Looks to be a magnesium deficiency, A light green or yellow coloring will begin to show on the veins and edges of the lower & older leaves – this is one of the classic signs of cannabis magnesium deficiency. You may also see red stems.
Magnesium is a mobile nutrient, which means that the plant can move it from old leaves to new leaves
The edges of the leaves may become yellow or bright green and may start feeling crispy to the touch. This crispiness around the edges is different from nutrient burn, which does not lighten the margins inside the leaves.
Hope that helps
May have multiple issues no idea what you are feeding it so guessing
See mag def on the second pic, real dark leaves with a slight downward curl in the presence of this point to toxicity perhaps K as well.
So very easily could be a lockout
There is too much nitrogen (see the dark green leaves?). As for the pictures, ir looks like potassium defficiency, as you think, due to lack of nutes or pH I can't say, since You give us no adicional info.