Mar 21 - Noticed what could be the start of some powdery mildew the day before and decided it was time I learn to spray down the plants with neem oil. Also trimmed up the leaves on the bottom of the plant to try and keep them from forming any super humid spots that could be dangerous
Mar 27 - Due to my now ex bf becoming schizophrenic and making my home feel unsafe I have had to leave my plants behind and stay with my gf who is unfortunately a half hour away. The plants have kinda really suffered from having no care or water for the past four days and I'm hoping they will be able to recover. I'm going to have to teach a friend how to mix nutes but I at least have 3 gallons prepped for the next few days until then. At this point I pretty much just need them to survive until the first week of April when I get a house with my girlfriends and can move them to where I can personally baby them
@GodzillaGrow69, I actually have a small dehumidifier in there already but its BARELY working. one that holds more water like youre saying would probably be better
My god, it is full of trichomes! Beautiful color too!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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