She is still a baby plant and needs very little feeding, let alone being drowned with nutrients. After transplanting you should only give plain water until growth resumes. No matter how careful you are, some root damage/trauma will occur and until your plant recovers from this operation, plain water is the best medicine for it. By giving nutrients so soon after transplanting, the plant has to cope with re-establishing its most vital parts, the roots, find water and on top of it all, deal with mineral fertilizers and due to the roots still not being fully recovered, the mineral salts in the fertilizer will actually "suck" water out of your plant by reverse osmosis, causing dehydration.
Try giving her only plain water until she picks up, then go back to quarter strength nutrients until she has 8-10 nodes, then step up to half strength. It is far easier to treat a slightly under fed plant than it is to rescue a over fed and burnt plant. Just like a human baby, your seedlings need gentle feeding until they are adults and just as with humans, you don't give babies T-Bone steaks or seedlings massive feeds with multiple nutrients. Hope this helps,......