
Сбор урожая

Silvastarted grow question 4 years ago
Подскажите, как без микроскопа понять что пора собирать урожай?
Week 11
Other. General questions
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Wait till the plant stops growing lots of new bud and new white pistils, eventually more will start turning red and receding than there will be new white ones are sprouting and growing. Now the bud is starting to mature. When it looks really swollen everywhere and almost all red hairs have receded and almost every calyx is swollen even the newly formed ones it is probably a good time to harvest. Harvest up to one or two weeks from this point. Easier to watch a plant flower over time to see how it is maturing rather than just look at the buds and say its done. Fruit and veg is exactly the same, should be able to see it change and swell as it matures, when it looks like it has matured and swollen enough and taken on mature colors you know its good!
Selected By The Grower
labifleanswered grow question 4 years ago
Salut le jardinier ! Sans microscope je regarde la durée de floraison conseillée par le grainetier . Bonne chance à toi bella ciao
NexusDevilanswered grow question 4 years ago
Lots of Clear crystals, leave it a bit longer. Lots of Milky crystals, ready to harvest. Lots of Amber Crystals, harvest now before its too late! Clear crystals good for head highs. Milky crystals good for optimal high/stone Amber crytals good for medical CBD.
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Fusionanswered grow question 4 years ago
Wait till most of hairs have turned color and curling in. Grab the micro and look at the tricomes (cystals) on the buds. Your looking that they are not clear, have a mushroom shaped head and some have fallen over.
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donttelltomamaanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi grower, you may select best time by checking pistils (the ‘hairs’ on your buds). The pistil method isn’t nearly as accurate as checking the trichomes (the ‘glitter’ on your buds), but it’s definitely a good place to start since you can just look at the buds and get a general idea. Harvest when 70-90% of hairs have darkened for highest levels of THC. Harvest when 90-100% of hairs have darkened for a more calming, anti-anxiety effect as some THC turns to the more relaxing CBN. BUT! Better buy a microscope or a magnifier and google how to recognize best time by checking trichromes! Good luck!
Astarteanswered grow question 4 years ago
Without a scope? Wait until 75% of the hairs turn brown.
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey :-) Look with a microscope 👌If the trichome heads are about 70% milky and 30% clear, you can start with the flush. If the trichomes are about 70% milky and 30% amber, it is a very good time to harvest 👍🙏🏻 but do not pay attention to the leaves of the trichomes on the buds 👍 without you you will not get the perfect time
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