As you guys can see my girls have grown quite a bit since last week and are starting to look like proper plants. The stems have gotten so much thicker and I've startedtraining both of them. The taller one had some rusty spots on one of the leaves, I took the leave off and bought a pH meter so I'll be sure she's able to absorb the nutrients she needs (should arrive somewhere next week). Also I took off bottom fan leaves that wouldn't produce any bud sites and te ones that were blocked form the light.
I'll give the smaller one some more time to produce more nodes and leaves before I tie her down, just to see what works best.
The flies are still pretty much gone, but I want to make sure I don't have to deal with pesticides during flower so with the pH-meter I orders some sticky paper to catch the flies that are left. In addition to that I still clean my growroom thoroughly every sunday before or after I update this diary.