Welcome to my journey with these two FastBuds Testers! Thank you for taking the time to stop in, I hope you enjoy it half as much as I will! 😎🙏
~Grown 100% organic in a 10g fabric pot with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g Dr. Earth Flower Girl 2-8-4 and 1tbs/g Dr. Earth Bat Guano.
~24hr light cycle during germination / 19/5 light cycle for Veg & Flower
~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed, top dressed every 3-4 weeks and weekly Compost Tea's.
2/22-2/23: This will be my first (of many hopefully) grow using tester seeds, where I have no clue as to what to expect other than it's an autoflower and will be female, so this should be an interesting learning experience! I planted two of the three tester seeds I had directly into their medium and 3 days later the #2 tester broke ground! After 2 more days of the #1 being a 'no show' I dropped the last tester seed into a cup of tap water (well water ph-7.5), placed it in the dark on a heating pad set to the lowest setting. In 24 hours the last tester seed had popped and at 32 hours I planted it in the medium, watered it in with a shotglass of tap water ph'd to 6.5 and covered with a clear Solo cup.
2/25- The last tester seed that I soaked for 24 hours, then planted in her medium broke ground this morning! By evening she was starting to show signs of her first real set of leaves. I'm leaving the Solo cup over her for one more day to let her mature a bit more. The #2 tester is looking great and all I've done so far is give her de-chlorinated watered ph'd to 6.5 when needed to keep her medium moist, not wet. I turned on the timer for the SunSystems LEC 315 CMH and will be running a 19/5 lighting schedule for the remainder of the run.
2/27- Well the first week is almost behind us and both girls are healthy and doing well! Next week I'll slowly start increasing their daily water very slightly and monitor them for any signs of distress. Tent conditions continue to remain optimal with the exception of the RH which is low (I'll be addressing that ASAP)
2/28- Week One is history for the #2 pheno's of the FBT 2103 and Gorilla Cookies and halfway there for the #1 pheno's that were three days behind their sisters due to germination failures. I've upped the daily watering amounts for the older two girls, soaking the entire surface area of their pots. Previously, I was just watering in the immediate 6" diameter area around the seedlings. Now I want to make sure that there is moist medium throughout the pots to enable the explosive root growth that I'm hoping for courtesy of Great White root stimulator. They're still getting straight de-chlorinated water that's ph'd to 6.4-6.6 @ 74-78deg. and will continue to do so throughout the run with the exception of weekly Compost Tea's as this run is 100% organic using pre-amended medium and only getting top dressed through the run every 3-4 weeks.
Thanks for hanging in for this week! Things should be getting a lot more interesting in the coming weeks...Stay tuned and Stay Blessed! 😎🙏
@MrHightimes, My seeds arrived in about 3 weeks😍...However my schwag got fucked up by UPS, supposed to be here last Saturday. Hopefully will arrive this week!😕🙏
@MrHightimes, I have a list of all the testers if you're interested. I just recieved two more 'Testers', Strawberry Banana and Forbidden Runtz …Can't wait to run them! 😎🙏