Hello, when the serrated edges of cannabis leaves curl or is tipped up like that it’s most often a sign of temperature stress, overwatering/root problems and/or extreme humidity levels. By looking at your diary it seems your plant has experienced chronic overwatering judging by how droopy and ribbed the leaves are throughout the weeks. That coupled with 65% RH, high temps and intense lighting will no doubt render her unable to assimilate nutrients which will just build up in the medium and show up in the runoff. That 1L of mild solution you gave her 2 days ago was probably too much for the size of the pot in relation to root development in my opinion but now that she’s flushed, let her dry out and don’t water again till the pot feels empty. Always resume feedings at half strength and half volume and carefully ramp up after such an event. If possible I would lower the RH to 40%, keep temps warm, raise grow light(one less stress), increase ventilation/airflow(very important) poke air holes in medium, can even let the plant sit outside of its pot to dry out and most of all relax and have fun. Rome wasn’t built in one day. Cheers 🍻