Do si dos og by @originalsensibleseeds
Blackberry Rocks by
Wedding Cake by
Under @marshydro_europe
Nutes by @hypronl_official
day 28 in bloom,
everything is running at top level, absolutely no problems, i would say yes if it were so and then at least i would have something to do but that's just not the case🤣 think i’m getting a fever from all the lockdowns😂😂
day 33 in bloom,
HALLO GROWMY'S, oh the ladies love the Hy Pro Epic Booster and I, I am more than satisfied, I have really tested a lot of fertilizers, but this hy pro is the nose of the salomon 10 points would not be enough for this product, simply recommended, you are looking for contact to hy pro? Just DM me ...
Do Si Dos Og by Original Sensible Seeds damn, the lady smells so well she was a little stretchy but she is gorgeous,
Blackberry Rocks by BsB Genetics no deficiencies she does what she has to do produce nice fat buds,
Wedding Cake by Barney's Farm doesn't need any big explanations, splendid plants alive and well ... so enough talked see you soon again
Atami light mix & Plagron Grow Mix mixed!
Temp: 25,5 °C
Lights: 12/12
Humidity: 54 %
Ph : 6.0
Water: 1l 23°C
CO²: No Mercy Tabs
Tds/ppm: ec 1.5 = ppm 750
Nutes by Hy-Pro Fertilizers ml on 1 liter...
HyPro : Spraymix 00ml by 1L.
HyPro : Terra vegi & bloom 2.5ml by 1L.
HyPro : Rootstimulator 5ml by 1L.
HyPro : Generator 0.16ml by 1L.
HyPro : Epic Bloom 00 ml by 1L.
HyPro : Cal-Mag 00 ml by 1L.
Light distance: 24 inch=61cm dimmed to 75%= 750 par
1x MarsHydro TS 3000
Air Van: 800m³ Prima Klima on 30%
AKF : 800m³ can lite
4x 140mm controled Be Quiet pc vans
3 l water cooling airco Diamant...
3.3l humidifier
1.8l dehumidifier
Humidity control:
Inkbird IHC-200
Temp control cooler/heater:
Inkbird ITC-308
My grow room is variable in size
120cmx120cm² Custom Grow space for sog 150cmx150cm for scrog
S.O.G. Sea of Green from seeds thats why different lenght of my plants
Thx to Original Sensible Seeds, HyPro Fertilizers, BTB Grow Supplies, Mars Hydro as our exclusive sponsor of our group The High Community