hi guys, another question about my first grow, the fox tails after removal came back overnight, the hairs are still mostly white, the trichome heads are clear/white....
my question is where do I go with this? should i harvest now or wait?
Don’t take care of them, wait another week +- and 48h of darkness and the plant will be perfect ripen. But if she is starting to grow seeds also than foxtails or pollen sac mmmm, you can think to skip at the 48h of darness and harvest 💪🏼✌️🏽
Foxtailing most of the times is result of heat or too much lights stress..When a plant foxtailing it maybe almost ready but at these spots white hairs and new growth of bud appears 😊 Don't let it confuse you,if the buds have milky-amber crystals then u are ready to harvest!!I think u need 1week more 2 at the worst case to harvest..