D29: Did some LST to her and defoliated 4 bottom fan leaves.
D30: Watered her untill 5% runoff with 1/10th of the Bio-Bizz recommended dosage, except for Bio-Heaven that was 1/4th: in 3,5L of water, 0.2ml/L of Bio-Grow, 0.2ml/L of Bio-Bloom, 0.1ml/L of Top-Max and 0.5ml/L of Bio-Heaven. I´ll stop using the ATA Cal-Mag since it has 5.8% Nitrogen, which completely breaks the Bio-Bizz line balance. I´ll start experimenting with low dosages of the recommended schedule, since it has all the macro and micro-nutrients an auto needs if you add it all up.
D31: She is looking good and is totally in pre-flower, pistils are showing up a lot more! Today arrived my new oscilating fan and another exhaust fan to intake air so I can close the passive intakes.
D33: Looking great! Tomorrow I´ll have to do some LST and maybe a little defoliation, or wait a week more until she gets almost into flowering.
D34: Today I did a little defoliation of the bottom leaves and rearranged her LST. She is looking incredibly beautiful, way more than I expected. The leaves are very thick and large.
D35: Watered with 6.4ph water with 1ml/L of Bio-Heaven. Leaves are looking a little thin and new growth twisting, not sure if its from underwatering but I´ll keep an eye on her.