The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Increased THC content in my flower

Bootleg16started grow question 3 years ago
Ladies & Gents, What part of the bud flower is the catalyst for high thc content and is sugars what increases this content? Thank you! BL16
Week 6
Techniques. Other
Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants produce greater amounts of resinous trichomes than hemp. Trichomes contain abundant amounts of THC. As already mentioned, hemp also contains THC, but only in very low concentrations (0.3% or less). While THC is found throughout all of the aerial parts (i.e the sugar and fan leaves) of a marijuana plant, it is found most abundantly in the flowers of female marijuana plants. As we discussed above, these flowers are coated in small resin glands called trichomes. What Are Trichomes? Trichomes derive their name from the Greek word ‘Tríchōma’ (hair growth). They resemble tiny hairs when viewed through a magnifying glass. A cannabis plant begins to produce trichomes when it enters the flowering stage of its growth cycle. They serve a protective function for a cannabis plant and act as a deterrent to pests and herbivores. Trichomes contain a higher concentration of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids than any other part of a cannabis plant. Cannabinoid synthesis begins in the trichomes, and these cells become the precursor to the dozens of different cannabinoids that marijuana produces. There are two different types of trichomes: glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Non-glandular trichomes are also known as cystoliths. Furthermore, there are three different types of glandular trichomes found on a marijuana plant: Bulbous: these are the smallest of the three types. They range between 10-15 micrometers in size and are invisible to the naked eye. While bulbous trichomes do contain cannabinoids and other compounds, their minute size limits their capacity. Capitate-sessile: these are slightly larger than bulbous trichomes. They have a small stalk and head and contain a more abundant amount of cannabinoids than bulbous trichomes. These trichomes are typically found on the underside of fan and sugar leaves. They are usually only visible under a microscope. Capitate-stalked: are the largest of the three types of trichomes, and range between 50-100 micrometers wide. Capitate-stalked trichomes are visible to the naked eye and are found on the flowers of a marijuana plant. They have a prominent stalk and a large gland head, which contains cannabinoids and other compounds. If you keep the growing conditions perfect and dont feed too much and dont under feed, and if you dont over water or under water the plant then you will get maximum strength, size and potency. Its that simple. U cant grow a plant in a room that is too cold, too moist and expect there is a magig powder or liquid in a bottle u can add and magically the plant gets real big sticky potent buds. it doesnt work like that. If the plant is happy, and u stress it a lil bit at the right times, keep the humidity under control in the last two weeks most vitally, then it will be strong as fuck and covered in tricomes and resin. if your light is weak, or too far away, U didnt feed it right and watered it too much and too often, then the buds will be ok, not bad but nothing like they could have been with a better light and better conditions. Generally speaking the stronger your light, the more potent and the more buds your going to get. Thats the biggest "secret" to growing. U wont get the same buds using a 100w or 150 w light as someone using a 350W light. Even if u both use same seeds from same pack and same soil and same nutes, Theirs will be bigger buds and stronger too. Im not saying yours wont be nice, they will likely be killer. But if yours are a 9/10 then the other guys will be 10/10. Its just how plants work. Doesnt matter how many nutes or hormones u give em, if the light is weak they wont do much with all the extra food. Same goes for Air flow. Plants need carbon from the air so if your air flow and air exchange isnt right, your plants will be smaller than someone who has proper air exchange and air flow. U need to get the basics dialed in and perfected before you even start trying to boost yields and production/strength with exotics methods and hormones or organic boosters. Then when u can grow really nice bud time after time with a basic 100w light and basic nutes and not much else, then the fun begins and u get a nice big "fuck me thats a bright light!!" 350W led or bigger and some better nutes or boosters, maybe even Co2 systems if u want to go that far, maybe go full hydro or DWC to take advantage of the better light and then u start to see those insane buds that are on websites and insta pics. But for now- just work on getting the basics right with normal basic nutes. If you really must add something thou or you will die, humic/fluvic acid is brilliant at improving uptake of nutes and improving carb production massively. Look at my blue gorilla grow and see the nutes I use, the hy-gen Humaboosta is my pick. Just go easy on it, read what i wrote there about how to use it.
Selected By The Grower
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