The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • confirm account via email
  • start actively answering Grow Questions
  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month January 2020

Worldwide by Sponsors
34 Growers participating
5 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • THREE winners



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Fast_BudsPinned by GrowDiaries5 years ago
Congrats to the winners and a big thanks to everyone who participated, y'all!!! Please be sure to check your email so we can confirm everything for your prizes!! =)
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Thank you! so much for sponsoring these contests with solid genetics! Cheers Fast_Buds✊😊
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
Congrats to the three Brand new winners of the GOTM competition
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
Good luck ya'll and have a nice troll free month 👍 Edit : Seems that the troll is back 😫🤗 my statement was valid for 24h and no more
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, Thank you bro, you just made a good explanation of the situation. Troll will keep trolling and pretending to help 🤗👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, Troll's will keep on trolling and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it except accept that this behaviour just exists on the crappy as a resignation that may be. You just keep fighting the good fight man. Counter-balance this crappy anti-cannabis culture behaviour/attitude.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
Cheers to GD for adding in the questions section in the main tab!!! This is a great idea and will help streamline answers to those in need. Plus the question answerer can choose the questions they're best suited for by category!!!👍👍👍. Great move GD👌. With such freedom to share answers and questions being highlighted, I wonder what will happen to GOTM? Ridding of it? Thoughts?
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, agree 100% with everything in here, so i'm pretty happy i read it. keep up the good attitude 👊 the "my people need me" was just a joke though... basically the joke was i read some passive aggressive whinny messages on here, so when i say my people i meant , you know my peeps , not like i'm necessary or anything, lol c'mon who thinks like that about themselves? maybe a growmaster or something? no worries though just wanted to clarify that, obviously i'm not that conceited , and that's kind of the point isnt it 👍
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, I am highly respecting the fact that you take the time to answer something smart 👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, This will be the only time I will respond to you tagging me (twice today, for some reason). Firstly, everyone on this site has intrinsic value and their own knowledge to share. 'Newbies' is a title, not a reflection of their passion, ambition or pursuit of knowledge in and from this community, just as my new "Master" title means nothing, as I am clearly new, but share that passion, ambition and sense of community. This isn't Facebook. The title and the l likes behind us do not determine our worth to the community. If "Newbies" were to run this contest and answer the questions, I have full faith they would do a fine job & work hard to serve this community to the best of their ability. Bring it on. Secondly, I wanted to make a couple things clear, as to why I started to compete in this contest, when my participation was accidental at first. I decided to officially participate after your comment 3 weeks ago. The one where you insinuated that without you, "your people" wouldn't get the help they needed, to reset the contest because those who were participating were not adequate enough to answer these questions. Four of the top place contenders and the many below that have given their two cents and help have proven that notion wrong. This community will and is here for one another, with or without you... We collectively helped one another. There is no defacto source of information in this community, certainly not yourself. I have google, your services are not really needed. Now, we have a new tab for questions, bringing those in need to the forefront for all to see and for all to help. Within two days, the backlogged questions that had not been touched on yet, were cleared. The community stepped up and filled the need, no single individual, regardless of title. This makes you and this contest even less relevant, now. Where will you go and who will listen to you now that the whole community is on board and 'paying it forward' with GD's new question section? That's a serious question but a rhetorical one. I already know the answer. There are other reasons I joined this contest, but that's really no one's business and I had an agenda. That agenda has been completed and I am moving on. If this contest remains, this was the first and last time I will and will ever touch it, for obvious reasons... I sincerely apologize to the sponsors and GD who have put on this contest, only for it to be used for certain individuals to poke and troll one another. This is the only place I've found on any corner of this site that has this behaviour... The intentions of this contest were pure and GD has tried very hard to keep it going. I've read the changes they have had to make in the past 1.5 years in order to mitigate the abuses and actions of participants. That's pathetic to me, they shouldn't have too. Everyone self-governs quite well, but not on this page and I'd presume that the GD team is fed up with this. I've been on here for only 4ish months, this page for 2, and I certainly am. You continue to do whatever you please BOSS. It's clear that no amount of intervention or complaints filed against you will stop that. But I will post here and now that further tagging or antagonizing me, looking for a rebuttal, looking for a verbal argument will not fly and you have been effectively 'turned off'. Too be fair, you already have been turned off on my end. I have ignored your tagging and posts directed at me. This little message was a piece of myself that I wanted to share with you. We are not the same people and I am certainly not "your people". My people are all over this site from all over the world. Thousands' of like minded individuals that will carry one another and freely spread the message, paying it forward. We all can go to any corner of the internet and find this behaviour, especially on social media. I will speak for myself, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm here to get away from that crap, not engage in it. I'm here to learn how to cultivate cannabis and make friends that I can share this life long journey with. I am not here for trouble or for internet arguments. I will repeat what I started with. This is the only time I will respond to any message from you. I have no problem reporting any harassment or bad behavior if this continues. This is all you get and this is where it ends. Any response will simply be ignored. This is not a hill I'm willing to die on, it simply isn't worth it. My integrity is, though, and will remain intact. You have the same choice... continue this or die on this hill. Regardless of your decision, this is where we part. I wish you luck in the near future BOSS, I truly do. Have an enjoyable week.
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
I think perhaps some people have been removed from this competition this time round following the hooha of last month....
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@Fruitgrower, Nobody has been removed unfortunately
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
could it be an Aussie 1st and 2nd place Win ??
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Fruitgrower, I thought you had it also. Message me if want and I would be glad to send you some of those original genetics.
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, nah not really ya name just the way you talk is very similiar to aussies You must be a top bloke 👍
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@HighRoller909, It was a great run indeed and I was very happy to participate with other growers who were in this contest. And most importantly, as you said, it was fair and it was nice that there wasn't any behind the scenes bs going on and we all got along, lol! Hats off to everyone in this. It was a tight race and a very healthy contest w/ positive, like-minded contenders. Cheers to you all👍😉
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Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
If you were to win, which 3 original strains would you choose? 🤔
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
HighRoller909commented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf,have you tried it bro? hows that? thanks
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@HighRoller909, The sour diesel is Awesome mate 👍
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Vincent11commented5 years ago
Thanks for the chance Given by GD to even participate in a Marijuana Grow Competition. Happy Growing
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Vincent11, Agreed. Thank you GD and Fastbuds for sponsoring this month. I & we greatly appreciate GD's generosity and it is not taken for granted👍. These genetics will go to good people and the good word will be spread to people entering the grow game, thanks to you. Cheers😉👏
DWCHCcommented5 years ago
Just removed myself from the comp, not interested in playing Pot Politics.. will continue answering questions, but only via PM..
Athoscommented5 years ago
Good luck everyone participating this month
Athoscommented5 years ago
What the? I have not answered a question in months
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, lol 😅
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, lol glass houses growmie i guess that's why you have to edit some of the things you deleted right , cheers for that 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, sorry to hear that Spin , truly , it's all love out here for you (and all!) nothing ever changed about that in my mind 🚀
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Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
Dang bummer...any grow questions being answered right now are going into January's month instead of February. ☹️ sad panda.
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, oh shoot! Right i forgot they changed the rules a while back where you can only participate once every few months right? I think i like the new tab too.....mostly. I do prefer people to look at the diary they're helping on, not just a couple photos, but for the most part i like it.😊 yeah I definitely find a lot of solutions to my own problems too...or specific ones I've conquered in the past.
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Experimentgreen, Haha, I really have no clue. I hope you get your points when the new tallies are put up. I feel they will be counted but GD is just working some things out👍. I can't participate, haha. Couldn't even if I wanted to, for 3 months. That's okay with me👌. I like the new questions tab and poke around for people I can hopefully help out. Just for poops and giggles. I learn more reading through other people's problems and remedies suggested too, which is a bonus😃👌
Experimentgreencommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,trippy...i didn't think i was on the board for i figured the 1 question i got picked showed up yesterday....maybe I'm wrong. I guess it could have been from earlier in the month..i only looked at this page pretty early in January. Hopefully they'll do a double check so you get your points for Feb...and me too!😂
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CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@growdiaries the new questions tab is really design genius, 👏 👏 👏 👏 bravo bravo : really amazing improvement that multiplies the value of the questions 👏 👏 👏 👏
Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
This will be a quiet one for a while ...
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, yeah I started participating but decided to withdraw since I already have plenty of those strains.
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommented5 years ago
Good Luck to everyone participating ...
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@growdiaries can we please reset the counter on the GoM so i can join again ? my people miss me 👆
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I am putting a copy past from what another user told you. His words are so smart that I will second his mention and do the same as him : never answer you again. The only answer you will get from me in the futur will be a copy past of that message : This will be the only time I will respond to you tagging me (twice today, for some reason). Firstly, everyone on this site has intrinsic value and their own knowledge to share. 'Newbies' is a title, not a reflection of their passion, ambition or pursuit of knowledge in and from this community, just as my new "Master" title means nothing, as I am clearly new, but share that passion, ambition and sense of community. This isn't Facebook. The title and the l likes behind us do not determine our worth to the community. If "Newbies" were to run this contest and answer the questions, I have full faith they would do a fine job & work hard to serve this community to the best of their ability. Bring it on. Secondly, I wanted to make a couple things clear, as to why I started to compete in this contest, when my participation was accidental at first. I decided to officially participate after your comment 3 weeks ago. The one where you insinuated that without you, "your people" wouldn't get the help they needed, to reset the contest because those who were participating were not adequate enough to answer these questions. Four of the top place contenders and the many below that have given their two cents and help have proven that notion wrong. This community will and is here for one another, with or without you... We collectively helped one another. There is no defacto source of information in this community, certainly not yourself. I have google, your services are not really needed. Now, we have a new tab for questions, bringing those in need to the forefront for all to see and for all to help. Within two days, the backlogged questions that had not been touched on yet, were cleared. The community stepped up and filled the need, no single individual, regardless of title. This makes you and this contest even less relevant, now. Where will you go and who will listen to you now that the whole community is on board and 'paying it forward' with GD's new question section? That's a serious question but a rhetorical one. I already know the answer. There are other reasons I joined this contest, but that's really no one's business and I had an agenda. That agenda has been completed and I am moving on. If this contest remains, this was the first and last time I will and will ever touch it, for obvious reasons... I sincerely apologize to the sponsors and GD who have put on this contest, only for it to be used for certain individuals to poke and troll one another. This is the only place I've found on any corner of this site that has this behaviour... The intentions of this contest were pure and GD has tried very hard to keep it going. I've read the changes they have had to make in the past 1.5 years in order to mitigate the abuses and actions of participants. That's pathetic to me, they shouldn't have too. Everyone self-governs quite well, but not on this page and I'd presume that the GD team is fed up with this. I've been on here for only 4ish months, this page for 2, and I certainly am. You continue to do whatever you please BOSS. It's clear that no amount of intervention or complaints filed against you will stop that. But I will post here and now that further tagging or antagonizing me, looking for a rebuttal, looking for a verbal argument will not fly and you have been effectively 'turned off'. Too be fair, you already have been turned off on my end. I have ignored your tagging and posts directed at me. This little message was a piece of myself that I wanted to share with you. We are not the same people and I am certainly not "your people". My people are all over this site from all over the world. Thousands' of like minded individuals that will carry one another and freely spread the message, paying it forward. We all can go to any corner of the internet and find this behaviour, especially on social media. I will speak for myself, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm here to get away from that crap, not engage in it. I'm here to learn how to cultivate cannabis and make friends that I can share this life long journey with. I am not here for trouble or for internet arguments. I will repeat what I started with. This is the only time I will respond to any message from you. I have no problem reporting any harassment or bad behavior if this continues. This is all you get and this is where it ends. Any response will simply be ignored. This is not a hill I'm willing to die on, it simply isn't worth it. My integrity is, though, and will remain intact. You have the same choice... continue this or die on this hill. Regardless of your decision, this is where we part. I wish you luck in the near future BOSS, I truly do. Have an enjoyable week.
OutForRealcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Oh sh.. the old used bubble gum is still sticking on my ( now our ) sneakers ! Ps : Skyzo mode is on for you , You said @JinksyGrows was your people 2 weeks ago and now you are trying to run your mouth in the opposite way. Take your pills , the voices in your head will stop
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@OutForReal, lol 😆 glass houses... @jinks101 how many plants you did you grow in your life ? 😆😇🚀 enjoy the fruits of your labours ! i'm rooting for the both of you , sincerely ! 🚀
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