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Auto fun run with ya Ganjagrandaddy

4 years ago
4 years ago
All excited with finally getting these into water they all got a glass of clean and filtered water for their seed soaking. I do worry about seed drowning doing this so I checked every 8 hours to see how they were doing. After 36 hours 2 of the strainsnhad broken through their shells and started to show a tap root explorer . sadly 4 amnesia jaze had only changed colour to a darker version of themselves. I placed them all into paper towels to encourage the tap roots to get busy and after 24 hours action had happened. The Gorilla girl had all put a very nice, thick tap root out that was more than ready for the planting in the coco plugs. The Sweet Cheese had smaller tap roots but were showing out so they went into coco plugs too. I decided the 4 amnesia were probably better in the plugs alongside their cousins too. After a few days the Gorilla girls were ready for their final pots and had roots below the plugs. The Sweet cheese also got moved into their final pots. The Amnesia Haze were still dormant..
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
60 L
60.96 cm
The Gorilla girls all popped the soil overnight from potting. Day 1 with a bang. lol The cheese broke on the second evening and even now at day 11 , 2 are still struggling to escape the soil fully. Frustrating to watch helplessly. The Gorilla girls are all nice and settled in on day 11 ( today) . I am watering occasionally and keeping it wider than the plugs width to encourage the roots to explore out. The Amnesia are still dormant so I have excluded them from rhe grow this far. dissapointed is not the word and no idea why they failed so badly ??. The potential growers are settling in now so hopefully a good weeks growing will bring them to heel.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
60 L
60.96 cm
Day 14: all well so far with only the #3 Gorilla looking a little odd still, like she has lost a limb!. They look as though they have been settling in well with no colour issues or signs of burn from the soil mix. Not a lot to report yet as such early days. catch you next time.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
60 L
60.96 cm
Day 21: . Wow these girls can grow fast. Having spent decades growing photoperiod strains and with only 1 Autoflower grow previously , I am astounded by the rate at which they grow daily. Watching the fan leaves gain so much size each day and the stems thickening alongside them shows their ability to rapidly cycle through their stages. The Gorilla girls are doing so well and even the mutant#4 is starting to settlenin and gain a nice colour to her. I do think the up pot has affected her height and development initially but hope she will catch up now. I have started to train the #2 GG with a 90° bend to her 5th node. I plan to keep them bent over like this until the lower nodes catch up and begin to develop as mains too. This is to avoid any topping at all as I want to see if this is a viable option with my room size. I used the forefinger and thumb method to gently crush the stem by rolling with slight pressure until I felt it soften enough to apply the bend but not too damaged to slow the growth to any note. Seeing how so many autos have a huge main stem that seems to form the upper part of the good yields from them , I thought I could keep it around but held down to still break the apical dominance. fingers crossed. The Sweet cheese is getting herself set for a burst of growth too I think. she is a few days behind the others but looks happy enough. I am hoping to get to week 5 before they hit their flowering run to gain enough size to fill my space used and seeing their rapid speed , they just might do that. Until next time Growmies , be safe and well.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
60 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Eco-Life - Ecothrive
Eco-Life 1.321 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 0.75 mll
Day 28: What a great week it has been for these ladies this week. They have all got on with business in a very orderly fashion. Gorilla#1 has now been trained a little with some gentle L.s.t to pull her main down. I am hoping to not add any recovery needs that will slow growth down at all so no topping. #2 She has been the most productive and has gone way past her initial stake out points. Staked out she is showing approx 7-8 good prospects for mains. I took the small lowest growth out to not waste energy on them. #3 has engulfed her 30L pot already and tied down she looks even more able. she is showing small pre flower hairs at a few bracts . Her fan leaves are a huge size already and tucking them away was hard. #4 Has been pulled down on her 5th node to encourage the lowers to gain some size. she is still fairly squat and bushy looking. Sweet Cheese is slowly gaining size now and has remained low to the surface if the pot so far. I think she will be more natural grown. Overall it feels like a great entrance into their final weeknof flower possibly. Now we have some mains set out for their long stretch session in flowering. I don't think height will be an issue for them in my room this I gave them all a really heavy feed to get the pots active with the biosys and life-cycle again now and hope I can catch them right for their flowering boost needs. I have bought some shogun Pk and their finisher too. lets hope its a drama free week. Be safe and well growies
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
60 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Eco-Life - Ecothrive
Eco-Life 1.321 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 0.75 mll
Day 35: Good say growmies. I hope we are all well in these odd times. The ladies have been very busy this week with plenty of action on the L.S.T training and constant resetting of the stakes to hold them down. Rhe only girl that won't be trained is the sweet cheese. I am curious to see how she does on her own as she has lots of growth tips poking out all over main. She is still low to the pots surface and only about 10 inches at the moment. Most of that has come about from this last week. She is still only displaying her sex pistils ( no not the band!) , at present but is approx 1 week behind the other plants. Gorilla Girl #3 is doing well and not showing any issues. I did snap her main at the 4th node while doing the video but am hoping she can offer some repair time to the clean snap with my quick repair job..( ooops). Thankfully it is where she would have been topped anyway so the two nodes have now got a chance to flourish more. Gorilla Girl #2 is still the biggest of the group and has been pushing all her stakes out with her strength. She is in flower now without doubt but only by a few days. I am hoping the stretch period will boost her height now too. she has a lot of growth tips to become buds too. Gorilla Girl #1 is chasing the #2 for top dog and looks good. she has also just about started to show flowers properly now too. I expect she will put a lot more growth on before she settles into her mid flowering so I have high hopes for this lady. Gorilla Girl #4 Still the smallest of the bunch but I have given her a nice bend to help get her lower limbs active and wanting.. The whole group had a full watering to runoff a few days ago and so far , are more than happy to be left alone a few more days. Be safe and well
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Eco-Life - Ecothrive
Eco-Life 1.321 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 0.75 mll
Flower Day 7: All the sweet ladies are now showing their female flowers. Gorilla Girl #1 Is taking a really bushy appearance and has a liyltmof small flower tops appearing within the bush. She is young looking regarding her overall appearance but still only a dmfew days behind the much faster #2. #2 Is way ahead of rhebfield in terms of flowering progress. she is the main reason for the timing on a full week of flowering. She has so e very big fan leaves that are beginning to her in the way of emerging buds. Tucking them away is not an easy task now. No issues with feed or anything so far. I last watered the pots nearly a week ago and they are still woking their wet/dry cycle out. #3 in her smaller pot and her snapped limb , is motering along now with no signs of her previous trauma visible. The repair on the limb failed to take and I had to remove it again. #4 Is now rhe tallest and most vigorous looking after her slow start. Bending her over has helped to spread her out and given her lowers a good start at becoming mains too. She has a lot of good potential bud sites too and looks like she will fill her pot out nicely. Sweet Cheese is starting to enter the race too now. I do like the look of the " left alone natural shape she is putting out. I think i worry too much about height restriction and seeing how she grows will be a good test for that thought. Overall a good week with little to do besides leaf tucking and a little lst. Be safe and well Growmies.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Eco-Life - Ecothrive
Eco-Life 1.321 mll
Charge - Ecothrive
Charge 0.75 mll
Day 14 Flowering: Hi all . I hope we all had great Christmas fun with those that matter to us and that we had plenty of close personal contact and shared emotions. The Ladies have been treating me to an amazing floral display this week with all of them in full flowering mode now. Gorilla Girl # is a bushy lady in need of a good defoliate once the stretch has finished. she is mid stretch now by the look of her and i am hoping that her stretch will open her up a little more. #2 is the furthest ahead in her floral development and bud size but again needs some leaf stripping out to get the light to the many forming buds. They are like mini golf balls now and I love this part of the cycle. The pics speak for themselves of the hairy little beasts. #3 is feeling the restraints of the 30L pots over her sisters. she is a lot smaller in general although stretching nicely too. She is forming nice bud sets and has great potential if the stretch can boom her size a little more. I used low stress training on these 3 ladies to keep their height low enough for my restriction but I decided the next two could be a little bit of an experiment while I try to establish a perpetual grow operation with autos. Having only grown 1 crop of these in the past , I felt I needed to find what worked for me in this space so I have pulled #4 over using her 5th node only, into an arc shape amd the sweet cheese has been left to do her own thing with little interference from me. Gorilla girl#4 looks the largest of theb group now with her frame set in this way. Her lower branches have shot updating her stretch to surpass the main node quite a bit. she is filling her 60L pot with ease and has some great looking colas starting to form up. Seeing her move slightly ahead thisbway is a real shock as she seemed to struggle to get going initially and I worried about the transplanting shock. this is clearly not the case now for sure. Sweet Cheese is looking great too now. Her natural shape and size are really workable in my space. Genetically she is a smaller strain on paper too so I am interested to see how she ends up and will have a better understanding hopefully of how autos can differ in different combos. All in all a great week with new seedlings hitting the air too !. more to come on that one soon . Thanks for the visit , please feel free to comment , giggle , smile or whatever your fancy takes. be safe and well growmies. until next time. peace and blessings. welcome to The Age of Aquarius xx
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Sumo Boost - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Boost 1 mll
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 - Shogun
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 1 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Day 21 flowering: Here we are after the stretch period has slowed down and I am now the proud grower of some great looking sweet seeds buds. All of the girls are producing really good looking, healthy budlets with a couple having some very dark purple to them too. I have spent some time re training them to a more open frame so the light can reachbthe developing lowers better and the airflow can be made more fluent below decks too. G girl#1 has some very nice tops forming up now with node spacing that should bring them to a more joined up affair. her size is good and I think I could have allowed her to grow more height for her canopy. She has a fair few mains going on too. G Girl# #2 8s still way out in front in bud development and her size is on par with #1. She has remained fairly squat in size and again I feel she could have been allowed way more height. Her node spacing is perfect for creating very fat donkey colas now and they are beginning to reach each other on the stems. opening her out and only removing the damages and very big fan leaves has definately been a must do job . she is ripe for bud rot with those chunky buds and so much foliage to trap the warm air too. G Girl#3 remains the stunted sister of the grouping in her 30L pot but I do think thisbis a pheno thing and not just the smaller pot. she has a slightly lighter colour to her leaves too. She has wider node spacing than the others but this could be more about perspective of size too. G Girl#4 is turning into the stars of the show for me. I wanted to try the tie down 5th node method that I have seen done by another grower i share info with. seeing the result and how it allows the lowers to form with very little slow down for recovery as topping does. The lowers have still shot out to become mains rhe same way but her size has kept going. Her node spacing is good and again I expect some nice thick colas to form. I am getting a diesel whiff from close up so far but expect the smells to start anytime now. I am very happy with this strain so far and find it very easy to work with. They seem very happy with their soil and I did add shogun boost and pk warrior to their major feed yesterday too. Sweet Cheese is looking good. I am glad i left her to go natural too and seeing her managable height , I think this is the way to go in future with her strain. All told , this week has been good and I expect the next 5 or 6 to be even better. Be safe Growmies. Thanks for stopping by.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Sumo Boost - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Boost 1 mll
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 - Shogun
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 1 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Day 28: Halfway to the 8 week flowering point now and it is all going well. Gorilla Girl #1 is stacking her fluffy but chunky buds up very nicely. Plenty of growth this week and loving life it seems. Gorilla Girl #2 is forgingnahead of the game with her bud tightness and creating some very nice clumps of buds that look solid and some very nice colours appearing all over her. love how she looks this way her node stackingnis tighter than the other 3 so far and a definate pheno difference to #1 and#3 Gorilla Girl #3 is going for it with the amount of flowers she is pushing now but won't be as big as any of the other plants. I think she looks a little hungry too which is possibly why she has struggled in the pot. I am adding some megacrop to the feed for the two smaller pots in case rhe amount of medium is exhausted as in previous grows with it. The pot size with los seems to be very important on this on score . Lets see if she colours back up for the final push. Gorilla Girl #4 onbher archiver style has put out some beautiful examples of the strains bud. Her node spacing is between the #1!and #2 for comparison which gives her clumps with gaps on the stem and really highlights the flowersets. Any Bee would be made to pass this beautiful girl by without a visit!. .I am so far very impressed with the Gorilla girls from Sweet seeds. They have been easy to work with and grow too. The plants are looking top notch now too. Good work in the genetics dept guys. Sweet cheese a.k.a Norma Natural is forming a classic centre spiked cola with decent supporting nodes gaining height and weight too. interesting to see it grow thisnway but ... I also see how training is essential for a more even distribution of energies and food. All in all a good progression this week. fingers crossed for the upcoming half to go. be well Growmies.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
SHOGUN Sumo Boost - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Boost 1 mll
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 - Shogun
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 1 mll
Biosys - Ecothrive
Biosys 1 mll
Day 35 flowering: Hi all. We are well onto the flowering periods now amd all the girls are beginning to smell and throw out lots of trichromes . The appearance and colours are also really coming out now for the different phenos is clearly have running. I think i have 3 differing ones on close inspection. #1and 3 are the same but #2and 4 are noticably different so far. #2 has very tightly formed raggy looking style buds and 4 has really open spikey looking ones.They have slightly different node distances too which effects hownthey cluster up. The colour contrast is slightly different between them too. The aromas is a fruity sweet one mainly and is starting to come out . With approx 3 full weeks to go , things will hopefully get swelling up now and adding the weight too. Still only needing the minimum waterings it seems and the wet /dry cycle makes this a very simple grow. The strain has been simple to work with so far and well worth the effort. Sweet cheese is about a week behind the other girls and is forming up in her natural shape well thensides look measly compared to the trained ladies I am used to working with but her main has some serious potential now. I can see how her main will become the donkey dick that I see on normal grows done natural but sjebhas a lot of leaf to bud at this time , so let's see how it ends up. be safe and well folks. peace and love GGD.
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
SHOGUN Sumo Boost - Shogun
SHOGUN Sumo Boost 1 mll
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 - Shogun
SHOGUN PK Warrior 9/18 0.5 mll
Day 42 Flowering: Another great week creating some beautiful looking buds and plenty of trichrome action too. The #1 has begun to colour up her bids now with orange hairs as she matures more. Still.lots of fresh and new pistils being put out too but it is giving her a nicer ripened appeal to her tight , fluffy edged buds. Her gorilla glue genetics are certainly visible along with her twin #3 who is also putting effort into her bud production now. #2 is turning into an amazing looking plant amd i amd so impressed with the teichrome production now. Her pitch black/purples are being covered in a snowy coating of heavily built up trichromes. Her buds are so tightly packed in too with very little leaf among them. Her main leaves are turning some very nice autumn leaf colours among the dying off ones . I think she needed feeding earlier in her flowering period to have given her the better boost but the mature looking fade away on also a good sign of her intentions to harvest soon. #4 is approx a week behind the other 3 and is beginning to look very similar to the #2 now so could be the same pheno after all. She has some real appeal on the stems, I just wish they were all a lot bigger .lol The pictures do not do the beauty of the strain justice at all but the video is at least a little more able to show the differences better. They are really pumping out some funk now as soon as I go up the ladder you can smell the danger of the potency Up close and touched they smell so sweet with a hint of chocolate I think!. Lets see how they end up. All in all a good week and now hopefully the swelling starts before the final two weeks to ripen come into play. Be safe and well Growmies. Sweet cheese looks like an advert for an auto grow with her visual appearance. classic Christmas tree with thick main and growing side branches. Her leaf to bud ratio is not very impressive but if she coats with trichs well enough, then trimming the leaves into the final manicure will be OK i think.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
SHOGUN Dragon Force - Shogun
SHOGUN Dragon Force 4 mll
Day 49 flowering: Hi all , I hope your all well and healthy. I think I have made a few miscalculation errors of flowering weeks I began timing their flowering period a little later than had been flowering I think. Seeing how advanced the #2 has been the entire grow followed very closely by the #1 , and adding the natural fading and leaves dying off that is very obvious too , these are very near their ripen time. looking back over the diary to when I began timing , the buds are fairly well in process so must have begun earlier but I missed the switch with the other seedling dramas I had going on at the time. oops. I am using the time line to keep the other Gorilla girl (#4) and the switch cheese at least on track timing wise ( sort of .lol) I expect the #2 girl will be ready within 2 weeks now but will show as an early harvest on the days. I have added the Shogun Dragon Force into their feed now for a week ( 2 more feeds at least) and then its a mild feeding of the Megacrop till finish. I do love their products and have been impressed by the dragon forces result on trichs. These Darker Gorilla (#2 +#4) girls are so trich laden already and very tacky to touch with a beautiful fruity smell pushing out too. The pictures just don't compare to the live and direct context with these buds but I tried to catch their best anyway. I haven't seen any pictures on sweets seeds grows of gorilla girls that are this dark purple at all and their examples are more akin to the #1 and #3 i have . I live them appearance of the dark phenos and a sure fire selling point for them ?. @sweetseeds ?. you seen these beautiful girls guys ?. With that said the younger ladies are also doing brilliantly with the #4 starting to swell and frost up similar to her older sister#2. Her structure was set slightly looser than the other 3 to see how it altered their bud production compared. She has wider node gaps that have their own clusters with them and she has grown taller from less ties obviously but , it also created a more airy frame for the density of the buds which is a bonus in a smaller environment. I don't feel as worried about bud rot with her as I do the other 3. I plan to brutal defol one of the next autos being run to see how this affects the final result. using the same strains should be a fair comparison. The Sweet cheese has also allowed me to satisfy my curiosity and try a natural untouched grow. She has some beautiful coloured on her tight single stemmed main and the side branching is attempting to keep up with the main but nowhere near as productive . while she is a capable height , i prefer the L.S.T for shape and working on so far. Being so hands off is a new one for me Her diesel smell is really evident now and even the lowers are getting a nice chalky appearance of trichs hiding the pink hues she has going on all over. Inhave enjoyed this grow with the sweet girls and only wish I hadn't lost so many of the other strains so early on. A breeder to re visit without doubt. enjoy the pics and video folks . keep well and loved ..
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
SHOGUN Dragon Force - Shogun
SHOGUN Dragon Force 4 mll
Day 56 Flowering: Hi all. Another week creeps by and I am so close to the finish with these amazing looking ladies. Gorilla Girl #1 has begun to colour up her tops now and has some really nice shades of pink and golds showing up. she is still pushing a few new pistils so I think at least another week for her before the final cut. Her bigger fans are beginning to get a slightly reddened tinge too now. Gorilla Girl #2 has become the oddest looking finish i have seen. Her colours are amazing and so in contrast to all the other ladies. The buds themselves have a dark brown leathery kind of look to them like seasoned tobacco. so covered in trichs and sugared ice looking close up too. I took sonemsampkes ( !lol) a few days back and force dried it. it already smokes and tastes very nice ( if a little limonene heavy at this point !). Effects were impressive for an early sample too. I cannot sing the passes of how this girl has grown enough. Looked great as soon as she hit flower and now delivers such a potent looking finish too. I think a few days and she will be out. #3 Is still pushing lots of new pistils out and looks less mature than her sisters. I do think she is maybe more in time with the #4 and Cheese. She is a good bud producer on amount and general sizes but her smaller frame will be her yield hurdle. Leaves on her are all still very green and happy since the re feeding was sorted. some left over yellowing but nothing to worry about too much now. Gorilla Girl #4 at 49 Days flowering is beautiful. She is way more symmetrical than the #2 and her colours are more ordered too. She is starting to swell nicely now and still has plenty of fresh pistils to show off too. The deep colours are so enticing when I open the tent and her lowers are just starting to colour up with the purples. She smells nice and Pineapple like the other girls now and should hopefully yield well. I think another couple of full weeks will finish her perfectly. Cheese is being a well behaved "au natural" lady. Her main is getting very thick now she is in her swell week. She is being fed with the Shogun Dragon Force still until her next feed , then it will be on to water and maybe a mild feed to finish. Her buds are colouring up nicely with a hint of pink and reds. she has a diesel funk pushing out from her now and a more nutty smell up close. Her side buds are looking good but not training has shown how much difference it can make i think. Thanks for the time Growmies. Be safe and well.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Day 63: Hi all , a productive week it has been this week. The #2 has been taken out for her 48hr dark period before trimming and drying. She jas so much frost onher dark purple and red buds now too. she will be trimmed later tonight so will post a few pics later. Gorilla girls #1 is so close to finishing now too. Her colours are starting really come through now she is maturing and her smell is so sweet and clearly pineapples too. Her yield should be ok bit being kept lower may have been a factor in her overall size. perfect for a low , cupboard grow. #3 is very close to #1 in terms of a finish, if only a few days behind . Shebis so much smaller but her finalnpushbjas bought her on par for the amount of decent sized buds that smell so sweet and are starting to brown off on the tops mainly. I won't rush her but she is close. #4 is still my sneaky favourite for appearance without doubt. She is so beautiful as a plant it will be a shame to cut her down. She is so covered in trichs now that she looks silver and red. At least another week I thinks to get the best from this lady. A brilliant example of genetics. Sweet cheese is also very close to her finish but at least a week jumping by the fresh looking pistils poking out all over her thick main. She stinks of fuel now too. I will be interested to see how much she yields compared to trained ladies. Well hopefully the next update will be to say they are all hanging to dry amd maybe 1 actually harvested. Until then . be safe and sane Growmies UPDATE. the #2 is now trimmed and drying....
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Day 63 ( again!): Well folks it had been a very busy week in the room with harvesting and preparing for more. The #2 Gorilla is drying nice and slowly in around 15°c cool air and has now been joined by the #1 and #3 Gorilla girls too. They both surprised me with the amount of buds tucked away below their canopy and although not the tallest plants , they should yield ok for it. Their buds were rock solid and so pinapple scented and tasting !. I nipped a small side off a few day ago to sample #1 and it was so sweet and smooth. wow a nice hit too. roll on cure and jar time. ....the pics don't do them justice up close but hopefully you can see the likeness to GG4 in their make up as opposed to #2and 4 #4 Gorilla girl is now at day 63 so ready for the end now. I will leave her a day or two more then put her into darkness for her pre trim oil push. I did nip chunks from her stem in a few places to hsrrsss her a little to also push some oils, hopefully this will pay off. Sweet Cheese has finished well too now. her main bud is thick amd very solid. She leaves a sticky finger and diesel stench like nonother strain Her time is also now. Hopefully the next time we see these two ladies left , they will be trimmed for the dry. Enjoy the pics be well UPDATE 1☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ I took both ladies out for their 48hrs dark period before their trim up for drying today. pics updated too. Will update after trim before the long wait on the drying. Good news is that the #2 girl is close to her finishbfor harvest and jarring. not snappable yet but a crispness to her buds is close. A slightly staggered harvest guys , sorry. YET MORE UPDATED INFO BELOW☆☆☆☆ Update Day 110: #2 Gorilla girl is done and dusted. her 10 days low and slow have finished her perfectly. now into a tub for a short cure with the 6.2 bovedas. The smoke is so smooth with zero harshness. Will benefit a cure for some termination as the darker girls don't finknlike the other 2 at all. There is a berry kind of hit to it though only weak at present . I am pleased she yielded what she did and seeing how much shrinkage I had, worried me for a short Her trim was not a manicure due to the nature of her buds being Berry looking on drying and so much frost to keep the tiny leaf pieces left in , very so here are her stats 63 Day flower 50.60g (2.1oz) Not to be sniffed at for her size at all. A good start to the harvest. Roll on the #1and #3 being dry in a few more days. They looked a lot more productive !. woohoo. I love this hobby .lol Without pics it didn't happen so here they are .
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
45.72 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 L
45.72 cm
Day 112 since I out the seeds in to germ. here we are now with 3 harvested and the # 4 Gorilla Girl and the sweet cheese xl about halfway through their dry. The dried and jarred Girilla girls are getting sweeter by the day and losing that banana peel exhale finally now from the gas exchange. The nugs are rock solid and very nice to work withbon crumbling by fingers or grinding finer. There is no harshness to consider when taking a hit and hit certainly has a nice relaxing vibe on the exhale too. I am happy with the yields so far too amd considering their overall medium size finish , more than shocked at the weights. I will complete the harvest stats and report once the last two are jarred up with a dried weight to add. I felt that waiting longer to at least update, would have been too long a gap before a report of some Thanks for keeping with me on this one and for looking in and commenting. Be safe folks and stay sane and sensible. until the harvest report ,adios
Week 16. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
wow and more wow for the appearance alone on these 2 phenos I got. The buds on the green ladies are rock solid and smell amazingly pineapple. Really nice to crumble into a joint ( like my favourite gg4). the taste pre cure is so easy to taste and even on exhale it catches your taste buds. The effects of the stone are very nice and don't hit like a train a nice steady build up to a relaxed and content state is more appropriate. Nice and dense budded with plenty of trichromes visible. The darker girls had an appeal all their own. the dusty/dirty frosting was a good indication of her intention to pull you onto the sofa for some Gorilla lurveee. lol Not as fruity as the other oheno but a nice taste wirh a kush grimness to it too. very nice indeed Bag appeal alone would have this flying out the door without the nice relaxing vibe it brings. An evening smoke for me .lol Again with heavy dense nugs that are not squeezable at all. A sure winner hands down and an excellent choice for any first time grower who wants solid nugs to show off.
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Spent 115 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
88.88 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects

Day air temperature
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance
I can only sing the praises of this excellent strain. getting the 2 phenos was a bonus and seeing how amazing the darker girls were for appearance. from the start of flowering they began to colour their fan leaves with a dark red that went so purple towards the end. Have to be one of the most attractive plants i have had in my room in over 25 years. The colours were stunning on both ohenosbby harvest time too. They grew fairly short and I used a lot of l.s.t to keep them low. I rhinkni could have easily allowed them to go taller but not knowing the strain, I went with it. Rhey all produced very good yields for their small size which was a great surprise. The roots were not as big as I expected when I pulled them up andnthr bigger pots gave them plenty of space to spread out. for the time frame they did excellent. A very easy strain to grow and train with really good plant responses. I would recommend this strain without a doubt.
Week 16. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Hi all. This leafy little lady packs a nice diesel hit with a hint of fruity mint. odd taste but not unpleasant. I grew her with no interference at all and allowed her to be as natural as possible. I had wanted to retry this way with an auto and her recorded stars made her perfect to try with. On finish, her bud structure was mainly focused in the huge Morriston she firmed. The side growth was also excellent and produced some very nice buds too. The leaf-to-bud ratio is very high with her which is a little dissapointing if your a manicurist on harvest but I trimmed the smaller sugar leaf into the buds rather than my usual removal of them. Her overall height was around 80cm and well within the limits of my space without any training . Would be interesting to see one- of these trained out now. She is really sticky with resin so would be good for extracts i think and her hash potential is good too. Her colours are not as vibrant as other strains but aesthetics are not the whole game and her smoke makes up for it. overall not too shabby on rhe tied or finished bud results.
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Spent 115 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
91.22 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects
Cheese, Diesel

Day air temperature
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Lamp distance
I allowed an all natural grow for this girl and she didn't dissapoint at all. She was happy to develop into her finished look with very little from me besides waterings and occasional feeds. her stems were nice and supportive of the side branching with no drooping over at all. Her Morriston was nice and thick amd well grounded at the base too. Side branching found light positions with nonproblems at all and even the lowers formed fairly good. not much popcorn at all from her either. An average and simple to grow strain Nice work Sweet seeds.


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Ferenccommentedweek 134 years ago
Lovely colour ;) @Ganjagrandaddy
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Ferenc,nice to hit harvest again. seemed like a long wait. Thanks for the support during the grow ferenc. always welcome and invited growmie.
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, Well ✔️ enjoy 😉
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Ferenc,May have a good point on the environment. lights off for 4 hours dripsnthe temonway below the usual range and often only around 12° c if good. the cold/fresh air intake is on their side of the room too.
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DreamOncommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@DreamOn,Thank you dream. looking forward to this one. only 2nd auto grow tried as usually a photoperiod grower. The growth rates surprised the hell out of me last one I ready for anything this time round . Welcome aboard
Ferenccommentedweek 114 years ago
Good Luck @Ganjagrandaddy
Ferenccommented4 years ago
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Ferenc,Rhank you Ferenc. getting close now. Best
Ferenccommentedweek 44 years ago
Nice one keep up! @Ganjagrandaddy
Ferenccommented4 years ago
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Ferenc,thank you . going good so far.
homerjgangiacommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia,thanks buddy. going well so far. be lucky
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia,thank you brother. thanks for the visit
DreamITcommentedweek 44 years ago
Enjoy groth mate, nice work 🤠🤟💚
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@DreamIT,cheers buddy. starting to flower now so hopefully stretch time.
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 14 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with some of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds,Thank you for the opportunity . happy days
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 164 years ago
Thanks you. The appeal of them is them is all round too. I do love gg4 as a strain and seeing so many hybrids with it in them , the choices are endless. I am happy with this choice and the results it produced. Thanks for the support.
GuerrillaNo_4commentedweek 104 years ago
How are liking the MARS SP3000 light brother? Thinking of upgrading but want as many personal 1st hand reviews as possible
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@GuerrillaNo_4,name seemed the most fitting one. Father of 8 ( 9 in July 2021) grandad to 7 so far. Will change it to " burnt out and flat broke daddy" soon enough .lol On the heat, I ran 2x 600w hps for decades so even winter had me trying to scrub heat constantly , now I have to add a small greenhouse heater for the coldest snaps so the heat difference is more obvious. The cooling works really well on the units and heat is mainly within a few inches of the power. They come with and extra 2m cord that allows the pack to easily be mounted outside the room and no heat at all in the room from it. brilliant idea from Mars fixed so simply. Even with all three lights on in summer , I was able to cool it enough without an issue.
GuerrillaNo_4commented4 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, Thanks my friend. Glad to hear about the heat. I already run upto 29'C so can't increase the heat much at all. Love the Username too buddy 😂
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@GuerrillaNo_4,youbwont regret it at all. very capable light and runs fairly cool for so much power. easy to cool with a small fan if needed. Nice choice.
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BLADEWOMANcommentedweek 74 years ago
Looking strong and healthy 💪 well done 👍 Good luck 🍀!
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@@BLADEWOMAN,thank you. starting to get some very nice colours showing upon the buds now too. Nice strain.
BLADEWOMANcommented4 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, thanks for the kindle words!!
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@@BLADEWOMAN,Thank you. hope 2021 is your best growing season on record. I appreciate the comments. be well
Smokwiricommentedweek 144 years ago
keep up the good work, plant looks nice 👌
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,Thank you.
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,Thanks buddy. loving the look of the Red ladies. # 2 trimmed and drying now at day 60 flowering. looks potent trimmed up. Be well
King_Geedorahcommentedweek 124 years ago
Wow bro this grow is killing it can't wait to start some autos!
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@King_Geedorah, They are great to watch grow in comparison to photoperiod. Miss the time to train though.
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@King_Geedorah,cheers King. the darker #2 is so close to finishing now. killing me to wait. lol did a trich check and mostly cloudy now.
Walleyeguycommentedweek 84 years ago
My gorilla girl looks to close to your week 8. Still adding an inch or two a day. With small bud sites. Your grow looks good. Looks like you'll get a nice haul.
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Walleyeguy,they They are good growers it seems. their stretch was good too. glad.i pinned them down. thanks buddy
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Walleyeguy,cheers buddy. hoping they lengthen now. halfway point give or take a few day. Just caught one of my new seedlings pushing nanners out. only 3 weeks oils but def nanners. gutting.
Smokwiricommentedweek 84 years ago
Plant looks sweet, keep up the good worx👌
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,Hoping to get a good.momemtum now for the last bit.
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,thank you. getting to the nice part now just watching them fatten up amd grow. Always seems like miles away till we get here then drags till the end. lol be well
FreshCoastOrganicscommentedweek 154 years ago
The girls look great!! 🔥👍
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@FreshCoastOrganics,Thank you Fresh. They have been great to work with too. stoked at their finish . Thanks for the positives. be well
Smokwiricommentedweek 104 years ago
nice progression 💪
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,Thanks growmie. Worth the waiting now thankfully. love the look of the strain up close too. Be well
Smokwiricommentedweek 64 years ago
always nice to see the development of so many ganja plants like yours 👌💪👻
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri,Thank you Smokwiri. I love having a diary to record how things went and things I try, helps find useful ways that work for me. Love sharing with the community here too. We get to meet lots of other growers to share info with too. Everyone has a contribution worthy of a few lines. wish there was a social platform to use besides the single chat though. welcome aboard , please feel feel free to comment anytime.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 164 years ago
Nice bunch of buds you have there 🥦🥦🥦🥦
PurpleWorshipcommentedweek 54 years ago
Hey dude :) WIsh you good luck with it ;) Was wondering, what did you used to make your repair? Thanks!
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship,sadly it was too damaged too take or too far into new flowering cycle. it only survived a day . I used silver ducting tape as it is really tacky but can come off easily too.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 164 years ago
the end.
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