Plants have reached a solid 2.5 to 3 feet in height and gone through 3 frost spells so far with no issues. They have just been moved into the general population here at the farm. They recieved one spray of Triact 70, organic neem oil for pest prevention and ant bait was spread around the pots because of the added molasses. No pest issues so far. Still have 3 plants delayed in flower but the other 5 are a week to 2 weeks in now. Have done some minor defoliation to allow more sunlight to reach lower nodes of the plants. They are fed compost tea with recharge microbes at the beginning of the week and honey es with superthrive at the end of the week. They wont require anymore top dressing because the soil was amended with earth dust bloom at 5 gallon transplant and then top dressed 3 weeks later with bud and bloom booster. These are both slow release organic amendments that will continually feed throughout the bloom cycle.