The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Any Diary
  • Thanksgiving Themed Photos Only
  • 18+

Thanksgiving with Spider Farmer 2020

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405 Photos participating
4 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to Spider Farmer's photo contest! Take a couple of creative photoshoots while you are preparing your edible turkeys and win a lit grow kit!

  • Photo contest
  • Weed + thanksgiving themed
  • Get creative
  • Anyone can join
  • 1x prize place



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Polaskiscommented4 years ago
Is this a joke? The guy wins 3 times with that picture! Im floored! Very Very disrespectful 😒 shame on you Spider Farmer! You will no longer have my buisness! 💯 back to my CMH
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@JinksyGrows,hi , not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack response.😂
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@Polaskis,hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack response.😂
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Polaskis, Very unfortunate to see man. I'm not a fan of this either...😒
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BudXscommented4 years ago
Did this dude just win 3 lights with a plate of chicken? Well played
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@BudXs, hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack response.😂
BudXscommented4 years ago
@@@Blacklisted,i think that you, more than 99% of the users here, know what youbare talking about on this particular matter, Munchies. I member the shit u went through
Cannibalgardenscommented4 years ago
@BudXs,lmao no surprises here we seen this coming lmao
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Ts1Kocommented4 years ago
Shame on you @Spiderfarmer @Growdiaries 🤦‍♂️
WildeWeedcommented4 years ago
😂. . . . Just. . . 😂. . . When ya think you’ve seen it all. . .
WildeWeedcommented4 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica, 😂 I honestly do feel bad for all you folks that had good entries and got hosed. We had a feeling, and didn’t enter at all. Our contest days here are over.
ChitownCannaChicacommented4 years ago
@WildeWeed, yep! It’s like me beating you in a photo contest! 😂😂🤣😂. Everyone knows you cannot beat wildeweed
ChitownCannaChicacommented4 years ago
Shit—- I’m not going to even bother anymore. Congrats, but fuck all I had to do was take my turkey dinner down in the grow room and snap some photos. 😥🤨. Baffled
ChitownCannaChicacommented4 years ago
@KellosaurusGrows, 💚💚💚
KellosaurusGrowscommented4 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica,I actually super enjoyed your entries, I have no prize to give, but you did a fantastic job :)
rAUScHcommented4 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica, nur wenn du die richtigen LEDs drinn hast und sie gut zu sehen sind. Dann ist es für die Kreativität.
BudXscommented4 years ago
🍿munch 🍿 munch 🍿 And there, in an itty bitty corner of the internet, xs found his daily dose of drama. Thanks to all the characters, its been a fun read. The protaganist is my fave, he shoulda just went radio silence tho.
DrJointcommented4 years ago
@spiderfarmer, Hi guys today I received congratulations message for the second time, asking to confirm my address for the shipment although I finished on the 2nd place. It is very confusing, probably for all the “winners” Merry Xmas
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@BudXs, hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack response.😂
KellosaurusGrowscommented4 years ago
Not sure how I feel about 3 spots being from the same person, there was enough good entries to spread winners around
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@KellosaurusGrows,hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack respond.😂
ChitownCannaChicacommented4 years ago
@KellosaurusGrows, 💚💚💚 thank you!
Fruitgrowercommented4 years ago
Bullshit... Absolute bullshit... 👎
Polaskiscommented4 years ago
Great idea @spiderfarmer, Good Luck with the Contest!!!
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
rAUScHcommented4 years ago
Das ist traurig. Es wird Kreativität gefordert und es wird langeweile premiert. Naja wichtig sind die Lichter drauf. R. I. P. Kreativität und hallo Mammon. Eine Firma die für mich gestorben ist. Keine Ehrlichkeit! Wenn ihr eure Lampen auf den Bildern wollt sagt es. Dann wäre es ok. Ein paar haben echt kreative Fotos gemacht und haben arbeit und liebe da rein gesteckt. Denen gebt ihr eine klare Ohrfeige. In der 420 Community dachte ich immer das Kreativität das ist was dadurch gefördert wird. Aber Werbelügen und Abzocke sind mit der Legalisierung und dem Kapitalismus wohl auch nach 420 gekommen. Spiderfarmer, jeder der mich nach billigen guten LEDs fragt bekommt MARS zu höhren. Liebe Grüsse
ChitownCannaChicacommented4 years ago
@@rAUScH, agreed! Seriously.
Chubbscommented4 years ago
Thank you SpiderFarmer for such a cool opportunity. Happy Growing and Good Luck everyone.
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@Chubbs,good luck!
GeOMaTTiCcommented4 years ago
Hey @Spiderfarmer, to put an end to all this, how about you explain to everyone why you decided to select on specific criteria NOT mentioned anywhere in the contest. And to @growdiaries, how about you explain why this was allowed to happen? If they give you the criteria to post, then what is listed should be the only thing looked at. I'm not the only person irked by this move, just look at the other comments.
GeOMaTTiCcommented4 years ago
@spiderfarmer, That wasn't the only concern, or even the biggest, but for some reason the only thing you addressed.
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica,hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack respond.😂
SpiderFarmercommented4 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC,hi friend, not sure why growdiaries pick 5 winners, this contest just for one winner, we are checking with them, but they have lack respond.😂
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Mrs_Larimarcommented4 years ago
Hi Community... are you Serious? only 3 Themed entries=?..... Iam no American so dont understand those "Thanksgiving -stuff"....I hope for some Bigass Themed entries and well @RAUScH.... you nailed it^^... ahaha C´mon us your Holidays
occultgreen420commented4 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, not at all. it's just a bit far fetched to use main stream idiotic holidays to promote Cannabis. Feels like the next coca cola commercial. There are tons of astral and planetary event related days one can celebrate. And @GeOMaTTiC congrats for your winnings dude, well deserved Aaaaaaand, also reason to celebrate ; this is a real celebration UN commission reclassifies cannabis, no longer considered risky narcotic
GeOMaTTiCcommented4 years ago
@@occultgreen420, Spoken like someone who has never won. Must be quite salty to have a reply like that.
occultgreen420commented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar Isn't Thanksgiving that holiday where some people continue celebrating a holiday that whitewashes the mass killing of millions of Native Americans? In many ways, the US’ celebration of Thanksgiving is analogous to setting aside a day in Germany to celebrate the Holocaust. Thanksgiving is the American Holocaust. Cannabis should open people's minds not close them in boxes and tie them to humanly idiotic celebrations and @growdiaries should be neutral to all this (i.e consumers holidays ) because otherwise they get into trouble and will get accused of racism and all sorts of things. The only holiday recognized and celebrated by a "wanna be" Cannabis community should be the 20th of April and Prof Mechoulam birthday (5th of November) and of course every day for being alive and being able to grow this plant! but not because of human invented religious (or not) celebrations. So all this holiday contests (christmas, halloween, etc) looks like cheep and desperate marketing tool.
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Filippocommented4 years ago
Non è stata una mossa saggia...
Ganjaman420UKcommented4 years ago
Great contest 👌 Will be entering this one 👍 🌱😎👊👍✌️
Cannibalgardenscommented4 years ago
Spider is just like all these other companies ... 5 start Amazon pay for your review bs .. we all know it time to start admitting it this is embarrassing what a garbage self promoting piece of garbage .. to say I'm surprised would be a lie because if you've been on here long enough you will see shit like this happen !!! Embarrassing 😬
ThrashedTV_BakedByGlazecommented4 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC I've been using Phlizon "900W" LED Blurple Dual Switch the whole time and it definitely has paid for itself 100x over, only switched recently to Mars because they paid for it and will be keeping my Phlizon as my 2nd/Alternated FOR sure.
smoke24commented4 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC,its surprising just how well some of the cheaper lights perform. One of the first lights I got was a cheap chinese blurple led, and even that got me 2.25oz from 2 northern lights autos. With all the light companies emerging, they are all going to be using the same parts more or less, so its going to come down to who is offering the better value. I mean if a 100$ dollar light is performing as well as a 500$ light, I know which one I would buy.
GeOMaTTiCcommented4 years ago
@smoke24, Wow really? Didn't know that. I've since switched to CMH and one Mars TS-1000. I still plan on running a separate test on the Phlizon. My friend has a tent with two cheap lights, one is Phlizon, and I'm always shocked at how good the buds turn out, just amazing. He also has a TS-1000, and honestly, the Phlizon plants turn out better than then the Mars, in my opinion. Sane nutrients, and sane strain and breeder.
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PirateJoecommented4 years ago
Love the Cheech and Chong photo
Mrs_Larimarcommented4 years ago
@@rAUScH,I love that Photo......
rAUScHcommented4 years ago
@@@PirateJoe, dann würd ich mich über Likes freuen. Freue mich sehr das es dir gefällt. 👍😋 😋
microgrowshowcommented4 years ago
Sounds like fun! Great contest! 🙏
eldruida_lamotacommented4 years ago
Suerte a todos y buenos humos 💨💨
Grey_Wolfcommented4 years ago
Can someone explain to a non american what thanksgiving theme is?????
Mrs_Larimarcommented4 years ago
@Justa_Retard, hahahaha i laughed so hard --------I fell into a bucket of uranium... so i turned green
Justa_Retardcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I fell into a bucket of bleach as a child.. Turned me all white n'shit, ruining my black heritage.
Justa_Retardcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, You're still unbathed europeans, just going by a different name. bwahahaahaha
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