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Harvest or wait?

PREPPYPUNKstarted grow question 4 years ago
Harvest or give more time? this is a way more involved hobby than i thought. maybe if i look at flowering buds up close as they progress, i will understand what a time to harvest, bud looks like. i just cant tell right now and according to growers choice schedule, its time.
Buds. Other
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Best indication to harvest is when buds not leaves have a mass majority of milky white trichrome heads. It is them time for a flush and 2 week fade. Then 48 hours darkens prior to cutting. A jewelers eye or loupe for 60 x magnification is extremely handy for this. They are inexpensive ones for a few dollars on amazon. The harvest recommendations are not exact. Training and issues during grow can easily extend harvest time. Good luck and happy growing 🌲🌲🌲👊 btw looks tasty. Enjoy
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Selected By The Grower
michael_2r1answered grow question 4 years ago
I would give it a week or 5 days at least. They are right at the cusp of becoming milky, you really want them all to look white and droopy hanging over each other. I love your pictures but, I have another option for you on Amazon you can get a microscope/jewelers loupe for $8 that clips right on your phone over the eye of the camera. No software to download or wire to connect it just clips right on and is originally designed to detect fake currency. I tell you there is always a way to get a deal or go a cheaper route and still get the best stuff. I tell you another things idk if you use Greatwhite or Recharge but there is also a much better cheaper option. Just go to Earth Man's living soil on YouTube or directly to that same website as his YouTube channel name. Look up his Root Love product it's 4 oz. Of pure mycholrizal fungi and trichoderma bacteria. Now compared to Recharge or GreatWhite that contains only 2% mycholrizal fungi and trichoderma bacteria that leaves the remaining 98% being molasses and dried kelp. Doing the math on that is for the same 4 oz. container of Root Love which is 100% mycholrizal fungi and trichoderma bacteria for $25 you would have enough to make 50 4 oz. containers of GreatWhite or recharge for half the price. As long as you add your own sugar or molasses to feed the microbes yourself. You can't go wrong. Just thought I would mention that too you since it's a great way to save money. Instead of buying GreatWhite for $45 for every grow you would never need another container for more than a few grows to come. Plus his channel also shows and explains how each individual bacteria and fungi is responsible for delivering each macro and micro nutrients.
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ICEGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
Für mich sieht sie Ernte reif aus. Schaue mal mit dem Mikroskop und du siehst das die Tichome milchig sind und ein wenig braun dann kannst du sie ernten.
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Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi ! De oogsttijd die word meegegeven vanuit de fabrikant is altijd maar een indicatie, daar kan je niet op verder gaan. Elke plant groeit anders, elke kweker kweekt anders. Bekijk je trichomen met een duidelijke vergroting (x60, als het kan), dat is de beste manier om te bepalen of je plant klaar is om te oogsten. Als ze nog transparant zijn dan heb je weinig tot geen effect (maar aan je foto's te zien zou me dit verbazen) Zijn ze melkachtig dan krijg je een energieke en euforische high. Kies je voor melkachtig en amberkleurige trichomen dan krijg je een stoned, cough lock effect. Wacht je nog langer en ga je voor vooral amber, dan zet de THC zich om in CBN en krijg je medicinale weed. Aan jou de keuze🙂 Als je niet goed weet hoe dit eruit ziet, bekijk dan eens wat afbeeldingen op het internet over trichomen, daar kan je het duidelijk zien. Veel succes!🌱
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