I had a week off work this week, which gave me time to work on the plants, I still need to go under and cut any of the smaller leaves that gave been wilting way low where there is little light reaching. The top buds are really picking up there is a nice change on the daily when I go in to check on her. I'm also starting to catch a nice smell when I pass by the closet. Everything is looking really good for the last two or so weeks of growth. Even if there isn't much to do besides keeping up the water, this is my favourite time of any grow, everything you did for the last 3 months all gets paid back and watching it ripen daily just puts a huge smile on my face!
Next week I'm just going to be pushing leaves back, tucking rather then clipping until the last few days before harvest, I also should be keeping up the water and moving around any buds so they get nice air flow so we can reduce moisture and avoid any potential spots for mould to take hold. I should also be updating with pictures during the week a bit more, I have some time off work and there will hopefully be more to show, everything will be getting fat and sticky. I'll also need to get out the microscope out and start looking at those tri's every few days, should also give some nice shots.