SUMMARY: This week I have continued with 200ml total intake per day and getting 20-30% runoff. I started with the week 2 nutes on day 12. I'm seeing green-tinged perlite which is concerning as surely it can only be mould. Though I'm not sure how thats occurred as the coco has been drying out in between feeds.
Tuesday 5th January 14:00
The medium still looked damp however it's such a small pot I feel I'm not watering frequently enough and so I gave it 150ml nutes now and plan on giving it more later. It produced around 50ml runoff (33%). [25°C/50%]
Tuesday 5th January 20:00
I fed her a further 100ml of nutes which produced 80ml runoff (80%) and so she really doesn't need feeding twice per day yet. [25°C/50%]
Wednesday 6th January 15:00
Coco was still moist/damp so left her be though I was expecting it to have dried out plenty by now given its only in a solo cup but the coco is still dark and the seedling doesn't look in good health though I cant see what I might be doing wrong. I'm struggling to keep the humidity high in my 2x2x4 tent even with the humidifier on 100% power cant seem to get it above 50% this week [24°C/46%]
DAY 10
Thursday 7th January 14:20
She is growing but slowly and very condensed and it looks like it's got mold forming in the medium as the perlite bits are looking green??? With that I will let it dry out and not water or feed until I see dry coco on top at least. [30°C/40%]
DAY 11
Friday 08/01/2021 21:00
She looks to have dried out a bit now and I don't want to let her go bone dry so I gave her 200ml of week 1 nutes at a pH of 6.1 which produced 50ml (25%) runoff. I then poured the runoff back through the medium as some of it still looked a bit dry. I then got a further 35ml runoff (17%). [25°C/52%]
DAY 12
Saturday 9th January 20:30
I accidentally gave the Amnesia 200ml of week 1 nutes when it was due it was actually due its first lot of week 2 nutes yesterday. As I'm already a day behind schedule now i decided to give her a further 200ml of week 2 nutes which should wash out and replace the week 1 nutes. I collected 200ml runoff (50%).
DAY 13
Sunday 10th January 20:40
I gave the Amnesia 200ml of week 2 nutes though the coco had not dried out much from yesterday by the looks of it - still moist. It produced 100ml runoff (50%). [24°C/55%]
DAY 14
Monday 11th January 20:40
The coco wasn't even dry on top but was drying. I don't like the thought of the plant only receiving 200ml intake every 48hrs and so I will continue with giving 200ml per day for now. I gave 200ml of week 2 nutes which produced 100ml runoff (50%).
The environment was showing 38°C/33% on my small hydrometer however my Inkbird reported 23°C and my bluetooth hydrometer reported 24.7°C/52%. It seems the hydrometer was in the heat path from the electric fan heater. [25°C/45%] <-- guesstimate with the multiple different readings
@rockbo47, I watched from seed to stoned on YouTube he did a few himself and they came out good from seed to harvest didn't yield particularly well but the end product looked good, good luck to ya I be keeping an eye on ur feed im intrigued to see how u get on in the solo cup might be something I might try myself 👍
Appreciate the reply happy growing mate
@Syrunz, Thanks man, yeah she's not doing bad is she. This is just an experiment and I plan to just let her do her thing in the solo cup throughout the entire grow. I MAY defoliate a little but if I can help it I plan to leave her be and just feed her. If I can get one nice dense cola I'll be stoked!
@rockbo47, Agreed, I had the same difficulty finding info but this site has helped with that. I find the nutrient, water, timing combo so strain/environment specific that every new grow can be a challenge 😊 Good Luck!
@Grisly, Thanks for the comment, glad to hear people can make use of my efforts that's why I'm documenting it so thoroughly and it is quite time consuming. When I did my first grow I couldn't find enough info on how much water to give when seedlings, when exactly to start nutes etc so figured I would create a good frame of reference. I only used liquid nutes as I could not get hold of any dry amendments but I'm comfortable with the liquid nutes now.