I didn't have much time during the last few days for my plants, it really shows. They are looking a little bit nasty, but they are developing really good.
I'm curious how the final dry weight of those two plants will be as they have the densest buds of this run, surprisingly.
Chemdogging #1 is getting really dense. I think it's the densest of them all. She still has that nasty ass smell, but I think the smell will be kinda nice when she's all dried up.
Chemdogging #2 is catching up really good, she starts to smell as nasty as Chemdogging 1. Her buds are really big too, surprisingly.
https://www.amazon.ca/OutDoor-Emergency-Blankets-Survival-Marathons/dp/B07BXJ5DJB/ref=sr_1_28?dchild=1&keywords=reflective+emergency+blanket+5+pack&qid=1615235041&sr=8-28 ..... Can i make a suggestion. Line your closet with these emergency blankets for much better light. Cheap easy way. Cheers
@BUSABOY, It's a very good idea and cheap but not very effective 👊😀 Better is to spend £17.99 for 5mx1.2m hydroponics diamond Reflective mylar sheeting😁👍