralicious Plus.. Both containing a bit of nitrogen.. I'm going to have to completely cut out the Floralicious Plus and just .5mL/L of the Micro.. I hope that doesn't cause any different issues.. It shouldn't.. And I'm going to bump up the Kushie Kush bloom booster a little.. Still not full strength but getting closer.. I hope this doesn't affect my final yeild and/or taste! I will literally cry if the taste is fucked up at all... 😢 lol.. Nah.. As strong as it is now.. I think that would be impossible! I got my new tent in yesterday.. Haven't set it up yet tho.. Gotta get everything ready to switch over soon.. It's still a 2×2.. But instead of 48" tall it's 55" tall.. Which would be a little better for taller plants (not by much.. But still better lol).. Anyways.. No more Floralicious Plus and only about half of the Micro doses (lol) that I intended to use in the first place.. She really doesn't like Nitrogen in flower.. Which is understandable.. But I've never had a plant this sensitive to it before.. Good learning experience for sure! End of week.. So I bought a Brita filter because my tap water is pretty shitty.. 240 PPM - 260 PPM.. I've only ran about a gallon through it and its barely bring it down to 190 PPM - 200 PPM.. I mean.. I also didnt use the actual Brita filter yet.. Just the Wal-Mart brand.. It sucks obviously.. When I run the actual Brita filter in my drinking pitcher.. It can bring the tap water down to about 160 PPM!!! Compared to the Wal-Mart filter.. That is fucking incredible! I'm thinking when I run a couple more gallons thru, it will hopefully bring it down a bit more.. I don't need it to be 0 PPM.. just not 260 PPM.. That's fucking insane! Our water sucks out here.. The plants dont seem to mind very much, but after using the filtered water, instead of the nutrient water being 1150 PPM its barely 980 PPM - 1000 PPM.. NOTot a huge change.. But I think it will help. For harvest, I'll use the FloraKleen once along with distilled water.. Still got a few weeks before thinking about that.. But I always flush with my tap water and can't ever get the PPM below 400 PPM or so... Now about the plant lol... Yeah, it's gotta be nitrogen toxicity with the clawing leaves.. Again, I've went down on the Micro since it has so much nitrogen.. And also cut out the Floralicious Plus.. Sometimes I'll add a couple drops.. But it really makes me nervous lol.. I DO NOT want to hurt the yeild or taste of this girlie! But she is doing good.. Just as a test, I added a little bit of some feminized pollen to a very small nug on the bottom.. Its photoperiod pollen.. But this should create a "fast version" according to Sweet Seeds.. But she is doing good.. Smelling amazing.. Gorgeous colors!!.. Anyways... On to the next week!!!...
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
900 PPM
50 %
20 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 5
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1.33 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
Beginning of week.. Damn she is a very nitrogen sensitive bitch! I really hope she starts to thicken up some.. I think it hurt the yeild some.. Unless she thickens up nicely. It's not as bad as I've seen other nitrogen toxic plants.. With every single leaf cupped or clawing downward.. But the top leaves are pretty clawed.. And even alot of the sugar leaves throughout the plant.. Damnit.. Also, I've noticed that she is actually using up nutrients like FastBuds said.. The runoff has been coming out alot lower than it is going in.. I guess they weren't bullshitting me lol.. Blah whatever.. Damnit, I really hope I didnt fuck this up 🤦🤞🤞🤞 Almost mid week... So I'm using a Brita pitcher with filter for my tap water.. It doesn't do much lol.. Some, of course.. But I'm also using a very cheap filter in it.. Wal-Mart brand.. Which sucks.. But that is helping bring the TDS of nutrient solution down from 1000 PPM - 1100 PPM to about 850 PPM - 900 PPM.. Just regular tap water from 240 PPM - 260 PPM down to 180 PPM - 190 PPM.. Like I said.. Some.. But not much. I'm not sure if there should be any changes to the plant if the nitrogen toxicity is cleared out.. I went ahead and did a nice flush to get all that shit out of the medium.. It should have helped.. Still going to keep the FloraMicro down.. I really hope this doesnt hurt the yield or taste!!!! I'm assuming she should be close to about halfway thru flower so she should have time to recover before flushing and harvesting.. Will be updating with pics tomorrow! Oh.. And I also lowered the light to 14 inches from the canopy.. Well.. To the tallest cola lol Mid week.. She is still maintaining herself.. The trichomes are so beautiful!.. Been keeping the PPMs a bit lower than I think I should.. I think Calcium deficiency is popping back up.. I think I'm seeing some new spots pop up.. Not too bad.. And it could just be from when I was flushing a bit at the beginning of the week.. Havent changed the amount of CalMag so I imagine that's what it's from. But other than that and the nitrogen toxicity, she is doing good! Next day (Merry Christmas!🎄).. So the trichome heads are still normal (not purple like I thought).. But the trichome stems(?) are purple. So fucking gorgeous.. But I can still see that the trichome heads are clear/milky/amber.. There are already quite a few milky! Damn.. Maybe FastBuds actually means 9 - 10 weeks from seed! Lol.. The colas are starting to fatten up a bit.. So I'm happy! I really enjoy the narcotic effect so I'm gonna harvest when there are quite a bit of amber trichomes.. My Lemon Berry from ETHOS had not many amber.. And the high is very paranoid like lol.. Dont get me wrong.. I love the high.. But paranoia is definitely there lol.. So I'm trying to avoid that with this girl! Later that night... So after running a couple gallons through the Brita pitcher filter (with Wal-Mart brand filter), the TDS is coming out around 150 PPM!!! Ok.. So not bad lol.. Works MUCH better than I figured it would! NICEeEeEe... Lol.. But as for the love of my life (lol not kidding).. She is starting to swell for sure!.. Still think she's gonna be a little airy tho.. But she shouldnt yeild small! End of week.. Not seeing any new clawing.. Starting to see more spots.. I mean, they are super bad.. But there are alot throughout the girlie.. So as I've been feeding, watering, feeding, watering, etc... I've noticed the runoff PPM aren't as high as they normally would be.. This could be why the spotting is happening.. Not sure if these spots are from Calcium.. Magnesium.. Or even something else.. It's kinda hard to tell.. But honestly I'm not too concerned about them.. She is not TOO too far from harvesting.. Haven't began to flush yet.. But I think that may be happening very soon.. Maybe 1 more week of weak feedings and then 2 weeks of flushing.. I am definately seeing plenty of cloudy trichomes.. And some amber now.. I will be trying to get some pics of the trichomes next week for sure! They are so pretty! This is one finicky bitch for sure! But now that I know her issues, it should make it quite easier to avoid the same issues next time I grow her! Still very happy with this girl!... On to the next!!!...
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
27 °C
900 PPM
50 %
20 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 5
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1.33 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
Beginning of week.. So instead of feed, water, feed.. I think I'm gonna feed, feed, water this week.. PPM going in is 900 PPM and runoff is still coming out around 500 PPM.. Still seems weird to me.. But whatever lol. She is looking a little deficient in some areas (more than 1)... Not horrible.. But it's there.. Some spotting.. Little yellowing here and there.. But that is expected at the end of flower, of course.. Buds look nice tho.. Fucking gorgeous plant! Trichomes are for sure gettin cloudy.. Very few amber in there.. So yeah, this should be the last week of feeding and then beginning the 2 week flush! Mid week.. Not too worried about the coloring and spotting.. Just thought I'd post it along with this lady.. She is looking pretty good tho.. Smells amazing.. Got a few pretty fat colas... Haven't really checked to see how dense.. Don't wanna just squeeze them lol.. But I'm almost positive that the nitrogen toxicity she hit may have contributed to keeping her a bit airy.. Well.. One more update and then the 2 week flush will begin!!! End of week.. Tried to get more trichome shots but trichomes kept smearing all over the lens so I gave up lol.. ALOT of cloudy.. A small amount of amber.. Starting the flush tomorrow with some pics for the next week! This is gonna be some epic bud for sure! Can't wait!!! Gonna use some FloraKleen tomorrow and just pH'd water until harvest! May use FloraKleen a couple times this week depending on how the runoff reads.. But according to my screw up during transition one time with FloraKleen should be more than enough lol.. But we shall see... On to the next week!!!...
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
28 °C
160 PPM
50 %
19 °C
3 L
3 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 1
FlashClean - Terra Aquatica
FlashClean 1.75 mll
Beginning of week... Beginning of first flush week! So excited!!! I put 4mL of FloraKleen into 3L of pH'd water.. Going in: 160 PPM.. Runoff: 700 PPM.. I may run 1 more flush of FloraKleen through the medium in the AM.. Will be updating on the runoff as I go.. Just makes better sense to check runoff to me.. I know some people dont do it.. And claim its pointless.. But I think runoff tells you ALOT.. I think the runoff reading is just from what was built into the medium still.. I just like to make sure she's getting nice and flushed for a good while.. And if the trichomes arent where I want them to be at the end of the 2 week flush I will flush for another week.. But only if needed.. Anyways.. Hope these 2 weeks fly by cuz the week before this didnt at all! Lol.. Next day.. Today is day 2 of flushing.. Used FloraKleen once again.. This time the runoff came out at 640 PPM.. Gettin there lol.. Tonight I'm going to just run 3L of pH'd water and same tomorrow morning.. Will update in the AM Later that night.. Lol.. This time the runoff came out at 750 PPM.. I'm guessing its just more nutrients that were built up in there.. Jeez.. So tomorrow I am just going to flush pH'd water in the AM and in the PM.. With more updates on how that goes.. I also lowered the light down to 12 inches from the tallest colas.. According to the PPFD chart Mars Hydro has, the tall colas (but outside of the footprint) should be getting close to 800 PAR and the shorter (but in the middle of the footprint) should be getting.. Roughly around the same I suppose.. The inside branches are still about 14 - 16 inches from the light.. Wish I would have been able to keep the canopy more even.. But I went with a LST technique that helped me keep all the branches instead of removing some.. Like instead of bending the plant over (to make a "T") to where some branches should probably just be removed because they are going straight into the medium lol.. But this time I tried to bend her over a little different (to make an "X") so that all the branches wouldn't be going straight into the medium.. Idk.. something I've been trying to figure out on my own lol.. But I think I prefer the "T" because it is easier to keep each branch, and it's twin, fairly even throughout the grow.. But I'm still happy asf how this grow has gone so far.. Should have lollipopped a bit too.. But I still enjoy smoking every last bit of these ladies.. And if they are too popcorn-ish, I'll just throw them in a bubble bag with the trim.. Still gonna be happy with the outcome either way!!! Autos are fun.. But I think I still prefer to control when flowering begins.. I know a 2×2 isn't ideal for this.. But I really wanna try to ScrOG a girl in this tent! Just to give it a shot and see how much of a difference it can make in yeild.. Anyways.. Will update tomorrow with the runoff and whatnot!... NEXT day after THAT (Almost mid week)... This AM the runoff came out 444 PPM.. Since I already mixed some pH'd water, I'm gonna use it later tonight.. With an update.. Lol Later that night... Runoff is still coming out about 400 PPM.. Decided to check the pH and the runoff is coming out at 7.. The fuck!? Maybe I forgot to pH earlier this week.. Idk. Whatever lol.. Mid week.. Runoff came out at 333 PPM this morning.. Just going to go back to one watering a day till harvest now. Hope I can get it down to 200 PPM or lower for the last week at least.. But still not sure if I will be letting it go an extra week or not.. We shall see how it goes till then.. The nug I attempted to pollinate didnt take.. Guessing the pollen was too old.. Trashed it.. It was feminized pollen but wasnt the greatest genetics either.. So no loss there.. But the nug looks kinda pathetic.. The pic shows it next to its sister nug and that one still looks good.. Maybe cuz Ive been fucking with it alot.. But whatev.. Shit happens.. May still keep updating the runoff daily.. May not.. See how I feel tomorrow lol Next day.. Runoff came out at 330 PPM again this morning.. Not bad, I suppose.. Alot lower than what its been before I started using this Brita filter lol.. May use Florakleen once more at the beginning of the next week.. Then just water till harvest. Just to see if I can get it down a little more. If not, I'm sure it'll be fine. The fan blowing on the undedside of the light slipped off the pole and was chopping away at one of the colas.. Luckily none of the buds were damaged.. Trichomes definately got knocked off tho lol.. And mostly leaf damage.. This girl smells so fucking amazing.. The colors are awesome.. I don't think I can find another strain to top this one lol.. We shall see tho... Almost end of week.. Runoff came down to 280 PPM this morning.. Niceeee.. I can live with that.. As long as it's not 400+ PPM I think it should be fine.. The main top cola is showing a nice amount of cloudy.. And the very bottom 2 stems are cloudy also.. But the rest of the plant seems moslty clear but also have some cloudy/milky along with them.. I can find a few amber in spots.. Will be updating with pics tomorrow along with some trichome shots!!!... End of week.. Today's runoff came out at 260 PPM.. Niceeee.. I tried to get alot of trichome shots but I just don't have a steady enough hand.. A couple colas have some amber coming it on the very top calyxes.. Some colas are cloudy.. Almost there!!! Not sure if I am gonna take this just 1 more week or 2 more weeks.. We will see how she looks at the end of the next week... As for now.. On to the next week!!!...
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
28 °C
170 PPM
50 %
19 °C
3 L
3 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 1
FlashClean - Terra Aquatica
FlashClean 1.75 mll
Beginning of week.. She is doing great.. She's happy.. I'm happy.. The fan fell on her again due to all the negative pressure going on in there.. Had to make some adjustments to the exhaust and intake a bit but I think I got that situated... Of course I still want some negative pressure.. But there was quite a bit before.. Good now! I gave up on trying to get trichome shots lol.. Just take my word for it.. The close up pic above shows a patch of amber trichomes on one of the colas... But other than that 1 patch, I can't seem to find anymore.. We will see what happens this week before I decide to take her 1 more week.. I cant wait! Such an amazing strain! Not sure if I should do another FloraKleen'ing or just keep doing pH'd water.. Today the runoff came out at 300 PPM.. I may do one FloraKleen this week.. Tomorrow actually... Later that night (lol)... Went ahead and did the FloraKleen tonight.. Still the first day of this week.. So meh... Runoff came out at 300 PPM again.. Next day... Runoff came out at 260 PPM this morning.. I bet distilled water would be perfect for flushing.. Never tried that before.. Actually I kinda wish I had been collecting rain water... The rain water here that I've collected in the past has been 15 - 30 PPM.. But too late for that, for this run atleast.. Almost mid week.. Today the runoff came out at 230 PPM.. Niceeeee... Mid week.. Runoff came out at 260 PPM.. I don't know if I should push her another week.. I mean, I'm sure I could.. But the top nugs arent gonna look very pretty lol.. Ahh fuck Idk what to do!! Maybe start the next week and see how it goes.. I could just harvest mid week if needed.. I really wish I could get her to go one more week tho the way the trichomes are looking.. I love this part.. Yet I hate this part lol.. Later that night... Only been a couple weeks and the Brita pitcher filter is already reading 200 PPM.. Well.. The Wal-Mart filter that fits into the Brita pitcher.. Fucking Wal-Mart lol Almost end of week.. The leaves are pushing out some beautiful colors.. Mostly purples.. And I think since the pH was off at one point during the flush, it helped bring out some reds too.. Man, these plants are amazing! FastBuds.. You guys really outdid the cannabis game with this one.. Hats off to you guys! Wow... And didnt lie about "seed to harvest" timing.. That's close enough.. Ive actually started counting the "seed to harvest" timing as JUST the flowering time with some breeders cuz if I were to harvest some at 9 or 10 weeks from seed, the plant would only be flowered for 4 or 5 weeks.. With nothing but tiny nugs and all white pistils.. You guys got it right.. For sure gonna stock up on more FastBuds genetics! Almost end of week.. Found more nanners.. Honestly, that isn't really much of a concern to me.. I mean.. She is looking kinda rough lol.. Stress definately caused them.. Such a gorgeous plant and will.not hesitste to grow another Purple Lemonade! End of week.. Ok.. So I've checked the trichomes all over the plant.. Under.. Over.. Left.. Right.. About 90% of the trichomes are milky/cloudy/whateverthefuck lol.. But I really want some more amber on there.. There are some.. But not very many.. Fuck.. One more week it is.. If she starts looking too rough I'll just harvest mid week.. So it's finally settled... One more week of flush... On to the next (LAST)......
Week 11. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
FastBuds did it right with this one.. Besides the nitrogen toxicity (I blame General Hydroponics for that since the FloraMicro has so much in it) she did wonderful! Gorgeous colors! Gorgeous smell!!! Epic strain.. I couldn't be happier! I should have lollipopped some also.. Alot of airy nugs on the bottom but the top of the colas are lookin nice. Still not dense.. But I think that comes from the ruderalis genes. Still going to be some great, exotic looking bud!
Show more
Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
84.58 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
HARVEST DAY!!!.... What a beautiful plant.. I can't wait to give her a taste.. Was expecting to push her another week.. But a closer look showed that there were alot of amber already.. Kinda hard to see them against the purple calyxes along with with the Mars Hydro TS 1000 on as well.. But she should be perfect! Oh I cant wait!!! Will be updating with the drying and curing as I go!!! So happy!!! 😭😭😭 Drying - Day 4... Ok so humidifier is definately not needed this time lol.. For a couple days the room and box were at 70% so I took the water and filter out of the humidifier and just running it as a fan to help move the air around the small room its drying in.. The box also has a very small and weak computer fan which is just pulling the air out SLOWLY but SURELY.. Now the humidity inside the box has been reading 66% constantly for the last 2 days! This will be my first harvest that doesnt dry in 3 - 5 days without a humidifer! Maybe cuz I watered that morning?? Idk.. But this is much better.. Hoping for at least a 7 day dry.. 10 or 12 would be nice.. But I doubt that very much lol.. Anyways.. Will still be updating as I go!!! Drying - Day 5... So I went ahead and trimmed all the smaller nugs and colas.. Leaving the 3 biggest colas (back of the box) to trim in the morning tomorrow. I wish I would have lollipopped some.. Alot of larfy, leafy nugs.. But still gonna smoke that shit! Lol.. Took about 2.5 hours to trim what I did today.. Keeping the trim (duh) to make some bubble hash.. Or maybe just gather the keif and press it.. Haven't made up my mind on that yet.. Either way it's gonna be some epic shit! The smell is still so amazing! You could probably fuck up the drying and curing and still smell the citus! Lol.. But I will still keep updating as I go! Drying - Day 7.. I went ahead and put some smaller nugs into a jar to see what they were reading.. Still way too high.. In about 8 hours it was reading 84% RH so they still got at least a couple more days drying. Drying - Day 8... Ok so I was feeling the nugs I already trimmed and jarred.. They feel pretty crispy. So I'm jarring them again today. I have trimmed up 2 more of the bigger colas but I can feel that they still have some moisture.. So later today I'm going to finish trimming up the last one (which is gonna be awful lol it has alot of smaller branches that are gonna be very tedious) but that one is gonna have to be left out to dry a little longer than the rest. As of now, I have 3 jars filled.. I may even need to buy another jar.. I really wish I had some big mouth mason jars so I can buy those lids for curing! Those things look legit asf! Later that night... So I have now finished trimming.. The jars that I had already filled were reading 62% RH on the dot.. I like to have it at 65% - 68% RH to have some room to get it down to 62% after a week or two.. But this shouldnt be any issue.. Will add 62% packs when the jars get below 60%.. But since they are already at 62%.. I dont want to burp very often at all.. 62% RH is where I like my bids at. I have a sandwich bag FULL of trim.. That is gonna make some amazing bubble hash! Very airy bud.. But this strain is very beautiful.. Smells great.. Just the airy buds.. Will definately grow again.. Will update with a taste test in 15 - 30 days.. Would rather get the cure done before I taste her.


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Fast_Budscommentedweek 114 years ago
Stunning photos!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Keeping an eye out for sure! Thanks again!!
Fast_Budscommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, We have a lot of new stuff coming soon!! Keep an eye out =). Thanks again for running such a beautiful diary of our Purple Lemonade. 🙏
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Stunning genetics! Thank you! This is my first time with FastBuds.. Can't wait to see what else you guys have created!!! Thanks again!
Outsidercommentedweek 114 years ago
Awesome grow diary! Definitely captured every moment perfectly. The ah shits, the whoops, all of it. Learned a lot! Thanks for sharing! Hope you update us with yield info!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Outsider, 85 grams.. More than I've yielded with an auto before.. Wish I would have lollipopped.. But live and learn lol
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Outsider, Lol yes the "oh shits" were definately in there.. I have forgot to weigh some of my older diaries.. But this one will be weighed for sure! She's been drying for 3 days so far! In the past I've had issues with drying too quickly.. But so far she seems like she is going to be right on point! At least 7 days drying if not more.. I just checked on her now.. Smelled some of the colas and brushed some on my upper lip (accidentaly.. kinda lol).. As I'm typing this I can still smell her! Such a lovely lady! Gonna be a little while for a taste test and experience test tho. But it will ALL be updated as it happens! Thanks for checkin out my lovely lady!
DreamOncommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with the grow!😎
PrairieFrostGrowcommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, spreading the love😀👍
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, Thanks growmie! Can't wait!
iHateSativacommentedweek 114 years ago
Happy Smoking My Friend
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@iHateSativa, Soon.. Very, very soon! Thanks growmie!
Le_Pticommentedweek 114 years ago
Nice Done! Enjoy the colorful Stuff ;)
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Le_Pti, Thanks growmie! Love the profile pic.. Towelie is the underdog of the stoner world.. "Aw man.. I am so high right now.. I have no idea what's goin on..." 😂
Fast_Budscommentedweek 114 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous!! Happy Harvest, growmie!!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Yes she is! Thank you guys for creating such an amazing strain! The smell is incredible!!! Not just of lemons.. But like a perfectly sweetened lemonade.. Great fucking job FastBuds!!! So glad I got the purple pheno and that I also have 4 more of these seeds!!! FastBuds for the win!!!
FirstCoughcommentedweek 114 years ago
Stunning color ! what is the size of your tent, 24 CM 24 CM 55 CM ? this is right ?
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@@FirstCough, Thanks growmie! It is 24 inch × 24 inch × 55 inch So thats close to 60 cm × 60 cm × 140 cm
Smokwiricommentedweek 114 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thanks growmie.. Gonna try to push her one more week.. I like the couch-lock effect.. But kinda nervous about pushing her a third week of flush
skyzohpandacommentedweek 94 years ago
What a color!! a deep purple, amazing !!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@skyzohpanda, Yes it is! I have a whole bunch of purple strains stocked up already lol.. I've got quite the collection.. But almost half of my collection is purple strains lolol I love how they look.. Camt really see it in the pics, but there are some very pretty reds too
skyzohpandacommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos,yeah I saw it in your diaries, but this one is really beautiful, it's so good to see a such weed!!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@skyzohpanda, She is gorgeous asf! Ive tried 2 other strains that were supposed to purple like this one.. They only changed at the end like alot of strains already do.. 3rd is a charm, I guess! I'm VERY happy with her!
livetogrowgrowtolivecommentedweek 94 years ago
Beautiful o.O
livetogrowgrowtolivecommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, Good luck!! also first time with fastbuds and im so surprised! if u dont mind check out my diary
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@livetogrowgrowtolive, Thanks growmie!!! She was a little finicky for me... But she did some AMAZING things! Got about 20 days left before I chop.. At least thats what I'm aiming for.. But will go longer if needed.. She should fatten up a bit more.. First time with FastBuds and wow.. They got down with this one! Cant wait to try more of them!
MrHightimescommentedweek 114 years ago
my my! if I can get the fade you got!!!! I'm gonna do Ripen Next week then maybe do a week of Kleen like you did. I havent used the flush yet but your diary inspires me!!!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@MrHightimes, Thanks! She was a fun plant to grow. In fact, it's kinda depressing when I look in the tent and I don't see all that purple lol. Got a few more of these seeds tho. Definately a strain to grow more than once! The smell.. Just.. Wow is all I can say
CraftedFlowercommentedweek 114 years ago
She’s looking amazing! That should be an awesome harvest!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@CraftedFlower, That's what I'm hoping for! Thanks growmie!
NugLife420commentedweek 104 years ago
Looks delicious! 😲
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@NugLife420, Thanks.. Smells pretty epic too
Smokwiricommentedweek 104 years ago
Looking good my friend, best wishes for the new year 2021
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, You as well. Thanks
PrairieFrostGrowcommentedweek 84 years ago
Getting some nice buds out of her Growmie!!! Keep it going👊
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@PrairieFrostGrow, Thanks! She smells amazing too! May feed for 1 more week and begin the 2 week flush! I couldn't be happier with her! Just updated this week with some new pics and a video.. And will be beginning next weeks update tomorrow! Thanks for tuning in! She is an amazing girl, that's for sure!
PersonalSmok3scommentedweek 74 years ago
She’s looking really nice, the colours on her are amazing!!! I’m fairly jealous that mines not showing even the slightest hint of purple 😓, saying that Iv never smelt a strain as lemony in my life!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@PersonalSmok3s, Thanks growmie! Ibhad a Sweet Seeds strain.. Bloody Skunk.. That was supposed to turn red/purple.. But didnt till later in flower (as most strains already do at the end of flower) but the stems turned very red.. I'm almost for sure its a pheno thing.. If you try that strain again I bet it will.. Purple strains are so pretty!
HAPPY91commentedweek 64 years ago
Let the buds begin. Keep up the amazing progress. Looking very happy healthy and strong. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, Thanks growmie! Her smell is already fucking EPIC! Cant wait!!!
densesensicommentedweek 54 years ago
All of my PL frmo fastbuds turns yellow during transition. No idea what the problem with this genetic is, but could be sulfur. I haven't figured it out though.
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@densesensi, Weird.. I had a Berry Ryder from Auto Seeds do fine until transition.. She needed alot of calmag. I guess that transition is just a crucial time for the ladies
Ferenccommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy Growing @Professor_Chaos
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, As always, growmie!
PrairieFrostGrowcommentedweek 24 years ago
More runoff would be my comment as well. Not getting enough runoff will lead to lockout issues. Media will show a rising ppm and pH will drift higher and higher. My experience. Cheers and keep up the dedication Growmie😀
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@PrairieFrostGrow, Yeah, I'm using 3 Liters once daily.. I get about 1/2 - 2/3 of a Liter in the runoff.. That should be plenty I would think.. General Hydroponics says 5% - 25% runoff. Also says to use just plain water every 1 - 3 waterings.. I just do water, feed, water, feed.. Just to avoid the salts building up.. But even today, I watered with just pH'd water and the runoff is still coming out a bit high.. Not too too high.. But still makes me a little nervous lol I'm not seeing any issues with the lady, so I'm just gonna make sure it doesn't go up higher but still try to bring it down a bit.. Thanks for the comment, growmie!
the end.
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