Ya se puede apreciar que se empiezan ha estirar las ramas laterales gracias ha la poda apical y la definición.
La lámpara la mantengo a unos 40cm de manera que cubra toda la superficie bien.
En unos días bajare la red del scrog para abrir las ramas más altas he intentar un cubriendo toda la superficie.
WoooooooW hermano !!!!😱😱😱
Your diary is beautiful!💪
Many identical seeds but totally different plants.
The colors are great, really intriguing.😍
Now I'm very curious about the harvest!🤙
Good luck friend🤞 go by my diaries if you like and happy growing🌱🌱🌱
Congratulations! 👏
A great harvest, with a super delicious appearance. 😍
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!