Those sweet babies <3 so slow grower!
I need to fertilize a bit more, increase the root system developing..
also i lost the cbd plant.. died during the transplant. I replaced it with critical 707 but i was in hurry and put it directly into soil and now i cant see nothing :(
@AlpineGoat, that the same story with other stains in new-school genetics. I mean devotchka, Rock machine and Niagara. Someone used to push her with lights as much as possible during ver stage cause she didn't stop growing even during flowering.
Nel bosco è sempre una figata 💯💯
Fa ridere che ne ho parecchi privati, ma con troppe zone di passaggio vicino..
Altri posti ci sarebbe l'infinito, purtroppo troppi cacciatori mettono l videotrappole e tra quello e vacanze varie alla fine out ho smesso..
Quando è se sarà legale, ci sarà da divertirsi 🌳🌳🌳;)
Cmq se li vuoi te li posso mandare davvero o ci si trova
Mater delle caldarroste (intendo io) 😁🌰
Grazie dell'offerta in tutti i casi 😉
Le autofiorenti non le apprezzo ancora molto, difatti ne ho davvero parecchie di fastbuds che non so' se/cosa ne farò..
Faccio prima ad inviartele io ;)
@Doctors_Choice, yeah def a mistake. I used the fertilized water (mixed for my fem plants) and used it to water the auto :(
But now I popped a Rock machine i put her in 10L now let’s make things correctly 💪
@AlpineGoat, Oof... That's why I hate germination kit like that.
A some weeks old plant will easily survive any mistreatment during a transplant, but at this stage....
It's a no for me. I'm still a beginner I believe, but I really don't see the benefical of it, compared to the risk it involve.
Up to today, I'm having a 100% germination success, and no failed growth with seed direct to the pot method.
And with the right watering condition, it never took more than 3 days to get first leaves out...
I tried germination in wet papper, then transplant in a cup, then in a pot. This came with lot of different issues.
Probably because of mistake i made... But that's the point: It's more manipulation, so more mistakes possibles.
RIP CBD (good thing 😝) and welcome Critical 707!