So far I am extreamly impressed with how these autos from ethos genetics are going if they don't start to show pistils late next week I may put them in indavidual buckets under the 96s!! We will see how it goes. Thanks to anyone who has been checking in!!! I see the likes and I appreciate it everyone.
I have a stubborn one of these in a paper towel, I'll follow along with you to see how things go.
I couldn't find any info on this strain, could you?
good luck.
@BDar_medicine, yea I believe its because it is one of there newer freebies and not many people have run it yet.. there are a few journals going on here that I have seen though!
I'm jealous. I screwed mine up with over watering early. I'm nearing the end of two weeks and she looks as if she is 3 days from sprout 😒
I'll continue to follow to see how they turn out. enjoy your grow.