Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

  • Take a creatively nude pic
  • Upload it to your Diary
  • Join the contest
  • Photo should comply with TOS
  • 18+

Naked Buds - Win Apple Watch

Prizes shipped worldwide by sponsors
26 Photos participating
6 years ago

Winter is here and we are looking for something that can warm up our community during these next few months! The 'Naked Buds' contest is about to bring some hot times to our community life!
When we are saying 'hot times' and 'nude contest' we mean soft erotica, light artistic nude. Ready? Let's burn it down.

CLARIFICATION: the main combo is BODY + WEED / marijuana related props.

How & When

  • One photo by a single Grower
  • No genitals
  • Authentic photo
  • Winners  picked by Jury
  • Three prize places

More information in Journal: CHANGE OF PLAN! Genderless Naked Buds! New rules.


Latest Comments

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CuriousCannabiscommented6 years ago
Both the images with the fat ugly girl with Bud's over her nipples that picture is from 2011 old and the other picture with the girl bending over in the skirt can also be found with a Google search the rest of the pictures are original.I just think that should be out there cheaters should not be allowed
Hoodie31commented6 years ago
@CuriousCannabis, I see it now..
Hoodie31commented6 years ago
@CuriousCannabis, Share the link for that photo, the bent over one.. I just looked for it and did not find it any where...
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@CuriousCannabis, it could be men posting em in hope if winning that awesome watch!! 😜
Fast_Budscommented6 years ago
Hey everyone!! We just want to touch on a few things since this giveaway is getting mixed attention, we've responded to a few comments ,but we want to make sure everyone sees this to avoid any confusion. We understand that the giveaway is not the most conventional and we were hoping that both male and female versions would have come out at the same time in order to make everything more fair. The creators of this giveaway just wanted to have a bit of fun, obviously not everyone is going to agree with it or participate, and that's ok! It wasn't meant to offend anyone. To those who have participated, and are concerned about the fairness of images: once it is time to choose a winner, rest assure we will not be choosing any photos that do not abide by the rules. Good luck to everyone who has participated!! 💚
PEAKYPLANTERScommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds,heyyyy when will you repeat this competition again ???
Momgrowsthechroniccommented6 years ago
@@@@@@@@@Blacklisted, although #MeToo began as a campaign to "empower through empathy" and was/still is somewhat focused on sexual abuse/harassment, it has become SO much bigger than that. The positive effects of this movement are being felt throughout the world in the media/fashion industries, education, music, finance, the military, sports, medicine, politics, government, marketing/advertising, etc. A huge part of this movement is about standing up and speaking out. Gals and guys everywhere are finally calling out demeaning behaviour when they see it and taking a stand against behaviour that objectifies women. This competition does both. Good luck in the contest though, maybe you’ll win that fancy watch!
Momgrowsthechroniccommented6 years ago
@Wachsemilian, no hate here my friend, just lots of love and respect for my fellow female growers and women around the world really. These kinds of issues are everybody’s business and I stand by my original quote that "we’re here to show off our buds not our bods". And no hate towards Fast Buds either- I just feel that they can do better. If thier genetics are really as great as they seem to be, the plants/results will speak for themselves. No need to bring attention to themselves and thier product through a contest like this.
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HERBBEANZcommented6 years ago
FELLAS! FELLAS! Can't we all just get baked and get along?
MadameMarycommented6 years ago
Really, I don't know what to say, first there's this classic porn marketing, trying to use the word "erotic" as a palliative, but this is porn ladies and gentleman and if you can't distinguish between growing a plant who's sacred or just loved by most of his users, and showing nudes, who's a very primitive and simple way to draw attention, maybe cause the genetics aren't good as well, just theorizing. Sex is driven by similar part of the brain than using drugs, relation is simple, but I thought that was making the difference, trying to bring a healthy community, I think that's not the way, but hey its only my opinion.
Fast_Budscommented6 years ago
@MadameMary, We understand it's not for everyone, trust me! The creators of the giveaway were just looking to create something a little different to past giveaways. Obviously, it's more controversial than others, so opinions are going to vary on it, and you have every right to expressing yours =) And of course, We appreciate your kind words about our genetics=)
Fast_Budscommented6 years ago
@MadameMary, Hey! We are sorry you disagree with this type of contest. Honestly, we would have liked to see both versions of this contest(male/female) come out at the same time in order to make it fair, but it didn't happen that way. Obviously, everyone has different opinions on public sexuality, we apologize if this one personally offended you. Regarding any photo which some feel don't follow the rules, we will choose a winning photo at the end of the competition, those which don't follow the rules, will not be considered to win.
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@Dunk_Junk, oh yeah lol . I'm going back about 20 years, dude grew weed on ol couples allotment n the ol dears got arrested. Mavis n Derrick wilton think they were called , forgot other dudes name . #multitasking 😎😂😂😂
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Philindicuscommented6 years ago
WTF Why is there always one miserable person who can't appreciate another persons artistic perspective? This stuff should be fun and bring out a bit of creativity for everyone to laugh a bit. Smoke up and relax a bit.
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
congrats to all winners especially the "Bedroom Tiger"
Fast_Budscommented6 years ago
A BIG Congratulations to all the winners!! 🏆 And a massive thank you to everyone who participated, it was such a difficult decision to make with all your great entries!! 🙌🏼 Good Luck to all in future giveaways!!! 💥
Krypto_Kylecommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted, Damn dude, this guy so salty. Your reverse image search proved only you are as salty as the ocean.
WeedTheNorthcommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted,why so sour bro? Week 16 pic meant for jokes, all about the toking and having fun my man.
Kindbudzcommented6 years ago
@GrowDiaries, I’m so confused at how people can be upset on here. GrowDiaries is providing a service for FREE! Not only is it FREE but you also get the chance on a monthly basis to win HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of dollars worth of prizes. This is not something that they have to do but do it anyways. Be courteous to each other, be respectful and polite, don’t envy your fellow growers but encourage them to be the best they can be! I know most of you who read this are respectful, humble, kind and helpful. For those of you who just want to be trolls this is not the community to do so in. Thanks to all of you who who are helpful and thanks to the GrowDiaries team for providing an awesome service!
Kindbudzcommented6 years ago
@Waters, I didn’t say anything about “out of the kindness of their heart”. GrowDiaries built a community, provided a platform for individuals to communicate and support one another and did so at no cost to you. Yeah of course they rely on advertisers to fund the costs of the website, but this does not cost the growers anything. On top of all of that they have sponsors donate products for contests. We the growers are not GrowDiaries, We are a community within GrowDiaries, Reddit, and what ever other forums you may belong to. I myself got my current job as an assistant cultivator because my employer found me on GrowDiaries. So I have nothing but love for this amazing platform. ✌️
Waterscommented6 years ago
@Kindbudz, Grow diaries isn't doing this out of the kindness of their heart are they though. The monthly giveaways are all about marketing. We the growers, are Grow diaries.
EhlersChickcommented6 years ago
😱 Are you kidding me with this shit? 2019, post #MeToo and we're still here? Being asked by @Fast_Buds to sexualize ourselves? Fuck you guys. Thanks for giving me the heads up as to what kind of company you are. Now I know where NOT to buy seeds from. 💩 And how the hell is @GrowDiaries enabling this?!?!?! Did you really think this was a good idea, like, "Hey I know, let's add some soft porn to our grow site!". Shame on you. 😡
GardenOfHerbscommented6 years ago
@EhlersChick, bravo! Well said! 🙌
EhlersChickcommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted, What? This is shocking! And here I thought they'd respond buy saying, "Yeah, that was pretty tone-deaf of us, wasn't it?" I can say this though, I'm certainly not dumb enough to give them a free pic of my tits so that they can increase their first quarter earnings for the possibility of winning promotional clothing so that I can wear it in public and give them even more exposure. I suspect you won't be submitting a pic of yourself with a bud stuck up your ass either. Your loss! Look at all the "I'd hit that" comments you'd be missing out on!!
Kushlove420commented6 years ago
I don't think many read the memo on what the contest is for. only a few of them actually apply and should win.
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@Teamdirtbag2 look pineapples!
Teamdirtbag2commented6 years ago
@wheedtobeus420, that sounds nice, my sun has been hiding. And it has been cold. Living in the sun sounds good. Hey nice grows. And I like the pigs. Happy new year to you and your hubby. And good luck with the bananas. 👊😎
wheedtobeus420commented6 years ago
@Teamdirtbag2,thanks. Yeah I was mind blown when I found out they can grow to fruit here and we can eat them. But I live on the sun practically.
Teamdirtbag2commented6 years ago
@wheedtobeus420, omg.. lmao too funny, I wish you the best of luck with that..and I hope you enjoy your first homegrown banana. I know bananas don't really fully develop here.
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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Thinking about it 🤔🤔 I could do a pic of my ass . But... ( geddit 😂😂 ) I do have a tattoo which may offend snowflakes 😂😂😂
MadameMarycommented6 years ago
@OutForReal,Yeah I use to eat many different types of flakes, they all said that they will forgive you, youre not worst than those ppl who put toys into them.
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420,We wanna see that ink now 😋 ! Snowflakes will forgive you 😉
Dunk_Junkcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, well in that case girl.... bare all!!! 😎 😈
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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
If you fellas wanna join this comp all you have to do is tuck those appendages outa sight n boom yr feminized lol
Dunk_Junkcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, 😂 😅 😆
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@Crazystrainz, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Crazystrainzcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, Do i put the lotion in the basket before or after tucking it in? LMAO
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wheedtobeus420commented6 years ago
Sorry I don’t put the goodies on display but you can have a sneak peak of the ink and my ladies 👌🏻💋
wheedtobeus420commented6 years ago
@Skunkman,🙏🏻 Thank you. My artist is a bad ass.
Skunkmancommented6 years ago
@wheedtobeus420, great pineapple ☺️👌🏻
wheedtobeus420commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, 😂😂😂🙏🏻
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NomNomcommented6 years ago
10 years ago I would have won this competition :( aging sucks
Momgrowsthechroniccommented6 years ago
@NomNom, aging is difficult at times but natural and somewhat beautiful too. I’m happy this competition is no longer for you as it’s an exploitation of our most precious and private assets. With age comes wisom- the smarts to know better than to take off your clothes for a watch or a 2nd place hoodie/tshirt.
GrowingisFunkOcommented6 years ago
My hats off to the winners! I knew I was beaten when Red Bed submitted!
Kindbudzcommented6 years ago
Congratulations to all the winners it was well earned.
ScarfaceGuerrillacommented6 years ago
the human body is nature as well as cannabis :) if someone does not like himself- his problem, no pressure for showing anything or dropping words of hate...jelous? go and workout ;]
Spiralcommented6 years ago
"Take a creatively nude pic" just take a pic of my butthole next to some plants.....hahahaha lmaooo,I guess that apple watch is really something.😂😂
Kushlove420commented6 years ago
Whats up with these pics that have totally missed the memo on what kind of photos they wanted for this contest!!??!! I mean a Barbie doll with weed, then there is a foot with a joint, and the one with the gourds or whatever that is, like wtf!!! Lol i mean props to all of you for your creativity i guess.. Im not hating just saying y'all dropped the ball with following the "NAKED Bud" contest .. Lol Now lets see some more tittes & buds and Ass & buds :) or even some dicks with weed, idc just make sure its one of those body parts with some pretty weed!!
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@Kushlove420, Hey I am the "Gourds" man and my goal is far from winning Haha I just wanted to make people chat a bit and it is working great 🤗 My body would have been disqualifying ( any parts ) 🙊🙉🙈
Astroboycommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted, need the d not the weed spaaam
Astroboycommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted, you have a hate probleme spammmm
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