For this seed, I soaked in PH 6.5 water for 24 hours. After 12 hours, I tapped the glass to let the seed sink. After 24, it had cracked and started showing a tiny taproot. I placed it in a paper towel until the taproot had grown a bit, and then sprinkled Great White (mycorrhizae) into a General Hydroponics rapid rooter. I then dig out a little hole in my soil and pop it in. I've found this to be an excellent way to get my seedlings a nice headstart without having to use a lighter soil blend for the seedling versus whats in my pots (Buildasoil 3.0). This seed was under the Mars 1000 in my veg room while some other plants finished up in the flowering tent, but I will probably move this into the flower tent once it's clear as I'm still in the process of getting a perpetual harvest set up.
hot damn, those buds look delicious, they to pretty to even smoke!! those the buds you keep in their own jar for when friends come over and are like ya whatever you "grow your own" loser!! then you pull those babies out and are like yaaaa mofo check these out!!!
Beautiful Grow, pattyfatsaxxx! Question: What is your Time Lapse camera? It's awesome!, and
: What is your training 'ring?'
I hope I can get half your results!