It was a little over 2 weeks since my last reservoir change. All reservoirs got changed yesterday (F6).
EC 1.2-1.3
PH 5.7-6.2
I used mostly veg nutrients during week 1 and will continue to do so for the next couple days. They still have a large stretch in front of them. My NPK ratio is 2-1-2 with the micros added in, so the feed should be fine this week and I will transition to a more P/K based feed when I top the reservoirs off during the week. I didn't use liquid karma on this change. I will add it to the reservoir after the defoliation at the end of week 2/early week 3 flower.
Michelangelo - Plat Tangie x Blueberry Cookies by Irie Genetics
11" Tall.
24" from light
EC 1.3 and seems to be slightly dropping. Lots of branching, tight node spacing, and muscles! 💪
Baker's Delight - Cookies x Sorbet by DNA
16 and 13" tall
19" from light
EC 1.3
The plant on the right who was fasciated seemed to top itself again and the new growth tips aren't fasciated. She must have heard me talk shit about her last week and sorted herself out. The left plant was sad last week, but has much more life and is perking up as I got the temps down and controlled the humidity better.
Rock Candy Kush - Alien Rock Candy x SFV OG Bx by MotaRebel Genetics
17", 11", 12" tall
23" from light
EC 1.3
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the tall plant is a female. It has huge fan leaves and thick stems.
Thanks for stopping by!! 🚀🚀
@StunFlower, I've never tried it... I will see if any dispensaries near me have it. I love trying new strains. I know what you mean about wanting to do a plant justice... All theses strains are some of my favorites, so I am paying very close attention to them lol. Alien Rock Candy was my favorite strain I ever bought, so when I saw it crossed with a very strong OG, I had to grow out the Rock Candy Kush.
@Oozle, Looks like you'll have a pretty strong herd after the cull - your ladies are looking great 😍
I have 'high' hopes for the Pink Kush. Being one of my favourite smokes, I really want to her justice.
@StunFlower, i think only because it gets super dense the way the bud forms, not because it is genetically weaker. If i were confident I could keep my humidity around 40% or less the last couple weeks I wouldn't be as worried.
@StunFlower, It has to be something with my environment/feed that brings out some of these weird "mutations." Could be how rough I am with them early too..
I've gotten buds on fan leaves several different grows and strains now. I attribute that to the liquid karma... kelp supposedly makes that happen.
I am hoping I don't have to bring this 1 to flower as it is a big potential for bud rot.
@StunFlower, Thanks. I thought maybe they were growing a little slow, maybe lower temps, but they look healthy.
Yes, I was hoping for 2 Rock Candies, 1 Bakers, and 1 Michelangelo. The non-feminized seeds are always a pain in the ass. I like to pop 5-6 and hope to get 2 females. There are some really interesting stuff that is only available as regular seeds.
The crew is looking great! That Baker's sure is a stretchy beast! Funny you mention her burnt tips on her as I have a bit of that going on with my Pink Kush as well 🤔 All the best shoe-horning in that extra plant 🤞
@StunFlower, no, but I wussed out and didn't do it lol. I set the timer, but I just couldn't do it. I will have to test it on a smaller grow.
I've been told it is a practice done regularly by commercial growers to pack on weight and help the plants finish faster. It makes sense I guess. More light = more energy.
There isn't enough time for the plants to reveg and at this stage if there were any intersex traits, there isn't enough time for pollen to actually do much. But I couldn't do it lol. Today will be the last day and then 24 hours of darkness!
@Oozle, Intriguing. I've heard of the darkness period prior to harvest but not the boost of light before hand. I'm keen to see the results. You haven't done this before, have you?
@StunFlower, thanks bud. Giving them a 1-2 days of 18/6 then 24-36 hours of darkness. The extra light is supposed to help them finish quicker and bulk up. we will see. Figure if they look bad or freak out I can just put them to sleep and chop em. Also easier to keep humidity down with the lights on haha.
Your garden is looking wonderful 😍 I didn't realize you had 2 plants in one rez - that cooler must be packed with roots! Wild how much taller the one Bakers plant is.
@StunFlower, Thanks bud! I added 2 pics of the roots. I think I needed a little more air in the res for 2 plants in 1 reservoir... the roots are a little dark, but they seem ok. The tall Bakers topped itself a couple times and had a little fasciation stuff going on that got fixed when it topped itself again, very weird plant. I think I popped off some ball sacks in week 3-4 too, but I haven't seen anymore. I guess I will find out if I got all the pollen sacs if I find seeds when I harvest lol.
@GYOweed, I don't know. I'm not a tester, just growing my own. I know he was looking for testers a few months ago, but testing isn't something that interests me at this time, so I didn't follow up.
Looking great, bud. It looks like you’re in store for a frosty, bountiful harvest as well. That Rock Candy Kush looks like it will be one sweet treat 👌 Happy 420!
You've always got something unique and tasty in those coolers. Glad to hear you and the plants have de-stressed and you're finally showing them some love 😅
@StunFlower, ha yea, I like some variety, but finally found some strains I want to run again. Humidity is still low, but at least they are getting some air exchange now too. I was probably just as stressed as the plants about their living situation lol.