Did a half rez change on day 91(49 Flower)
EC was stable at 1.5 whole week, but PH lowered about 0.3 each day...i put it to 1.3 and PH to 6.0 after i half changed rez...
2 days later PH droped to 5.3 again..
i raised EC to 1.9 at the end of the week, let's see what happens...
Still 3 weeks behind in bud development...
Today is day23 of flower and budgrowth looks like day10
They started to stretch right after i switched to 12/12, till now all gained about 130% height...
What could have caused this?
No light leaks,
PH 5.5-6.5,
RH +-60%
EC 1.4 (bloom nutes)
I see happy flowering Girls, Ansd she may take longer to di Flowers, thats the variations of the different Strains
iam very sure shes stacking up nicely the upcoming weeks
It started a week ago (before defoiliation)
...the lower leaves were lifeless, hanging and just died a few days later...now all branches hang lifeless...not yellow, just lifeless...
The 2 plants next to it look good
I think it's a root problem? but i can't check roots anymore..
The good looking branches are from the plants next to the dying one...
The dying plant is still getting alot of light....there's a Sanlight q5w (230w LED) just 40cm above her
Looks like lack of light to me. But maybe another grower can give you a better explanation. the other bud sites look normal so thats strange. Dunno stumped me maybe just a bad plant. I grow dwc too and can say It does look like this in the lower branches I just trim it off cause i fear it could stress them into herming maybe im just paranoid lol
The light is too close bleaching your leaves :) if not then it would be an lockout from an overfeed they are my best guesses hope someone else can shed more light on it :) 👊 yes it could be a root problem being a dwc grower signs like this can occur if there are any malfunctions in air stones or pumps meaning the roots are not getting enough oxygen :) give her a flush for a few days and see how you go :)
What do you think? Should i remove the burnt buds?
I mean they grow, but veeery slowly...they're missing almost all leaves...it seems the plant isn't tranfering power to that branch anymore...
Next run will be much better, i learned my lessions...i think..
Next run:
- no light leaks
- beneficials from start
- exchanging rez more often
Cool! I love seeing how roots develop in hydroponics, my boyfriend gave a try at a self-built system and it was nice! Now we are trying to build a bigger and more functional system :)
i also tried hydro a few times, best thing is Coco, friend
Theres too much going on with water temperatures and such
Coco has the same yield and way more easy to maintain
this was my first time trying Hydro...my main fault was that i forgot about beneficials...my second hydro grow looks awesome...i won't change to any other system anymore, hydro ftw!
but thanks for your advice!