So far everything is going better than I had hoped! The second lady is already looking like its starting to lose its cotyledon leaves and I'm now just waiting to see them starting drinking some water.
Feb 10 - Raised the light up ~4" thinking that im seeing some light burn on #2 kinda looks like a cal-mag deficiency but I buffered my coco in a strong solution of cal-mag before planting so I'm not sure..
Feb 12 - Pretty sure my issue with #2 is entirely because I overlooked checking the ph on my buffering solution. My tap water has a ph of about 8 which feels like a pretty obvious issue. Also #1 stretched a lil so I'm gonna put the light back down on them after I give them some water with a proper ph.
@GodzillaGrow69, I actually have a small dehumidifier in there already but its BARELY working. one that holds more water like youre saying would probably be better
My god, it is full of trichomes! Beautiful color too!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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