
Twisted leaves

BoredFatherstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi my leaves are twisted to the roll. Whats that?
Leaves. Twisted
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
Seems to me this is probably an overwatering issue mixed with some slight genetics. Add in an extra day to your dry cycle and see what happens. No correction? Add another. It's far better to underwater than over! Also remember you can't ever give them too much at one time, but you can too frequently! Hope this helps! Happy growing!
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
i'd wager the soil is hot (nutes) or you have been feeding a seedling that had enough energy for 2 weeks packed in the seed. so, depending on recent behaviour, eliminate the other option... either way you likely want to only water with pH 6.5-6.8 (soil i assume) and stay away from nutrients for a bit... wait for a hint of deficiency or slowdown in growth out of nowhere etc... should continually ramp up growth when healthy. color looks fine.. seem healthy, otherwise. curling down can be nutes of overwatering, in this case i'd chalk the curld down to watering habits? if you don't let top layer dry a bit, do so now. it shouldn't be wet at all times. i wouldn't let the top 1" dry at this point, either.. but later that's a good inidcator. ensure pH is proper. Heat can cause the contortion you see. the twisting of leaves of more likely nutes.. so might have 2 or 3 things happening here and 2 of them you have no control over. my 2 cents: in a week you'll forget this ever happened.. .give it pH'd water and stay out of the way unless something drastically negative starts happening...
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Magic43562answered grow question 4 years ago
You might be over watering. I had the same thing happen with my seedling who’s about a week behind yours. She got all twisted, I laid off on the watering a bit waiting until the soil is dry and she’s coming back already.
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