The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
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Grower of the Month March 2021

Worldwide by Sponsors
92 Growers participating
4 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • THREE winners



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ButtersStotchcommented4 years ago
It looks like there’s always drama with this contest. If your upset about “cheaters” join a contest where your google isn’t your biggest competition. If free seeds is what your after, do a good job documenting your grow and reach out directly to breeders.
4F1M6commented4 years ago
Don't hate the player hate the game. 😁😅🤣
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@4F1M6, that's why i respect what you do because you always do that science thing with a control and with data, then you see for yourself . That's real to me. 👊
4F1M6commented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Personally I run 18/6 or 20/4 for my autos. I've ran 24 and it definitely didn't improve my results lmfao. Though the stress was noticeable the results were not heavily impacted. All in all 24 is my least favorite light cycle to run autos on.
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@4F1M6, someone please tell me : 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
BudXscommented4 years ago
Came to see if there may be any drama this month. There is. 😜
LaBossanovacommented4 years ago
@BudXs, Another easy win for me!😜
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommented4 years ago
@BudXs, Isn't always! Lol.
Rusticbudscommented4 years ago
Just get rid of the damn prize and let us answer questions. Then well see who the real MVP's are.
LaBossanovacommented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Sorry no pigs no farm. Pigs are filthy animals. My wife is 115 lbs if you call that fat. LMAO.
LaBossanovacommented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, You have a pp not a dick. I have a cock! Bulbi=pp LaBossanova=Cock.😁
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@LaBossanova, ? Random but I can confirm you’re on my dick like @doctorgreenthumb s pansy ass
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TheBudWhisperercommented4 years ago
🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 another excellent month of wild drama! Lol
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, the suspense is killing me 😅 feeling cute 😁 might play the spoiler idk 😆
GMSgrowscommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, So explain how people cheat. I have won on here and refused the win a couple of times. I only come on here in the morning and if I see people needing help on their questions I put out an answer here and there. Children coming on here and starting quarrels is not what this site is for. I came here simply to teach people how to grow with awesome results, not to have to see this crap. That's why I left all social networking. The woke libtards try to destroy everything. This is a site to share the love and passion we have for growing. Grow up all. Just ignore these people for this is the last time I ever respond to foolishness...Cheers
DoDrugs420commented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, you claim there is a lot of cheating, but there actually isn't, suspicious behaviour is detected and punished by... drum rolls... setting you back to 0 points. So... unless you want to prove that you can smh cheat...idk, i mean, unless u got like 50 grower friends who regularly use growdiaries and are willing to plot with you to take the prizes everytime by asking legit questions to stuff they would normally solve themselfs. Do you have enough trashy friends to try and pull shit like that? Cuz honestly people like that wouldn't get along too well when they can't all take the prize everytime... its a plan that falls on its own, and since cheating isn't actually possible then i don't see your point really, unless you want to prove it, prove that you can cheat and i'il belive you.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Organoman respect 🙏👊🚀
BudXscommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, if my nose is so far up his ass, how come i can smell the stench of the shit you spew on here. Thought i blocked you, surprised i can even see your moronic comments. I am better than you
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, man you really wanted that handout from me ... truly disappointing ! i'll send you some seeds ffs lol stop crying and share a delivery address via DM... i mean you spent all of thursday packing my meat in your mouth before lent, so are you gonna spend easter waiting on some free seeds from me ?
BudXscommented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, preach it bulbi! This guy is a psycho
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Stash074commented4 years ago
Sign me up please
Stash074commented4 years ago
@Bloombuster, I appreciate it..and will do
Bloombustercommented4 years ago
@Stash074, братан, у тебя есть шанс! Все что нужно для участия, это отвечать на вопросы садоводов в разделе "вопросы". Удачи тебе братан! 😁👌
Stash074commented4 years ago
@Bloombuster, thanks bro..I really appreciate that..hopefully i do get to take the Gold 😎..Happy Growing
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Bloombustercommented4 years ago
Siriuzcommented4 years ago
How do u participate?
Philindicuscommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, Bulbi's taking it easy on you guys. He's usually up around 80+ by this time of the month.
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, hey there Doc , don't ask for a hand-out growmie, hope this helps ! 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, cringe 😅
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Siriuzcommented4 years ago
Lol I see everybody Killin fot a win guyz wtf im busy growing an 8 m child and 3 Mary girls do u think I have time to argue about this topic no way I even gave time to answer questions and I do it while I can lucky the ones who can stare at the grow questions 24/7 I'm participating as a humble grower and I think everyone should be able to do the same without cheating, if you want to open 50 accounts and cheat that's up to you, I think you are a *muerto de hambre* if you so so, which basically means you are so hunger that you need to do this shit because you are basically starving in life that you need to go open 50 account cause you can't just win as a normal person without cheating if thats the case than I hope growdiaries get your account banned tho and if not than stop talking shit and get to grow Mary Brothers good luck to everyone and stop cheating if you are mf
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, keep begging for a handout 😅 i have a grow question on my profile that's open btw, if you want to score some points 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, that last one is the most important 👌
Siriuzcommented4 years ago
Let other growers specially newbies and apprentice take a chance YO
Siriuzcommented4 years ago
Won't let me join?