Busy week preparing my soilmix and repotting all plants in Autopot XL 25 liters. 😋
4 Sherbet Queens in one pot 😀
Soilmix of 100 liter :
50 liter perlite
50 liter Plagron Light-mix
1000 gram Biovin (new name : Terra Pulse)
2500 gram DCM Rockdust
500 gram DCM Bentonite clay powder
500 gram DCM Kieserite
250 gram DCM Calcified seaweed powder
50 gram RQS Easy roots Mycorrhiza
On the bottom of each Autopot XL is 5cm clay pebbles.
In Each autopot are 3.5 Healthy start tablets (www.bioplantenvoeding.nl)
In each Autopot I planted 3 to 4 plants 😉