Culling the pack allowed me to condense them all back under a single fixture and the weather is perfect to easily maintain between 70F and 80F and 40%-50% rh during the photo hours. At night it gets around 65F. The white wedding has an astonishing rapid, stocky build. The MAC 1 seems maybe a bit more stretchy... 😬
Up pot everyone from 2 gallon fabric pots to 5 gallon pots except for one of each of a MAC1 and a White Wedding- I put the biggest growers from each cultivar from 2 gallon pots to 10 gallons and they will finish there. We see if more frequent up potting will benefit the others or not. They will get into 10 gallon pots in a few weeks or so... about when the roots start poking through, I suppose... =-)
@Hammerhead420, CLONING IS SO SIMPLE. There are always little shoots you can clip from a plant without reducing yield (it can often increase yield if done right) I make sure they are young but have at least three or four nodes already.
Just stick em in water and reduced intensity light for 24/7 for a few days or so and then some soil. They should root in a week or two. Keep humidity up around 70% and 70degrees F. I have already pulled clippings from these plants and have new clones ready to root. If you have the right type of plant, you can just grow one mother pant and pull clippings to veg and flower. No more seeds. Root structures are a little different but it's still pretty much the same after that. Plus it shaves about two weeks off of your harvest date as opposed to starting from seeds and vegging to same size.
chopped one biatch MAC 1 down cuz she was looking scraggly... just tossed some of her 2-day dry at 45% popcorn in the volcano... not bad flavor and her terms were so ripe and tangy and soooooooo smooth... nutrient flush my-ass... cool heady buzz.