Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

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  • at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
  • can win once in 3 months

Grower of the Month September 2021

Worldwide by Sponsors
87 Growers participating
3 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners



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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
I'm happy to help out anyone anytime. This is the only reason I am on this site. Well it's nice to get contacted for free seeds and free mars hydro lighting from people, my reward is the many thanks I receive from people that were having a hard time in their grow, then thanking me for a successful harvest.... This is my reward from my followers....I will always take the seeds offered, but if you're going to offer me LED lighting, it needs to be the best they have. They aren't willing to give their top end Led's away, just their cheapies, that I would never use....So with or without a contest, I'll always help those that need it... Cheers to a great community here...
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, yeah I can see that. I didn’t even know this whole side of growdiaries when I got here. I dunno I’m not going anywhere any time soon. Honestly I could be sponsored not sponsored. I’m growing regardless. Sponsored also sometimes means obligations. Has to work for both parties. Honestly I’m here to share what I know with people and learn from people know more than I do. Keeping track of my grows was also the main reason. All the rest if it comes my way is just a bonus to me. I care more about growing the dankest possible and earning other people’s respect as a fellow new grower.
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Papa_T, Light sponserships are often reserved for people with many harvests as they wont want to work with someone who could be gone the next week. the prizes i think its quite rare to have a light as a prize though I would love to be proven wrong I hope I dont win this month because I dont grow autos saying that adding another snap back to the collection would always be appreciated lol the month I won you had a choice from auto or photo seeds half the reason why i went so hard on that month lol Pleased to say I have them all now :) does take a while for the prizes to be sent out but still its cool they do it in my opinion anyone with good growing experience can get some freebies :)
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, right!! I’m running an HLG Scorpion Diablo. If the light given to me isn’t better than what I have now why would I bother?
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
If you want to cheat to win, let the rest of us know, so we aren't wasting are time answering phony questions. I come on for an hour every morning to help out, but if their phony questions coming out, then your wasting my time. I'm not answering to win, I think I am helping people. But what's the point. Just phony questions put out for one person to answer. I guess maybe he needs the shirt, can't afford to clothe himself after buying nutrients, I don't know...
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Hempy_the_kid, @spidermite is just @doctorgreenthumb sucking dick in drag
Hempy_The_Kidcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, I agree!! Some people just suck! I see Spider Mites back answering dumb questions again. I just opt out of the competition anymore. I'll still answer if I can, but I'm not looking for free seeds. Don't need them I have tons of them.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, 👆 this.
Grey_Wolfcommented3 years ago
@growdiaries lets make the rules so that it is almost impossible for Cheaters to play First limit participation to ONLY growers with a Current Grow in progress that should eliminate a lot of the "Posers" Then also limit playing to those with atleast one fully Completed and Harvested Diary. which should help stop people signing up fake accounts to participate again and again. So basically unless you can prove you are an active grower then you can still answer questions but you won't be eligible to win the GOTM contest .
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, facts! So many fake accounts so easy to spot too! They need trusted moderators on here as fastbuds put out a lot of prizes and these internet goons are swiping it from the deserved
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, ever since mr. genius aka @doctorgreenthumb decided to cheat and get caught three months in a row we have been having problems with fake ass cheaters lol
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, the main issue I see happening is people creating tons of dummy accounts and then creating questions and then answering them on their account to rack up points - and often not being smart whatsoever about hiding it.
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Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
Umm theres some suspicious activity going on here.. NaVia1991 is a five day old account with 16 grow questions asked within those 5 days all answered and selected by Grow3rPT.. haha wtf people Edit - Oh how weird that account disappeared within an hour of posting this.
MadeInGermanycommented3 years ago
MadeInGermanycommented3 years ago
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@MadeInGermany, okay i think that says it all... dont cry bro, it's in the past , it's done, over etc... just enjoy yourself, but come back down to earth just a little bit, we are all just dust, nothing special 👍
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MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh Big kudos to most Sherlock Holmes member of community with highest level of community integrity. Big thanks and praises to you this month man - you really showed what this community is all about. Congratulations and big respect to all community members who try to be good for one and other and play by the rules. Blessings to the almighty and blessings to all. Me give thanks and praise that I and I standing firm. Community Reward nomination for @Ezzjaybruh MrStinky out.
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, yawn it took you a few days to come up with that? B==👊==D💦 🖕
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@Papa_T, yawn……
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, Guy! You have no idea what you’re talking about. Mrstinky is a genuine person that has done nothing but give solid advice to other growers in the questions posted. I’ve had enough of this of you and GrowerPT trying to drag Mrstinky through the mud. You ganged up on Mrstinky with a CHEATER to try and discredit him. I question your tegridy. You say you’re all about bringing good to the community but I haven’t seen you answer one question or do anything to help anyone since I’ve been here. What have you done to help anyone? Nothing. Nothing at all. All I’ve seen if you come out the woodworks and attacked Mrstinky and boasting about how fucking great you are. I don’t give a shit who the fuck you have sponsoring your ass. Ohhhh big guy on campus here hoopaaah haaaaaaaa you’re sponsored by Mars Hydro, 420 FB and Zamnesia. Slow clap for you guy!!! Guy you wanna be a good ambassador to the community stop trying to drag Mrstinky through the mud. Don’t bother responding. I’m not getting into a texting war with you. I don’t respect you. Go and be full of yourself with your inflated ego alone with your sponsorships in a corner somewhere. You know the difference between you and I, is that I know I’m an asshole. Good day.
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BB_UKcommented3 years ago
Anyone could go and make 60 accounts over night and fix the win for them selves! So many suspect questions from diaries with one week! I never answer questions on here for that reason because it’s fixed asf by these cheating mf! Basically thieves. It’s stealing! Like I said growdiaries need moderators who monitor these things! And catch out fake growers and ban them not only from the growdiaries platform but also ban there IP from creating any new account! Can be done @growdiaires
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
For people don't know its done automatically from the questions you answer you dont haveto enter this one just help growers out and you will reek the rewards :) Best of luck to all :)
Hashycommented3 years ago
What drama. Better then an episode of eastenders.
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, 🤣😂🤣
Hashycommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, nah wife does.
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, if you watch that shite loooool
Hashycommented3 years ago
Comment section for this competition is always the best.
BioBudscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, the drama :P but I see their point. There is some cheating going on, it appears.
BraveheartGeneticscommented3 years ago
Congrats to the winners
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
You know when they just don’t like it that you called them out 🤣😂🙌🏽 Sus! 😏🤔 and they dropped a comment on your comment without even mentioning them for me to then get to call them the top suspect! You couldn’t plan this ish….. or could you! Looooool I knew he’d comment only the fake would! Cheaters never prosper! Big up to all the real stand up growers on here like me doing there best to stabilise a real community! I wouldn’t invite mrstinky to an event he’d steal the boxed wine 🤣😂
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
to the people who won last month. If you are continuing to answer questions thinking you are going to win again then this is not correct you will be removed by the end of the contest just to give you a heads up :)
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, no worries
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Ahhh yes I apologize I forgot not all answers count they have to have a diary.
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, no dude I’m saying on questions that do not have an attached diary.. those do not count towards the total for the contest. Giving advice on those and being selected does not effect the score whatsoever, others competing will not get a point for that if they were selected. And speaking from experience also, that’s ordinarily half of the questions asked - without an attached diary. These have no sway in the competition. Go pull up the questions page.. if it says under the question “week 3” or “week 6” or the word week with a number next to it - it has an attached diary. If it just says “week” with no number next to it - it does not have an attached diary. These questions without an attached diary are of no consequence to the GOTM competition. No points are awarded for them being answered. As I mentioned before, these are approximately half of the questions asked, where as the other half have attached diaries. So answering those without an attached diary is not effecting other growers from winning the competition. Maybe you were overlooking this distinction.
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BB_UKcommented3 years ago
2 suspect apprentices at the top are worried they’re going to get caught! Well I hope they do @growdiaires @fastbuds you see what we do right?!
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@@MrStinky, listen your an inbosile probably and alcoholic hence why you can’t remember why I aimed at you! And called you out as top suspect! Clearly that touched a nerve! Don’t think you can label me I been here for years TRULY helping people hence why im credible and you are not! Just end your chat! I have nothing more to say after this to you! Your as irrelevant as you’ve always been! Remember it was you whom acted like a child and continues to! I literally am just expressing myself and you didn’t like it! Talked about ego yet it was a response because you said I want Prizes lol I’m honest I don’t do lies it’s that simple and I don’t spread lies I just suspected you and you did the Rest! It’s a sign your worried your going to get caught trying to figure out how they could! In people’s dms begging they choose you for the contest whilst the whole time you have no knowledge no experience to answer these peoples questions. I’m a 6 year grower and I’m still learning but you come in and 57 questions up looool as OTHERS said be brave enough to admit so others don’t wast there time! Me for one have never bothered with this contest but yet have always helped people get bigger yields and more! Here and Instagram! So don’t act as if you know me I’m far from anything like you! And ya mate! Both arseholes who think there words dictate truth like we go off your say so! I’m not new here as I said! So don’t assume I’m not known by many! BUDBANDITUK! your clearly a special one! See ya your muted on dms and I’ll ignore anything more from you and your rat gf lol
MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@Papa_T, this BB guy has gone completely insane. Can''t believe how much he have to say about something he is trying to prove that has never happened. Maybe he should try career in politik or journalism. Maybe he think that people calling jim out for talking shit makes innocent people guilty? Fuck knows, we didn't get caught cheating. I wonder who is investigating, interpol? 🤣
MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, thats far too long to bother reading but your last line says that 'you are credible'. I didnt realise credibility was based on spreading lies and deceit. I also didnt realise that there was some favouritism pissing contest, is it that only people have been talking shit here for years that should win prizes? Maybe to become good community member I should also start hating other competition winners, just like you. You don't know shit. See you when I win again in a few months. You are sore child. Bye.
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MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@BB_UK - How many did you answer? Did you even try to help anyone? Looks like you didn't bother at all. What is your problem if you care so much about the results but made no attempt to join in? Maybe if you tried at all I wouldnt have been able to answer so many? I must have tried to answer 300 or more. Maybe in the future you will answer lots of questions and someone accuse you of being dishonest. To insult your name, your hard work and the other growers who needed the help you gave. Taste of your own medicine taste like poison, I hope you don't get to find out. Good luck to you in the future, maybe one day you will help answer questions instead of accusing someone of cheating a game you aren't even in. Love and Light.
MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, You want know how I got so many answers selected? Cause I dont treat people like shit. I hope your sponsors are proud that you are their front page man. I don't think anyone else is impressed.
MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, told you, you boring, not gonna read your shit. See ya.
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@@MrStinky, no problem here as I said thoroughly. You commented on my post here about false people! Obsessed would be the person who decided to jump down my throat telling me what they did when I didn’t even ask pmsl loooool why do I need to know your info why tell me looooool mighty jebus help this one find peace as he know not what he does looooool mighty jebus help him understand the measure of his ways and let him learn the art of do one and for see it to the end and not bother people who have better things to do than change ones diapers looooool harrrrrrrrrrr meeeeeeen looooool see ya glad your going! Until the next comment from you! Sorry to disappoint you that I had no alternative motive toward you! But to reply to what one said on my post that did not mention you! So calm down Mariah I’m not Eminem looooooooool see ya ✌️🏽 have a good one or at least try do dude! If someone says something at you and you know better best to keep your head up as I do and keep it moving! Don’t bait yourself by well baiting yourself! One day your be a natural winner like me in general life! But first you need a good heart and the rest will follow until then keep your keyboard waxed and ready for your next event! Don’t worry I spoke with mighty jebus you are now blessed little one ☝️🏽 🤣😂
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MrStinkycommented3 years ago
How can I join?
MrStinkycommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, well, I hope my answers from last month will be rolled in too hahaha
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@@MrStinky, looks like it’s up and running now to some extent - but I don’t know why I have 9 solutions.. it must have rolled over the final week from last month onto this one. Oh well at least you can see your doing well now
Robertscommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, I am sure they will get it squared away. They been updating and changing the site in spots. Fixing bugs and getting new ones. I give them props, I am sure it is a headache.
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ChitownCannaChicacommented3 years ago
They had a major flaw— all my answers should of been on last month. I didn’t answer a question once in September 🤦‍♀️🏻🤷‍♀️🏻
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
Mas nem e possível vencer duas vezes seguidas :/ WTF Diz que so se pode vencer a uma vez em cada três meses...
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica, I’ve already been contacted by fastbuds so you should have too. Check your email?
ChitownCannaChicacommented3 years ago
@@MrStinky, maybe? Should go by when the questions were asked and not when the grower picked. 🤷‍♀️🏻 Either way, GD still has not told fast Buds we were the winners and I have not been contacted about last months prize. Kinda sucks
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Hashycommented3 years ago
The drama is nearly over. Thanks for keeping us entertained during this month.
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, O próximo será melhor.. vais ver 😂
BraveheartGeneticscommented3 years ago
Anyone else keep calling GOTM, Game of Thrones Month in your head...Can't stop seeing it now
BioBudscommented3 years ago
@@BraveheartGenetics, nope game of the month for me... like its going now its better than most real tv...
Shooeycommented3 years ago
Dear oh dear... it getting serious up in here... remember it's about helping each other and enjoying awesome buds! If you want free seeds just ask around a few breeders! I did, and a few sent them out. If you got good diaries they will send em! 🍻
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
Wow Gmslave really got fucked out of this one.
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, Atenção eu não ataquei ninguém com esse comentário. Só falei o que está nas regras. Não interessa se eu ganhei ou não, interessa é que as regras não foram cumpridas bro. A mais pessoas na lista que queria ou podiam ter ganho. É que realmente lhe façam falta as seeds. Mas na boa irmão eu já nem quero saber. Agora vou me focar no próximo concurso, honestamente e tentar vencer.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Grow3rPT, if I'm correct, you have to accept or decline when you win, but if he was never contacted for his win last month., then he is entitled this month. That mistake would be on the ones that oversee this monthly contest. But really., I'm ok with it. I only come on here for an hour or so in the morning to pass some time while the wife sleeps. I answer a few questions if I figure I can help out, if someone hasn't already answered, or answered incorrectly. Really only joined this site to help out others. If this site was truly a guru site, the status wouldn't be by likes, but by results. Everyone in this area that grows, they all have contests, who can grow the best. They see mine and I get, your not allowed in the contest., lol. I would say 45 years of experience and the crops I throw out, would qualify me as Guru. Results says it all, so newbie means nothing, until you see results. After a couple of good diaries, your newbie status should be upped a couple levels. A couple more great harvests should put you to Guru status. Any dweeb can get likes. Doesn't mean you can grow...
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, Eu acho que este prémio devia ser teu. Porque o 3 lugar ganhou duas vezes seguidas. Isso não está certo.
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