Hey everyone, 3d week, 06/01/2021. The plant grow quickly, thanks to the roots stimulant I guess, I'm happy.
The 3d node is growing, I will FIM it tomorrow or after tomorrow, because I want the apex a little bit bigger. I will apply a LST in the same time with gardening cable.
So the most interesting part arriving very soon.
08/01/2021. I FIM, I checke the apex this afternoon and it was ready for a cut, I'm glad that I could do this a the good time.
I will prepare my LST, I don't do it today, the stem are really too short. I can't wait to see her survive with this stress, and create 4 more branches. And I also cut
the 2 first leaves.
10/01/2021. the FIM is a success!!! This morning I search some diaries with fimming and lst like me to see when the 4 branches appears, then I checked on my plant and they are!!! I'm really happy!
We can see the new branches on the 2nd pics, just below the apex cut there is a little branch. I wait the 2 others that the FIM must create. Tomorrow I will start the LST.
11/01/2021. Good morning y'all, this morning I prepared my LST. I use some gardening cable planted in the soil to bend the branches, and I put some paper clip on the round of the pot, very usefull when the plant's bigger . I also watered this morning.
this morning I noticed 2 new branches, between the apex and the cut branches of the apex. I have now 4 new stem thanks to this FIMing, really happy :D .
I would like to say that I don't do all of this without a little bit of knowledge. I ask a lots of questions to few growers and I want to thank them (they will recognize themselves).
End of the week, 12/01/2021. I make lots of update this week, but it's an important week. I never tried these techniques and I'm pretty happy that it's worked.
Now I'm waiting for the flowering stage, I will continu this LST for a while, and will see the results. Actually I can say that these techniques are really easy to execute, so I could say that I want to use them for the next session(s).
Hey hey hey, vraiment génial ce que tu fais là !! Je suis content que tu essaie ces techniques :-) c'est ce que j'ai fais également ce coup ci, mes plantes passent en floraison et commencent à s'étirer, j'ai des branches qui se transforment en tige principal, j'attache les branches pour les écarter comme toi autour du pot ;-) j'ai aussi essayé de les pencher en arrière quand elle faisait la taille de la tienne, cela à tiré les branches vers le haut et ensuite j'ai relâché le LST du tronc, la plante s'est redressé et ensuite j'ai pris ses branches et les ai étalé ;-) j'attends comme résultat une grosse couronne 👑 de Buds bien Gras et Collant !
Je te souhaite de beaux et gros résultat avec ces techniques, mais à mon avis 99% de chance que tu ne sois pas déçu et que tu adopte la méthode 😋😁 Growing Happiness
@Celesto, yeah I'm pretty surprised by the results, I'm pretty sure theses methods will not disappoint me ^^
Your trick is impressive, I haven't the skill to do this now, but one day maybe 😉
Your plants are beautiful, I can't wait to see thise crown of big buds too :p
Nice.. I'm definately gonna have to give FIMming a try.. But I feel like I'm gonna "Fuck I Missed" the "Fuck I Missed" technique lolol.. And if that happens, can't the plant just keeping growing it's main top?? Just with the new growth trimmed a bit? Lol.. This makes me nervous but I really wanna give it a try.. I had a 3 branch mutation (triploid I believe?) And topped at 2nd node.. So instead of 4 tops, she had 6 tops! Grew that auto in a 9oz solo cup.. Only got about 15 grams but still very nice bud.. Still have some curing actually.. She was harvested on Halloween! BTW I love using those binder clips!!! Great for LST and also drying!!! Very handy.. Which reminds me, I need to hit up the dollar store and pick up a few more!!! Lol Hope you had a good New Year, growmie!