After only one year of use my ts600 stopped working properly, a part of the panel no longer turns on. I wrote at mars hydro for assistance to my ts600, at the beginning very helpful, we exchanged messages, they asked for some codes on the product and then they offered me 2 solutions.
after agreeing on a solution they disappeared. they haven't been replying to my messages for about a 10 days.
UPDATE 1 - After writing again to mars hydro they replied, they say that in the message system of the platform (where I bought the ts600) sometimes it loses messages or does not notify them. they told me to rest assured, not to worry, they will solve the problem, I wanted to believe it and give it another chance.
UPDATE 2 - Another 15 days have passed but I have not received any news from mars hydro, once again they have disappeared.
I also tried to contact the official profile on growdiaries, never received a response from him.
Sorry to leave negative feedback, but it's been over 1 month and they haven't done anything concrete, just words.
I am really happy, I was hoping to get to 100 g but in the end it is a little less.
It started badly, but in the end the result is amazing (for me). Some buds are really big and compact, I can't wait to try them after cure time.
Thanks to those who supported and followed this diary, see you in September with new strains.
Guys, don't forget to add the code:
To your Zamnesia order to get 10% discount 👌
@Newbie_01, I hear you there. I Don't even really look at statuses. I've even seen Gurus that can't really grow that great. Then others that think they know what their doing when really they don't. It is what it is. Status should be from physical results, not likes. lmao.
Thanks buddy @GMSgrows, actually I still feel like a Newbie.
I have improved a lot but there is still a lot to learn, thanks for the compliment 🙏
Better Lifetime Newbie than Fake Grandmaster like most of the users here 😇
@Taito Ehy Man, unfortunately i am always very unlucky. I have contacted Mars hydro for assistance, I hope there will be good news soon. I think the brightness of the panel is down by 20/25%, certainly at the worst moment because I have 2 plants blooming under this light 😢