Week 4 Update
These girls are looking ready to start their stretch with one/two over achievers taking the lead. started to do some LST work as needed. Seeing a few pistil puffs starting to form some nice preflowers so I'm still calling them as in Veg this week. Looking really good with nice fairly dark green leaves. Still not feeding any nutrients yet going to try to wait on feeding until the oldest lower leaves start to lighten up in color. The soil mixture is giving them what they need. Humidity is bouncing around at 60% to 55% between waterings.
LABS (Lactic Acid Bacterial Serum)
LABS are a naturally organic way to enhance your plants terpene production.
350 grams Organic White Rice
250 ml Distilled Water
1 Quart Glass Jar (2 Jars makes it easier)
Cheese Cloth
Turkey Baster
Organic Whole Milk
Organic Blackstrap Molasses
I find starting my LABS in the beginning of week 4 works out perfectly to start applications in week 6.
Boil ordinary tap water add to jar or containers to be used let sit for 5 minutes. Empty and allow to cool to room temperature.
Add rice and distilled water to jar tighten top and vigorously shake jar for one minute.
Pour only the liquid milky portion through strainer into separate jar.
Cover jar with a thin layer of cheese cloth use a rubber band etc. to hold it in place.
Place inside of a dark kitchen cabinet. Start checking on the progress about 3 or 4 days later.
It should show 3 layers, a sediment on the bottom, a liquid middle layer and a skin should be forming on the top surface. It should smell slightly sweet but sour but not rotten or foul smelling.
Use a Turkey Baster to carefully remove only the middle liquid layer from the jar and transfer it into the other jar containing “Room Temperature” Organic whole milk. Try to leave an inch or 2 of air space to the top of the jar. Once again cover with cheese cloth and place into a dark cabinet.
Check on this every other day until you see 3 distinct layers it can take up to a week depending on the temperature. The yellowish liquid is what we want. Remove the cheese like curd top layer and avoid the sediment on the bottom. Use a turkey baster to remove the LABS (Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum) and filter it through several layers of cheese cloth or very fine coffee strainer. To stabilize and provide food for your LABS add an equal amount or Organic Black Strap Molasses stir well place a loose-fitting cover on the jar or bend cover to allow breathing room and place into refrigerator.
How to use your LABS. They tend to only survive in only the top layer of your soil. I typically add 50 ml (2 Turkey Baster fills) of the LABS/Organic Blackstrap Molasses mixture to 1 gallon of water. This is more than enough for (8) 3-gallon pots. After feeding my plants I drizzle 4 or 5 turkey baster fills of this solution to the surface of the pots once a week. If you use full strength nutrients, I would suggest adding this on the days you use plain water to avoid killing the LABS. I typically don’t use more than 3/8 strength nutrients when growing auto flower strains. Also try to do this just before lights out because UV light can kill the LABS. Some growers suggest spraying the surface of the soil with the solution, I feel subsequent watering will flush the carbohydrates deeper into your pots to feed the other microbes in your soil. Try it out see if you notice any difference in your grows coloration, bud quality and terpenes.👍👍
Check out this page for further information.
@ganjapanda, I always wet trim. Then after drying and curing I usually give them a light trim to neaten them up a bit. I like my buds with a nice tight trim. There are a lot of growers that try to pad their weight by not trimming until after they've dried their crop.
I kept my window open/igloo'd around the base of my CMOG Autos to try and pull anything and only go a small amount of purple on the main sugar leaves 😓 i gotta find a way to drop it under 18 Celcius in my room to try and get more 💀
@ThrashedTV_BakedByGlaze, It's intresting I usually get one or two plants that show off some nice coloration near the end but I never get all of them to put on a nice show. I think it's just phenotype differences.👍
@GuerrillaNo_4, I have used Sensi Bloom in the past with good results. Supposedly the Connoisseur Bloom contains higher quality ingredients than the Sensi Bloom. In my opinion the both work well regardless.