This girl is having trouble getting going. I'm hoping that its due to her working more on roots than top growth. I have only managed to get 1 of this strain to grow before, germ rate of 2 out of 5. Only giving purified water at this point, and no nutrients. Will continue to baby her along and hope she takes off.
12/5 watering increased to 16 oz every 3rd day for now. pH is still a bit high, but wont be trying to lower it until I start saturating the soil in the whole pot when watering. Above ground growth still slow at this point while the root system is the main focus. Will be turning on the bloom switch on lights towards the end of this week to increase light intensity overall.
Growing the same freebie and was comparing to see what my expected yield would be. Excellent diary and I’m hoping to get at least 2oz prime bud also but my goal is 4. Also on a budget with my equipment I’m slowly trying to upgrade cause that and the genetics do make a huge difference in the overall yields.