Day 22 - Plant #1 seems to be recovering from the knock over and her stem is getting much thicker and more stable. There is a significant difference in growth between Plant #1 and #2, about 5.5" in height. I don't expect Plant #1 to catch up to Plant #2 but hopefully, it'll still produce some harvest!
I can smell them while in a different room so a carbon filter is on the way!
The information I've read about growing in FoxFarm's Ocean Forest soil says that around week five is when nutes should start. I'm figuring out which ones to get and how I want to work them into my automatic watering system.
I don't think I'm going to do any LST on this grow
Day 26 - Plant #2 is not happy, and I can't tell what she needs. She is drooping a lot and the bottom leaves are lighter color/yellowish. I thought that meant nitrogen deficiency but I'm not sure. UPS is delayed with my nutes and filter because of the weather.