The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Sour Diesel Auto - First Grow - strain 1

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-4
Soil Food - Organicraft
Grow medium
Cover Crop Mulch Mix
Grow medium
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
4 years ago
All was going well Cover crops looked good, had some nice light rain to get the soil nice and damp.... till we had an unexpected burning hot day and no one was home to move the plants to a safer location. Sadly the living soil was bone dry by the time i got home, added a little ring of water (I know this is frowned upon heavily but the soil looked horrifically dry and had lost all bottom moisture) so a little water and then the seedling managed to jump back at it again I do expect it to have some impact but lets see
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
3 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
76 %
16 °C
16 °C
15 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Mycorrhizae - Organicraft 25 mll
Worm wee - hex worm farms 25 mll
Happy to say the seedling seems to be doing very well after the unexpected heat wave There is a slight stunting as my friends plants (we planted at the same time, seem to be a few days ahead of mine in terms of growth) I decided to add some rooting hormone to help the seedling along The current downside is we are currently in summer but we have been hit with a cold front that may last for a good while. This means the seedling cant sit outside due to lots of rain and loosing on quite a bit of direct sunlight Seeing this I have ordered a LED COB to help the plants at night. The light is nothing big or expensive but just enough to help it through - The plan is still to try stay very natural From what I can see the leaves look healthy and the stem started thickening up EDIT: added some Worm Wee to my watering routine today I am using a full spectrum small lamp at night to help them but I dont have an option to add the details as I am mainly growing outdoor and chose that route on the site
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
50 %
16 °C
16 °C
15 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Worm wee - hex worm farms 20 mll
Some nice growth on the new leaves Again we are hit with colder wet weather, so every day I am moving the plants from outside to under a semi transparent outdoor area of my house. Way too much rain for my liking Lots of little bugs in my soil which was expected where I live so a Neem oil solution will be happening soon... Although I need to be careful as to not kill the good bugs that keep the soil going (will be questioning the guys who make the soil) Worm wee feeding has slowed due to soil being wet from the rain, trying to keep her away from any rain at the moment so I can continue feeding worm wee. Cover crops slowing down a bit due to my aggressive trimming to feed the soil, will probably plant some more soon around the outside of the grow bag.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.5 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
57 %
18 °C
18 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Worm wee - hex worm farms 20 mll
THIS WEEK WAS STRESSFULL TO SAY THE LEAST Started LST (first time doing this) on my Sour Diesel with some advice from an experienced grower and at the same time the spider mites arrived Spider mites on all four of my new plants!!! Sneaky little bastards But i think i caught them early enough with very little damage done to my plants Strategised new cover crops for spider mites Okay so summary of changes this week - Moved plants closer to night light - testing but things seem to look good - Topped up soil slightly (about 2/3cm), promote some new roots higher up as the soil had compacted a bit leaving plants to the mercy of the wind... - Started LST - Bioneem solution for Spider Mites - Lots of good sun this week and plants were praying to the sun god - New cover crop strategy - ordered some coriander to help protect against spider mites and rose clover for soil goodness
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
57 %
18 °C
20 °C
15 L
25 cm
TURMOIL WEEK AND A BIT So sadly its been a bit rough on my plants Got rid of the Spider Mites but the Fungus Gnats had their time to do some damage to my plants They had been there for a while, they seemed to be working their way with the mulch but little did i know what the larvae can do to my roots Also i had been overwatering the plants which just added to their misery!! I will blame this one on me, myself and I Luckily the Sour Diesel one was quite established so pretty much has only suffered some stunting a few leaves giving some bad signs due to Fungus Gnat Larvae and their effect :( Unlike my other plants which had signs of damping off and my seedling even folded in half (has been saved though) I relaxed the LST a bit because well I just wanted the plant to focus more on growing than adding anymore pressure... It is my first one after all I went full combat mode on the Gnats while still trying to stay natural 1) Biogrow Neem Oil Solution 2) Biogrow Pyrol Then next to help the roots out I added some 1) Cinnamon to the soil around the plant to fight root rot and also promote new root growth with extra soil added 2) Just put down some Diatomaceous earth to kill any larvae from the Fungus Gnats Lets hope this four way combo does the job, I am sure I will see some stunted plants... but so we learn for the next grow Also three new cover crops 1) Dill 2) Coriander Above two to fight off nasty pests 3) Red Clover for plant goodness Slowed down with the Worm Wee, with all these new additions I figured some plain rain water would be magic for the plants
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
52 %
18 °C
20 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
EcoBuzz Root Pro Ta 1 mll
So coming out of a bad patch for my first grow into healthier plants as per my other diaries the plants experienced a very healthy garden full of insects and other things 1) Spider mites coming and going every week or so - Neem is keeping them back 2) Fungus Gnats - contributed to root rot 3) Overwatering (my bad) more root rot 4) Very weird weather Hot then cold then hot then rain then cold then hot again All which stunted growth a bit but we are now kind of back on track Cinnamon + Diatomaceous earth + Eco Buzz Root Pro protect seemed to do the job and helped with speedy recovery Companion plants should be coming into action especially to stop spider mites (My garden is really reeaallly alive) - Being in a very green area in my country attributes to that She has grown considerably and I can only imagine preflower will start this coming week - hopefully we can get a little more veg growth before then She may be on the smaller side of where she should be but she is looking happy and thats all that matters to me at the moment - building experience I have had a wave of leaf miners on all my plants but Pyrol + Neem seemed to have slowed them down, cut some leaves that were were worse from the miners I am looking into the EcoBuzz range for an eco friendly nutrients mix for living soil to assist with flowering phase as these plants may need a bit of help since the root damage
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
30 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
57 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 2
EcoBuz Multigro 1 mll
EcoBuz StartGro 1 mll
*EDIT* I posted this weeks update a few days early - so the next week will be a slightly longer one FIRST FLOWERING WEEK IN MY DIARIES - so excited :D Well its been a pretty good week, especially in context of what these plants have been through I am super happy with this plant at the moment I really wanted to hit 30CM and some DECENT FOLIAGE when pre flower hits and it seems both have been achieved!!! So I am smiling again and not thinking this has been a failed launch - (weather/pests/inexperience) Only down side has been 1) Powdery mildew has come for me I think I caught it early using an organic approach EcoBuz Disease Pro (loving this brand so much) spray a bacteria to spray on plants which when misted, grows over the plant killing powdery mildew and protecting against in the future This product is also completely edible! and should mess with the taste much if i stop using it at the right time 2) I was going to do treatment for leaf miners as a few are hanging around but I decided to go after the mildew first before flowering sets is hard So this week I decided to add some organic based nutrients, trying very hard to stay on the organic road This was probably the best decision I could have made to bounce the ladies back from root rot and pests I bought both: EcoBuz StartGro - (I felt this was needed to just give a bit back to what the plants may have missed in early stages) (Also I have a new seedling xD ) It also has silicon in it to help with any damaged cells and strengthen what was weakened (or so I understand it) EcoBuz MultiGro - (This product is great for maturing plants going into flowering - it has a healthy dose of the right nutrients according to lists I have seen) 1) I did foliar sprays with both products to blast some nutrients in while they sleep and very early in the morning when the sun rises 2) Did a drench also when they were super dry just to revitalize the roots, their intake and give cover crops so punch as they are going to be protecting the main girls. For future protection I have setup 1) Dill is coming out the soil (repels pests) 2) Coriander coming out (repels pests) 3) Red Clover - some natural soil food after cutting some tips off and letting them fall EcoBuz Pest Pro - Another pro fungus which attacks and takes out leaf eaters and such - does not kill bees/wasps/lady bugs and other good insects We have a few hot days ahead and then heavy rains, trying to get the most out of the sun as possible I have stopped training on all plants - focusing on learning and keeping plants healthy this time around
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
47 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
Okay we are back - i did the last update a bit soon last time so this update includes a week and a few extra days Flowers have popped up in loads of spots which i guess translates into bud points... so I am pretty freaken excited about that Got quite a bit of new growth in the middle also which is something lacking from all my plants due to previous issue as noted in other weeks I think I have fixed my overwatering tendencies and I am allowing the soil to dry out nicely before I rush for the watering can again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In terms of nutrients: My nutrients don't have a schedule at all, their medium (i guess one could call it that) is based on natural processes and such so I don't think I can do too much damage with feeding these nutes every second watering.... I think I am sticking to the one best for plants that are more mature and flowering as the bottle states. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaf Miners Oh these are sneaky little bastards, i deal with them and then they come back They don't seem to do to much damage, they just irritate uninvited guests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powdery Mildew: I seem to have it very under control, the pro fungus which covers the leaves and stems and such looks like it has taken control and there are only small traces left... one more tactful spray should do the job ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My main problem now is the weather Knowing id fight weather with outdoor growing its been a bit of a tossup the days so far have been RAIN, RAIN, COLD, RAIN, SUN, COLD, RAIN, SUN, RAIN, COLD,RAIN, SUN The one seed i popped in the ground as an experiment is looking horrible due to weather so I am stoked I can carry my main plants inside when needed and keep them safe I am still waiting for summer and we are past the solstice already... shit is weird We have had torrential rainfall which as much as our dams need it... kinda sucks for the plants I have upgraded my light at night a bit to help with the lack of sun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now though im just super stoked i got these plants to where they are....Flowering I have never ever grown anything in my life so I am happy I got this far and only lost one or two early along the way. Onwards and upwards I say, and keep the learning circle going
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
47 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
70 %
20 °C
21 °C
15 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuzz MultiGro 1 mll
Isint she lovely! My first plant, the first one that survived and grew up... Well she has stopped growing up and now she is just beefing out BEEFCAKE! 😂 She has so many nice good looking bud spots and the main is really getting thick and crystals and smell and and and My diaries are becoming a bit errr boring i think is the word, due to their not being many issues but for me I am just happy that my plants look happy ----------------------------------------------------- Nutrients So still using the Ecobuzz Multigro but a little bit less than I was, even though the Multigro is not harsh and wont affect tooooo much I still want to keep them nice and hydrated with clean rain water ----------------------------------------------------- Pests Well the coriander and dill seem to have done the job when it comes to spider mites I know my garden is riddled with them and I have not seen a single one near my plants since I started using the above Leaf miners are still here, they don't know when to catch a hint... rashing ----------------------------------------------------- Weather As you can see it like the most humid time of year, these plants are under fan all night to help against dampness We have had more sun and less rain... BONUS ----------------------------------------------------- Really stoked at the moment My heavy hand with watering is gone so the soil is way better than it previously was (MY BAD) Colour is coming to the buds also which I guess shows some sign of flowering maturity.. not sure, need to read more
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
47 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
67 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
Epsom Salts 2.5 mll
Hello again! Can you feel the smile on my face, I think you can... 😄 Not only because her buds are becoming so pretty but I also bought two new toys 1) A Jewelers loupe To investigate my plants and ofcourse the BUDS!! 2) A smart plug to automate my lights and watch power consumption Her leaves are happy, her stalks are happy, her buds look happy.... WE ARE ALL HAPPY Okay lets get on with it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pests Nothing to report, literally Leaf miner damage is still there but they are dead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defoliation Okay so I am not going to make a big deal of it It was literally my friend, an experienced grower who pulled a few leaves off he deemed as currently a bit useless ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrients As you can see I added some epsom salts The Epsom salt mix was actually for my banana blaze but with further reading, I realized it is great for all plants for many reasons... So I watered all my plants with it (ONCE) So far so good Rest of the time I have slowed down with nutes almost completely as I think its pretty much flushing period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for my new toys The jewelers loupe: SO AWESOME!! Great to see what is going on down there in such detail, a product I would recommend every grower to have from the start You can see and identify pests, you can investigate any leaf damage and of course you trichomes and buds I am still learning how to do manual focus with my camera along with using the jewelers loupe, excuse my photos but I am getting there The Smart Plug What an absolute winner I have been able to set on/off schedules for my lights (No more late nights and early mornings) Plug take care of it I can see power consumption and estimate costs Along with power consumption costs, I can see if my draw is lower that something may be wrong with my lights I can control the power and see power draw from anywhere in the world, as someone who travels a lot for work and such this is a huge advantage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Ugh we have a tropical storm on the way - I am enjoying the sun and less wind while it lasts Plants will probably have to be inside for a few days and outside plant will need to be covered HUGE WINDS COMING with rain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All in all I am super stoked with this plant she is smelling so good and looking so radiant... cant ask for much more to be honest Its been quite a journey so far
Grow Questions
Rivetingstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi - Please see photos names grow question This node and the ones on the same branch have what look like bubbling leaves, the pistols look like they are drying up and dying its currently only on one branch It is very worrying as I am coming close to my first harvest
Buds. Other
Leaves. Other
4F1M6answered grow question 4 years ago
Yes broad mites would definitely cause those symptoms! Shiny blistered leaves are the initial damage from broad mites. Silly I didn't think on that first!
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
47 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
67 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
Epsom Salts 2.5 mll
testing to see if my diary works again technical issues - cant add harvest page
Week 10. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This was the first seed I ever owned and grew, thanks to a good friend of mine. I am rating this strain from an absolute noobs point of view and also someone who suffered from no growing experience and allowing this plant to subjected to all sorts of hurdles. I think this strain did really well under the circumstances. The buds were nice and thick compared to my other plants who grew under the same circumstance and the smell was oh so gorgeous. Sadly I lost half the bottom buds due to broad mites so the scales would have been a considerable amount more. Aside from all that I would love to have a crack at this strain again to give it a proper grow with more exp and def better soil. Thank you Fastbuds for the beautiful strain strain :)
Show more
Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
53 g
Bud wet weight per plant
15.8 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Energetic, Euphoric, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Diesel, Sour

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Sorry this update is so late - had some technical issues - so the below was written at the time of harvest Firstly im not sure I should be reviewing this strain as with my soil issues and pests... I can’t really give an accurate description aside from that the plant survived all the bad and actually made it through - So i do give it an A for being resilient So for that I am super stoked and thank Fastbuds for the great strain She was very smelly near the end and the buds had gotten nice and thick!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahhh man bit of a bad week - I have met SATAN AND HE IS CALLED BROAD MITES A few days ago I discovered broad mites had gotten into my plants and were causing havoc. (confirmed under a microscope, small translucent bastards) Also covid has hit some of my family members, so I didn't really have time to do much or notice the progression due to time limitations. Which left me with some decisions to make since most of my plants are flowering (I couldn't really treat them) The two closest I did an early harvest, the others I treated with a light mite killer that is non toxic to humans... So I did harvest this plant, I had to dispose of the lower branches and buds completely as the mites had done their damage and all but destroyed the buds. But now moving on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUDS Even though i lost about a third of the plant to mites, I was still all giggles for the excitement of my first harvest Took off most major leaves but not all the small one which we will deal with when the buds are dry I was thankful for every gram of bud that came from my plants, I put them through hell They smell AMAZING They look SUPER DELICIOUS They are DENSE I CANNOT WAIT TO SMOKE THEM UP AFTER CURING They are now in my cupboard with dehumidifiers, a fan and smelling like GOLD :D After the drying week and a bit, they will go into Terploc bags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soil My soil was not great, honestly it was so hard when I worked on disposing the left overs to get mites away from my other plants The roots hardly had any growth to them which I assume was both the soil and root rot doing its work, but honestly half the soil was like brick... not good I am changing soil completely for my next batch. Lesson learnt.... don’t settle for soil you feel is too dense - A worry I had early but never did anything about it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Routine pest control Something I was not doing which I will be religious about for my next batch, my garden is ALIVE and I will need to counter that. I might have been able to stop the broad mites, so again my mistake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for following this Diary, I had never grown anything in my life before these plants and its been a quite a ride😅 Stay safe out there this covid thing is horrible


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DreamOncommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, Thank you! Three more strains on the way, hopefully no more surprise heat waves :)
Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Happy Flowering @Riveting
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you!! I am happy indeed
Ferenccommentedweek 54 years ago
Happy Growing @Riveting
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you!
Epokwancommentedweek 14 years ago
Hey fellow grower! I almost lost 6 outdoor autos to an unexpected heat wave as well. They have since recovered and are doing well, I'm almost certain it's because I treated with a silicon based product just before it hit. You should try find something similar if you live somewhere that gets very hot days. I was actually treating mine with it to proactively fight PM before it hit, and discovered after that it helps for heat stress too. Here's the product I use - another good product to have on hand is liquid kelp, for recovery if it happens! Good luck out there 👍
Epokwancommented4 years ago
@Riveting, great to hear! They're looking happy, great job!
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Epokwan, Just wanted to come back and say thank you for your advice I ended up with a product that supplies silicon and it worked out really well Thank you
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Epokwan, Thank you for the advice Yeah the heat took its toll, I lost my other seedling (but promptly ordered 3 more strains :D) I have seen a similar silicone product at a shop near me and will probably be grabbing it as part of a pack on black Friday as i also plan to experiment with other soils I have not looked at liquid kelp yet, but will do Appreciate it!
Shooeycommentedweek 104 years ago
Excellent job burrito and a great read too. Enjoy the harvest mate👍
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Thank you She tastes so good!! I cured her using those new terploc bags - Money saver and awesome curing results
Taitocommentedweek 104 years ago
Disfruta de la cosecha compañero 👌
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Taito, gracias
Shooeycommentedweek 104 years ago
Hope you get your technical issues ironed out mate. Crazy thing about this pic is,, in AUS the pack of smokes would cost double what the bud would cost!! Seriously its extortion, cant afford to spin out bud anymore... well its a very tasty looking result there mate. Well done👍🏽
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey That is insane but it is a bad habit I should kick. Yeah hope to get it sorted soon... the gaps in my diaries are killing me :D My veg and flowering weeks work, but I cannot upload anything to the harvest weeks Thank you for the compliment, I had such a nice day harvesting my first plants... really enjoyed it
Smokwiricommentedweek 74 years ago
plant looks great mate, i forsee many good smokes in the near future, happy new year bud💪
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thank you! Excitement is definitely an understatement!! Happy new year to you also, may you have an excellent 2021
amazongrowcommentedweek 44 years ago
did not know that coriender is good as a companion plant, is that so? thanks! nice grow
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@amazongrow, Yes it naturally wards off pests like Thrips, Aphids and Whiteflies also Spider Mites Just keeping them small around my plants to hopefully act as a barrier
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 54 years ago
she's really nice looking bro...great job
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
Shooeycommentedweek 54 years ago
Right on track burrito, really looking good now and ready to take off. Cheers mate
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Thanks bud We are getting there....
Shooeycommentedweek 44 years ago
Hey mate, love your passion!! Fk you fungus gnats! 🤣 full combat mode. Good on you for getting on top of it. I can see you are very attentive to the plants so success is inevitable. Coriander is enough to even keep me away, I hate that shit!! I found some Thai coriander and Thai basil which is a great companion plant, and also tastes alright too! All the best lad 🍻
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Thank you! Yeah its not always easy learning as you go, it comes with costly mistakes and the experience is only rewarded during ones next grow... but so it goes I was rather happy with the fungus gnats during my mulching time as they seemed to only hang round the decaying mulch and i thought they would aid the decaying process, but little did I know the damage I would see down the line Edible cover crops are the best cover crops! Cheers
bazgrowcommentedweek 14 years ago
Happy Growing!
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@bazgrow, Thank you!
heizencommentedweek 44 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Shooeycommentedweek 74 years ago
Lookin good burrrito. Well done mate. We are also having a mild summer to date, and wetter than usual. Its good you can bring em in when the weather gets a bit shitty. It will help to evade possible mould issues later on. Im kinda regretting my large pots now for exactly that reason. 🍻
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Thanks mate Yeah its def been a wet one... Next grow should be easier as we go into dryer months still with some heat. Damn the mould and all it stands for!! but yes these 15L pots do help, especially these with the nice strong handles on the side.. I see their new range has LST holes near the top, So I will have to fork out and upgrade for sure :D
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Beautifull choice on that Sour Diesel Auto.
Taitocommentedweek 104 years ago
Disfruta de la cosecha compañero 😎
the end.
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