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Seedsmancommented3 years ago
Good luck to everyone! 😀
likes 7
Blabinacommented3 years ago
@Seedsman, I thank you. I hope you will be completly charmed by my WOUNDERFULL dwarves ♥️☺️♥️
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WAWAWEEDcommented3 years ago
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
good luck growmies, still my favorite contest, hope everyone finds success here 🚀
likes 4
caliEskimo5commented3 years ago
I'm unsure why I'm not eligible as 80% of my grown strains are from Seedsman. I've even commented on other grows from seeds I've purchased with you, just SUPER bummed because Seedsman rarely has any contests here! Always FAST420, SWEET and a few others..
I mean look, I have only been a part of GDiaries for a couple months but have used your genetics for almost a decade...
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Blabinacommented3 years ago
@caliEskimo5, not at all, those are my best amazed eyes (could sound sarcastic but I think you are a true guru who can help a newbro like me actually, so no it was not sarcastic and just ... cool)😵
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Blabinacommented3 years ago
@caliEskimo5, 😵Are you an hidden guru ? 😵
Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@caliEskimo5, it’s funny how you say you’ve been growing for decades and want to enter a contest specifically targeting growers “first ever” growing experience. 🧐
Doesn’t seem like you fit the contest here. Just saying.
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progrowerTRcommented3 years ago
Why can't I join? Can anyone provide information?
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Blabinacommented3 years ago
@@progrowerTR, If I am right, your diary has to be harvested, I had the option to join this when fullfiling the formular of harvested week. If you read, I think it is in the rules that you have your diary to be harvested. I mean, This is 😵this website is really well made, you just have to follow the steps.
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TiRobotProdscommented3 years ago
Bonne chance à tous et un grand merci a seedman seeds pour ce concours.
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growing_patagoniacommented3 years ago
Soy Newbie y no puedo anotarme en este sorteo, alguien sabe por que?
suyog7spitcommented3 years ago
@growing_patagonia, I think smiley face means that at least on one of your weeks you have to have gotten a green mark on every category (enough pictures, enough comments, enough info on technique and nutrients, etc).
I noticed that if you don't have very many pictures or very many details, you don't get a smiley face... I think they just want to prevent people from spamming contests without having decent content? I don't know for sure though... I'm new here...
growing_patagoniacommented3 years ago
@wawaweed, gracias por la respuesta rápida, siento que cuento con lo requisitos, capaz que le estoy errando en algo, estoy en mi primer cultivo en
Estado novato / aprendiz
Diario 'First Grow' (primera experiencia de cultivo)
Diario de una sola cepa
Diario con una cosecha
Diario con una 'carita sonriente'(?????????????????????????)
Únase a este O 'Diario del mes'
WAWAWEEDcommented3 years ago
@growing_patagonia,Make sure that you following rules or you have already sign up any same contest.
Good luck have fun bro❤️🔥
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proud_to_grow_loudcommented3 years ago
It won't let me join ffs! I'm done and I posted everything. Whats going on. It says I don't have any finished and I do...
progrowerTRcommented3 years ago
@proud_to_grow_loud, aynı sorun var bende
DirtyJerzcommented3 years ago
What’s up fellas & ladies,
I’m new here & just curious how to enter/join contests.
Ghostguy1337commented3 years ago
what happened?
StavniJackcommented3 years ago
Good luck to all of you guys 🌱💪
Siriuzcommented3 years ago
Not sure why won't let me join with my blue dream this is unfair
Siriuzcommented3 years ago
Siriuzcommented3 years ago
Make sure #seedsmanseeds get to see my diary at the contest because it's finished and not kidding
Siriuzcommented3 years ago
Anyone knows why won't let me join?