Athosanswered grow question 5 years ago Additives do not increase yield. When you force feed pigs, they get fat, when you force feed plants, they get burned or killed.
Here are the things that are much more important:
1. Use a pot the right size. Using an 8 gal pot for a seedling will make you over water. You need to start small and learn to transplant. Start with party cups or 1 liter / quart pots. This will also promote a better root zone, which will help with yield.
2. Each time you transplant grow 4 times your current size (party cups to half a gallon; quart to gallon), more or less, but avoid jumping form party cups to 3 gallon.
3. Over watering is the number 1 enemy, too much water will prevent the roots from taking oxygen, literally making them drown, which will slow growth down to a crawl. An over watered seedling in a 3 gallon pot can take weeks to grow while waiting for all that water to evaporate (been there, done that).
4. Learn to train, the idea is to get a flat canopy where every bud is at the same height.
5. Keep the temperature in the right range. Temps above 23°C (73°F) will make the growth explode; below that the growth rate is slowed down.
6. Keeping humidity in the correct range for each stage helps too (harder to do).
7. Only feed when the plant needs it. When in doubt, don't feed and wait for the first signs of nutrient deficiency to show. A deficiency can be corrected in a matter of days, a nutrient burn can screw the yield or even kill the plant.